Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A piggish moral Bankruptcy with no Lipstick

 There is an uncanny resemblance between Cal Thomas and Israel. Both are morally bankrupt and they depend on someone else to remain afloat. Israel is bankrupt both morally and materially which is why it depends on America to defend its criminal activities in world forums, and to supply it with arms as well as other necessities of life; not to forget, money, money, money … plenty of that.


As to Cal Thomas, he has not the capability to generate ideas of his own, so he borrows from wherever he can, and stiches together quilts of arguments that help him get by for the week. This is what you’ll see in the article he wrote under the title: “A ceasefire between Hamas terrorists and Israel solves nothing,” and the subtitle: “The problem is that radicals desire a one-state solution that doesn’t include Israel or the Jewish people.” The article was published on May 24, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Here is what Cal Thomas borrowed to start his article, and get going from there:


“In outlining the goal for winning the Persian Gulf War in 1991, Gen. Colin Powell, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, ‘Our strategy to go after this army is very, very simple. First, we’re going to cut it off, and then we’re going to kill it.’ The ceasefire between Hamas and Israel is the opposite of that strategy and solves nothing”.


Thomas went on to parrot a version of an idea that was expressed by several people in the past, to warn of consequences that will be contrary to what’s intended. Here is how Cal Thomas put it: “As with previous ceasefires it gives Hamas an opportunity to regroup and reload with even more sophisticated and deadly weapons.” To Cal Thomas and those whose words he is parroting, the alternative to the ceasefire would have been for Israel to fight to the death. They were all convinced that Israel would have won the last battle, and that Hamas would have been the one to die.


A contrarian point of view was expressed for the first time — guess how long ago — more than half a century ago. This was the time when Israel was raiding its neighbors and openly expressing the desire to grab Palestinian territory to create a buffer zone between it and its enemies. The thing is that Israel was complaining that the enemies sat less than a mile away brandishing guns that can shoot this far, even farther. Do you know what was predicted at the time by those who thought seriously about the subject?


They predicted that the more Israel will try to protect itself by grabbing territory and by procuring deadlier weapons, the more the neighbors she chooses to antagonize, will match those weapons. This meant that Israel’s policy of robbing the neighbors at gunpoint, will create an arms race that the Middle East could do without. Well, decades have passed, and this is what Cal Thomas says he is seeing now as Hamas reloads with, “even more sophisticated and deadly weapons.” And yet, he still does not realize that the blame falls squarely on the shoulder of Jews, and their Thomas-like lackeys.


Do you know how reckless, irresponsible and senseless to a level suggesting insanity, is Cal Thomas? If you didn’t think about it, look what he says next, and you’ll be convinced:


“President Truman ordered nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the war. Did we [not] respond to Nazi Germany [by] carpet bombing German cities, especially Dresden? Winston Churchill put it best: ‘What is our aim? … Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be’”.


In view of the reality that every enemy Israel chose to poke in the rib, has managed to get their hands on the weapons that neutralized Israel’s progress, what do you think their response will be to what Cal Thomas is counseling Israel to do? Will they not want to carpet bomb Israeli cities? Will they not want to fight at all costs in spite of all the terror, however long and hard the road may be?


Having caused all the moral damage he could by regurgitating and building on what Colin Powell and Winston Churchill have said, Cal Thomas went on to quote a blogger named Larry Levine who wrote the following: “Israel needs to take over Gaza, kill Hamas and demilitarize it. When the world rebuilds Gaza, it will not be with Hamas at the helm. There will be casualties, but…”


Cal Thomas found himself so much in agreement with Levine, he finished his article by regurgitating and building on Levine’s quote. But before doing that, he buttressed Levine’s idea by quoting The Economist magazine which predicted that Hamas and Israel will not stop fighting each other, and then lamented the following: The agreement to restore calm is welcome; pity it won’t last”.


And here is how Cal Thomas ended his article:


“Israel should be encouraged to wipe out the terrorists who do not even put the interests of heir own people first. A ceasefire is worse than a truce and even a truce is no substitute for victory”.


Given that the history of the Jews has been that of perpetual defeat wherever and whenever they went, we can only surmise that Cal Thomas is a fool that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Or, more ominously, he is the most demonic kind of anti-Semite that knows exactly what he’s doing. He is counseling the Jews to start the process of triggering the solution that will be final.


Fools or anti-Semites, characters like Thomas must be unmasked and exposed for what they are.