Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Proof positive they are not up to the job

 For many decades you felt that the operators running the American security apparatus were doing such a lousy job, you wish that one such operator would come out and express himself in writing so that you may see for yourself how these people think, thus put your finger on why America has been lurching from one cesspool of dreadfully destructive ideas to another cesspool of dreadfully destructive ideas.


Finally, someone that was once chief financial officer of the Defense Department and was undersecretary of defense at another time, answers your wish. He is Dov S. Zakheim who wrote, “Sorry, Palestinian: It's Not Your Dad's Middle East,” an article that also came under the subtitle, “The Israel-Palestinian conflict is no longer the Middle East's central crisis.” It was published on September 6, 2020 in The National Interest.


Because you expect that someone who once held positions as high as did Zakheim, should be capable of thinking at a level of depth that goes beyond the daily gossip peddled by the two-bit repeaters of the echo chamber, you are horrified to see that Zakheim has waited till after the echo had taken its run on the subject of the understanding between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, to then come onto the scene and contribute his own shallow repeat where he should have shown depth of thinking.


The Judeo-Israeli wish has always been to the effect that the settlers in Palestinian lands, many of whom are Americans, will someday see the Palestinians abandoned by the world so that the Jews can do to the rest of Palestine worse than Hitler did to the Sudetenland and get away with it. Whereas Hitler annexed the land and embraced its people, the Jews of America and Israel wanted to annex the land of Palestine, and ethnic cleanse it of its Palestinian population. They thought they would not feel like Jews if they did not outdo Hitler.


And so, for several decades, every time that something happened in the Middle East, the echo chamber that's dedicated to the affairs of the region, would come out and repeat the echo that this can only be proof the Palestinians have been abandoned by someone, and that sooner or later, the Jews will be in a position to gobble up Palestine and kick the Palestinians out of there.


This is what Dov Zakheim is repeating in his article, showing not the slightest hint that he understands the thinking that's ongoing in the Arab domain, Europe and the rest of the world. And yet, it's all there seen and heard by those who know where to look, and what to make of what they hear. Here is what's going on:


With their initiative of almost two decades ago, the Arabs had called the Jewish bluff which used to say that Israel will feel secure if most of the Arab nations would agree to have normal relations with it, thus Israel would end the occupation of Palestine. The Arabs came up with the initiative offering to recognize Israel and have normal relations, but the Jews reneged on their pledge.


That development started a worldwide grassroots movement aimed at pressuring Israel to end the occupation. Unable to withstand the pressure despite the help it receives from the treasonous politicos of America, Israel has been trying to provoke a war with its neighbors ever since so as to drag America into the fray and bring the situation back to where it was before the Arab Initiative.


The Arabs, especially the Syrians, the Lebanese and the Gazans, made sure not to play in the hands of the Israelis because they figured that an escalation of skirmishes at the borders, could trigger an all-out war in the region; one that will crush the Israeli military in hours. But then what? Legally speaking, everyone that was involved in the war, be it voluntarily or by necessity, will have the responsibility to protect, feed and accommodate the millions of Jews who will be without a government or army to protect them. The Arab governments will have to do it and so, made clear to everyone that they do not relish taking on this responsibility. Hence the frozen situation as it was before the deal between the UAE and Israel.


When that deal happened, one group of thinkers in the Arab world saw it as allowing the Jewish bluff to work for Israel. A second group reasoned that calling the Jewish bluff via the Arab Initiative has worked well for the Arabs in that it mobilized the whole world against Israel and its sole supporter, the treasonous politicos who would damage their own America to give Israel the pleasure of outdoing Hitler.


And it is to these politicos that the UAE deal speaks, says the second group of Arab thinkers. They explain that it is obvious the Americans chose not to be persuaded before. Well, they should be persuaded now to stop encouraging the Jews who would continue the occupation and do worse than that.


The expectation is that when all will be said and done, the Arabs would have accomplished what is just and civilized while avoiding a Middle Eastern war that might or might not have triggered a world war, but would have caused millions of deaths, as well as tens of millions of refugees no one would want to take, or pay to have them resettled somewhere.


The lesson that America’s politicos must learn from this episode is that the day when someone in the American security apparatus will develop this level of depth in their thinking, will be the day that America will rise to the level of the Russian, Chinese, North Korean, Iranian or Venezuelan operators who brilliantly defend their countries against the childish tricks of the Americans.