Saturday, February 15, 2020

Give them both Liberty and Life, says the UN

It was Patrick Henry who said: “give me liberty or give me death,” toward the end of the eighteenth century. It was the United Nations (UN) that said: “give them both liberty and life,” at the start of the twenty-first century.

Them being the Palestinians that have lived under Jewish occupation for several generations. Theirs is an occupation that's aided, armed and financed by a regime of braindead zombies operating out of America's District of Columbia (DC). It is a regime controlled by the same criminal syndicate that's maintaining the occupation of Palestine.

And now that the UN has pronounced itself on the matter of the ongoing crime against humanity, conducted by the Tel-Aviv/New-York/DC crime syndicate, the self-appointed spokesman for that syndicate, David Harsanyi, took it upon himself to defend the mob by adopting the classic Jewish method of giving credit to the criminals by discrediting the distinguished members of the United Nations.

To that end, Harsanyi wrote a column under the title: “The United Nations Once Again Proves Its Anti-Semitism,” published on February 13, 2020 in National Review Online. And this is how he started the discussion: “The depraved totalitarians, nefarious barbarians, two-bit gangsters, odious scoundrels, and bigoted scum who run the United Nations...” That would be the entire human race which, in the eyes of David Harsanyi and other Jews, are barbarians, gangsters, scoundrels and scum. The exception are the Jews, of course, whom the Jews claim are models of absolute perfection.

But why is that? Why do the Jews hate humanity this much? They hate humanity not because the human race had a dark past regarding the subject of slavery, which it had, but because humanity has finally seen the light and renounced the old form of slavery as well as its modern manifestations. This does not sit well with the Jewish leaders, such as David Harsanyi and others, who fight to maintain the practice of slavery in its modern form, as they are doing at this moment in occupied Palestine.

But how are these people going about realizing their scheme? They are doing it by using a trick that proved to work for them in the past until it ceased to work. But that's okay with the Jews because they never devise a Plan B or an exit strategy anyway, believing that such is the will of God. The trick they used in the past was to bellyache the refrain that if things are not done their way, the outcome will be another holocaust. This has mutated into the new trick, which is to bellyache the refrain that if things are not done their way, Israel will be destroyed. You can see how the writer has played out this mutation in his column:

“The Boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign, now supported by the UN, is a coordinated international effort committed to the elimination of the Jewish state, bringing together dictators, theocrats, terrorist organizations, Communists, the international community, and at least one of presidential candidate's surrogates. The movement targets Jews under the guise of anti-Zionism, which remains the predominant justification for violence, murder, and hatred against Jews in Europe and the Middle East”.

If you're asking: How can they do that? The answer is simple: They do it because no one is stopping them. It isn't that no one has tried to stop them; many have. The problem is that the Jewish leaders were addressed politely. And when you address these people politely, they take what you say to their rank-and-file, and say to them the following: See? What we're doing is the right thing, and nobody is saying otherwise. In light of this, the thing for humanity to do, is to tell it to the Jews in no uncertain terms … as follows:

You always brag that you're a small minority, and yet contribute more than your share of this or that. No one is challenging you on that score. In fact, when it comes to the way that executives in a position of power, treat their vulnerable female employees, the list of rapists is saturated with Jewish names. If every time that an Epstein or a Weinstein is caught doing it, the media said: Here we go again, yet another Jew was caught raping America by raping its women, the Jews will be inclined to reduce their criminal activities. But will the media ever muster the courage and do what they are supposed to? Open question.

Lucky, the world is not shy like America. And so, every time that Israel rapes humanity by raping the Palestinians, the world reminds the Jews they are the only ones doing it in modern times. For now, this is the only remedy the world has wanted to use. It is working across the globe except in America where the local media is covering for the Jewish criminals instead of working to alleviate the pain of their American victims by taking the complete truth out to the public.

Until the American media will tell it to the Jews as honestly and forcefully as it tells it to the Catholic priests who abuse children, America will continue to be plagued by the Jews raping its women. And the world will continue to be plagued by Jews raping those who cannot defend themselves.

The Jews will do it as they are aided, encouraged and financed by an American regime of braindead zombies that’s owned and operated by the Jews.