Friday, September 11, 2020

Using America to coerce others loses Force

 Out of the jokers' factory that has ceased to be funny, comes yet another sickly set of ideas to use America as a world-reviled instrument of coercion, and make life miserable for Iran, Israel's chosen enemy of the day.


This would be accomplished by stinging America's longtime friends who would not join the assault on Iran. In fact, the former friends are beginning to think of America as the frivolous actor that is now motivated by a flimsy sense of self-worth and a broken moral compass.


Yes my friend, today's joker is Richard Goldberg of the laughable Foundation for Defense of Democracies, who wrote: “How Trump can enforce the snapback of UN sanctions on Iran,” an article that was published on September 9, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.


To get a sense of how destructive a thing like Goldberg can get, think of him not only as someone who publishes bad ideas once in a while, but one who also acts in the name of America, and does so in accordance with the rotten ideas which he generates. In fact, he brags that he has already acted on behalf of America while serving on Capitol Hill and on the US National Security Council, as well as being chief of staff for a State governor and Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer.


What happened that motivated him to speak now, is that the five permanent members of the Security Council (which includes America,) plus Germany, acting in the name of all of humanity, negotiated a deal with Iran whose purpose was to ascertain that Iran will not become the cause of nuclear proliferation in the future.


Upon this, the Jews of Israel and America, who do not think of themselves as part of the human race, waited for governance in America to change from sane to the insane. When this happened, they pressured the new political elites in the Washington Beltway to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. This done, they imposed sanctions on Iran to the extent that America could do so by itself.


Still, the move has irritated the Iranian enough to cause them to violate the nuclear deal ever so slightly. But they made clear they did it only to publicly communicate to the other signatories that, like they promised they will do, they must now compensate Iran for losses it is incurring as a result of America's outlaw behavior.


Concurrent with this, and given that the original deal contains provision for a sunset clause that comes to term in a few weeks-time, the Jewish lobby in America went berserk and pulled a Jewish style legal thinking that persuaded the master clown of American diplomacy to run to the Security Council and try to convince its members that even if America is no longer in the deal, it can by Jewish logic, demand that the Security Council activate the snapback provision on Iran so as to increase the pressure on that country. But the Security Council wisely told the American clown to get lost.


So now comes the joker Richard Goldberg and tells America how it can go it alone and make life miserable for the Iranian people. But wait a minute, has this not been done before by every Jewish pundit; by all their cousins and all their sidekicks? What is there to add to a bag that's already overflowing with nonsense? Actually, Richard Goldberg is not adding anything this time. What he is doing is subtract from what the Jews had been barking and braying previously.


Whereas they used to imagine that when forced to choose, the Europeans will prefer doing business with America rather than Iran … but were proven wrong, here is what Goldberg is accusing the Europeans of doing now: “They are willing to undermine their own security interests in letting the arms embargo on Iran expire just to preserve a more politically expedient appeasement foreign policy.” This is to admit that the regime of American economic sanctions has started the process of dilution.


But being the Jew that he is, Richard Goldberg has tried to make it sound like he won whatever game he was playing … apparently playing it alone since no one else was playing with him. Whatever the case may be, Goldberg has seized on the opportunity that Donald Trump will soon speak at the yearly meeting of the United Nation, and gave him this advice:


“Announce an executive order threatening the full range of sanctions against any firm connected to the transfer of arms, ballistic and cruise missiles, drones, and related components to Iran. Transfers of air defense systems like the Russian S-400 should be included”.


But the reality is that the European countries are not now, and will not sell weapons to Iran because that's what they have determined was in their best interest long ago. As to Russia and China selling weapons to other countries, the exporting companies have always been under American sanctions, and will so remain perhaps for a million years after hell would have frozen over, if not longer.