Friday, February 7, 2020

They stifle Free Speech like a terminal Illness

In the same way that not all illnesses are created equal, not all attacks on free speech are created equal.

In fact, most illnesses are so benign, the body has been curing them by itself for thousands of years before the advent of modern medicine. Likewise, most attacks on free speech are withstood without resorting to drastic measures.

But some attacks are so drastic, they resemble the terminal disease whose detection heralds an upcoming tragic end. To a diseased body, a tragic end means biological death. To free speech, tragic end means the silencing of deliberations, and the installation in their place of a dictatorial rule.

The necessity to have different levels of push-back against speech, is born out of the fact that different levels of offenses can be committed by speech. And so, whereas a democratic system that allows free speech will tolerate, even welcome a speech that offends moderately –– such as accusing a politician of acting like a rascal –– it will not tolerate a speech that has no redeeming value, and yet can cause severe disruption or injury. An example would be to shout fire in a crowded theater, knowing that there is no fire.

All of these notions were relatively easy to cope with by the consumers of communication. And then, a culture based on weaponizing anything you can use to gain advantage over your opponent, appeared on the scene. This is when communication, done for propaganda purposes, underwent a drastic transformation. To be brutally honest, it must be said that such transformation was brought about by the Jews because every communication they do, is meant to propagate their various causes and little else. The net result is that the effect of contemporary communication escapes those who consume the message yet remain absolutely unaware of its manipulative content.

What must also be noted is that even in the absence of a message, the mere access to an outlet of mass communication can be weaponized and used to gain advantage over one's opponent. In fact, I became aware of this reality some three decades ago or thereabout when I witnessed an incident that caused me to spend time studying the phenomenon closely.

I had been living in Montreal at the time, but had a few things to deal with in Toronto, and so became a frequent traveler by train between the two cities. It happened during one winter day that a heavy downfall of snow caused the train to slow down considerably. Cellular telephone was a novelty at the time, and no one on the train had one. But someone mentioned that there was such a facility on the train, and can be used by those who need to contact their families and tell them they'll be late coming home.

Everybody waited for the train attendant to come around so they can ask him how to go about using the train cellular. The first to jump to his feet and walk to the attendant the moment that the latter walked into our wagon, was a yarmulke-wearing Jew; probably a rabbi. The attendant told him that the system on the train was out of order but handed him his own cellular to use.

When done, someone else and a few more asked for the telephone, but the attendant refused to help them, saying he can't afford to drain the battery on a day like this. The rabbi went back to his seat, the attendant followed him and stood there chatting about the bad weather. At some point the rabbi praised the attendant, telling him he should be talked about in the media, and he'll see what he can do about that.

This is when a middle-aged passenger jumped to his feet and yelled words to this effect: “Oh yeah, let me tell you something, mister, it's not only the Jews that have friends in the media. I have friends too. Wait till you see what they'll be writing about you. What's your name anyway. Gimme your name.” The attendant did not give his name but left the wagon and did not show his face for the duration of the trip.

It dawned on me then that having access to the media, is itself a weapon that can be used to intimidate an opponent. Studying this phenomenon has led me to discover the many ways that such weapon is used, especially by the Jews. They get things done their way without engaging others in open debates they know they can only lose. In fact, one of the ways is now used by the Jews to clobber their opponents on the college campuses without themselves having to be on campus, let alone have to debate someone. They went to a publication that's heavily influenced by Jews, and had their one-sided debate published there.

Several such pieces of work were reviewed on this blog over the years. One more has appeared under the title: “Defending Free Speech on Campus Means Defending Student Journalists too,” written by Casey Mattox and published on February 4, 2020 in National Review Online.

With passages like this: “Conservative student journalists have faced confiscation of their newspapers, budget reductions and censorship,” Casey Mattox leaves the readers with the impression that the non-conservative world is intimidating conservative students so badly, they deny them the opportunity to lay out their points of view.

But the reality is that intimidation is not generated internally on campus. It is generated externally with the publication of articles such as the one written by Casey Mattox and published in the conservative (read Jewish) publication, National Review Online.

Even if you believe that the non-conservatives have the tools which the conservatives claim they have to stifle their opponents, such tools amount to nothing compared to what the conservatives have. Look what these guys have: They have on their side, the right-wing radio, the broadsheets and the tabloids as well as Fox News. They also have the state legislatures that keep writing new laws to “protect” the Jews by silencing any and every criticism leveled at them.

As if this were not enough, they now have a federal executive order whose purpose is to turn America's system of education into an indoctrination factory in the hands of the Jewish organizations. And so, typical of the Jewish character, Casey Mattox is complaining that the Jews were not given enough. If anything, this tells you that, like a terminal illness, once the Jews infest an institution, they keep exploiting it till death.