Sunday, May 16, 2021

Democracy according to Washington Examiner

 The editors of The Washington Examiner published a piece that tells the world what they want to see happen. In so doing, however, they told the word what they are themselves doing. And it’s not pretty.


The editorial they wrote came under the title: “Biden needs to tell Democrats that Hamas is the bad guy,” published on May 14, 2021. Considering that the editors believe the way to run a democracy is for the guy at the top to tell those below how they should think, we can only infer that this is how ideas flow at the Washington Examiner: The daily commands flow one way from top to bottom.


But given that the Washington Examiner and most of America’s media march in lockstep to the tune of Jewish Central, it does not take much imagination to figure that America is governed by the daily edicts that flow from Jewish Central down to the editors of publications, to the pundits of same, and finally to the Executives and Congresses of the 50 states in the American Federation and their 330 million subjects.


Let’s get a historical perspective before going any further. When Nelson Mandela was fighting for the liberation of his people as they were suffering under the apartheid regime of the alien Afrikaners, the latter used to label Mandela a terrorist. They pointed to the things that he or his organization said or did on a given day, and called them acts of terror. But aside from some kooks who wouldn’t recognize an act of terror if a Jew gouged their eyes out, the rest of the world used a simple method by which to determine whether or not terror was committed by Mandela’s followers or anyone else.


Here is what the world did. It asked these questions: Is Kenya under occupation? Is Algeria under occupation? Is Rhodesia under occupation? Is South Africa under an apartheid regime? If yes, no matter what the people do on a day-to-day basis to free themselves from occupation or apartheid, they are fighting the terrorism that’s imposed on them. To call them terrorists is to be a kook that has no place in civilized gatherings. When that metric was applied to Nelson Mandela, he was considered a freedom fighter by the civilized world. So now, the same criteria must be applied to Hamas who are fighting against the F-15 and smart-bomb terror of Judeo-America’s hi-tech savagery.


Now that we have highlighted these self-evident truths, we examine the piece that was created by the Washington Examiner’s editors so that we may determine the depth of depravity afflicting these lumps of rotting meat masquerading as human beings. Was this too hyperbolic an expression for you, my friend? You may think so now, but you’ll change your mind once you see what the full story is.


You’ll encounter the first clue in the first two paragraphs of the editorial. They carry the editors’ reprimand of Secretary of State Antony Blinken who only said that Israel had the right to defend itself. No, don’t get carried away now, my friend. What’s missing is not that the editors wanted to hear Blinken add: “and so do the Palestinians and everyone else.” What’s missing according to the editors is a full-throated affirmation by the American government that when the Jew speculates on something, his speculation trumps any number of facts you may gather that contradict his belief.


This makes the Jews God-like creatures in their own eyes and the eyes of some very sick creatures such as the editors of the Washington Examiner. For this reason, the Jews consider their own opinions to be more undisputable than observed and documented facts. This leads them to attribute to Hamas a narrative that’s composed partly of Jewish speculations, and partly of Israeli doings. A paragraph that illustrates this demonic mixture comes at the end of the editorial. Instead of reproducing it the way it meant to describe Hamas, I modified it to make it more honest by describing Israel instead. Here is how my version reads:


“Israel is a terrorist organization. It uses civilians as shields so it can accuse Hamas of war crimes when it retaliates. Israel does not care about Palestinian casualties, except insofar as it cares to create as many as possible. It builds kibbutzes and fills them with children at the border where it provokes Hamas, forcing it to retaliate. When children get hit or killed, American Jews command the media to do a story on the incident, blaming Hamas for what happened. The Jews of Israel and America seek to purge all Palestinians from Palestine. In other words, they seek a Palestinian Holocaust”.


So now you may want to reflect on what’s happening to the system of governance under which we live. It started as a bottom-up movement that did away with the feudal lords of the Dark Ages. It reached the zenith of glory when the colonial powers developed genuine remorse, and adopted the principle of live and let live while standing ready to help those they once exploited. Good show. So where are we now?


We live in the shadow of several fully developed superpowers, and those still in the making who are getting there fast. They all swim in the same ocean, together with the smaller powers toward a destiny that is common to all. Most agree how the future of humanity should develop except for America. It swims alone like a shark piloted by a Jewish piranha; a small predator that’s consumed by the ancient dream of turning the cool ocean where humanity swims into a hellish inferno.


The Palestinians are paying a heavy price now as they battle the Jews and their illegitimate dream. Because we know that what the Jews do to the Palestinians today, they will do to us tomorrow, we need to wake up and help the Palestinians win their battle or there will be no one to help us win our battle when tomorrow will come.