Tuesday, September 1, 2020

On Iran, the UN shines a splendid Glow

Do you remember a man named Mohamed ElBaradei? He is a lawyer who directed the IAEA at a time when it was investigating Iran's nuclear activities as mandated by the UN's Security Council.

The Jews had two problems with this man. He was Egyptian, and he was telling the truth about Iran having no nuclear weapons. And so, the Jews recruited Uncle Sam, the biggest bimbo in the history of the planet, and told him to scuttle the work of ElBaradei, or have the man fired from his job. The bimbo tried to do just that but failed because the UN protected their man; an act that was followed by the Nobel Committee awarding ElBaradei the Peace Prize. That's how America got two middle fingers at the same time.

Mohamed ElBaradei is retired now, but the Jews are still unhappy with the UN. Their problem is that thanks to ElBaradei’s work, six major nations, including the United States under a sane administration, negotiated a nuclear deal with Iran on behalf of all humanity. Things went smoothly for a few months until a new administration was elected in America, and things began to turn sour.

As it turned out, the new administration had a highly developed bimbo-like tendency mixed with a morbid religious affinity for the Jews. And so, it did not take long for America, and for the Jews who reside both in America and Israel, to put their pea-brains to work and hammer out a demonic little scheme.

It was a plan for America to pull out of the nuclear deal, thus free it of its obligations, but claim at the same time that because America was once in the deal, it can still make demands as if it were a member in good standing. This meant that America could “legally” enforce the provisions of the deal it wanted to impose on Iran. Well, America tried to do just that, but to its credit, the UN gave America yet another middle finger. This stood as one of the UN's most glorious moments, that which to his discredit, Fred Fleitz calls uselessness: “On Iran, the U.N. Proves Its Uselessness Once Again,” by Fred Fleitz, NRO, August 30, 2020.

This is what the Fred Fleitz article is about. It is a complaint that the UN did not see the wisdom in the nonsensical demonic scheme that America concocted with the Jews to turn the method of adjudicating legal cases upside down. He wrote the article to explain why America and the Jews were correct, and why the world, represented by the UN, was incorrect. Here is what Fleitz said in that regard:

“Trump wants to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran. To do this, he wants to trigger a snap-back provision in the Security Council resolution. Council members are blocking this effort. The growing list of Iran's cheating on the nuclear deal more than justify Trump's decision to withdraw from the deal and implement his maximum pressure strategy. The UN Security Council's rejection of US demands, vindicates Trump's judgment that America needed to act alone. For example, the Council overwhelmingly rejected a US resolution to indefinitely extend the arms embargo on Iran that is scheduled to be lifted in October. The refusal of Security Council members to agree to increase the pressure on Iran further shreds the UN's already tattered moral authority. But it also shows the urgent need for decisive US global leadership. Trump has provided this leadership. These gains will vanish if Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election: He has promised to rejoin the nuclear deal and work through the UN to resolve issues over Iran's nuclear program”.

Using the Judeo-screwy logic of reversing the order in the “cause and effect” inviolable sequence, Fleitz says this: “Iran cheating on the deal justifies Trump withdrawing from the deal and implementing pressure.” But the reality is that it was Trump who first withdrew from the deal and applied pressure. Only then did Iran declare that in response to the pressure, which the other signatories promised to counter with acts of relief but have yet to fulfill, it was going to increase ever so slightly its production of uranium, and maintain that stance till the signatories fulfill their promise.

As if that was not enough, Fred Fleitz went on to make the point that, “The refusal of the Council to increase the pressure on Iran, shreds the UN's moral authority and shows the need for decisive US global leadership.” That is, when America reneged on the Iran nuclear deal, and created a dangerous situation, the Council should not have rebuffed America the perpetrator, as it did, said Fleitz. Instead it should have beaten up on Iran the victim, as the Jews and warmongers of America were counseling, he went on to say.

Moreover, Fred Fleitz suggested that because the UN has failed to fulfill its duty, Donald Trump must now assume the leadership of the world, and run the Planet as if the Jews of America and Israel owned the joint.

Why is that, you ask? It's because it is election time in America, and election fever is gripping the frivolous. If Trump does not act promptly and decisively, says Fleitz, Joe Biden could win the election. He promised to go back to the nuclear deal, and if this happens, the neocon spirit will be set back a century or two. Do you know what else will happen? Horror of horror, the UN will continue to shine a splendid glow, Fleitz cries out.