Saturday, May 22, 2021

Coming out the Pocket of a Crime Syndicate

 You know that the light you see at the end of the tunnel is not an incoming train when that light gets brighter concurrently with the sky above you, as it heralds the dawning of a new day.


The good news is that the bad cop which spent a generation or two in the pocket of a crime syndicate, protecting it as it terrorized the world, has pushed his head out of the pocket, signaling to the world that he no longer wants to be associated with the horrific crimes committed by the demonic syndicate the world has been rejecting since the dawn of recorded history.


Because change is perceived and can even be measured by comparing the before-and-after of a performance, we do a test to see how much change has taken place in the 24-hour-period that spaned the time from the moment that President Joe Biden told Netanyahu what he expected of him, to the moment that the latter knuckled under and gave Biden what he wanted. The fact that this happened, is the kind of light that was not seen in the Middle Eastern tunnel of despair for a long time, but is now beginning to shine the light that’s heralding a new day.


You can get a sense of what the situation was like in occupied Palestine at the start of the said 24-hour-period, when you read the New York Post editorial which came under the title: “Biden’s pressure on Bibi contradicts his own words — and endangers Israel,” published on May 20, 2021. You may then compare it with the article that Claudia Tenney wrote under the title: “Biden returns to failed Middle East policies,” published a day later (24 hours) on May 21, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Here is what the editors of the New York Post have said at the start of (before) the 24-hour-period:


“We worry that President Joe Biden’s premature pressure on Netanyahu to stand down bodes ill for the future. Biden in a call, conveyed to Benjamin Netanyahu that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a cease-fire. We expect Netanyahu stuck to the line he drew after rejecting Biden’s request to continue this operation until its goal is achieved: to bring quiet and security to Israel”.


What we see here is a defiance of the authority that the American donor rightfully has over his Israeli supplicant. But members of the crime syndicate in America were not shy voicing both the wish and the expectation that Netanyahu will ignore what President Biden said he expected to see him do by the end of the day. In effect, those of the syndicate wanted Netanyahu to play the role that donors play while reducing Biden’s role to that of the supplicant.


And here is what Claudia Tenney has said at the end of (after) the 24-hour-period:


“Hamas has coordinated the launch of more than 3,000 missiles from Gaza. Hamas is acting with direct support from Iran to advance their shared goal of destroying Israel. The Middle East is starting to look less like the future and more like the past. The Biden administration must end all talks with Iran. Talks should be off the table so long as Iran continues to support proxies engaged in attacks against Israel. Iran must understand that the US will not back down from direct threats by Iran or from attacks by its proxy forces. The administration must take bold and decisive action to remind Iran that its aggression comes at a serious cost. Iran’s leaders are freedom-hating revolutionary zealots. The Biden administration must recognize its failure and take immediate steps to reassert control”.


What we see here is a treasonous member of the supplicant crowd forced to accept Netanyahu’s capitulation. This done, she went on to supplicate for the American president to take a tougher line against Iran. In so doing, she reverted back to the supplicant playing the traditional role, and accepting that the role of donor be played by the American President Joe Biden.


And so, what we learn by comparing the before and after stances, is that the people who were telling the American government to take a tough line against Iran, were not speaking because they knew what they were talking about; they were speaking because they looked in the mirror, saw horror, and attributed to Iran the evil they detected in themselves.


In fact, on one level, the tougher the line that America adopted against Iran, the harder that Iran became. On another level, when the supplicants came under American pressure, they knuckled under. This happened the first time when Donald Trump, sensing rejection by the electorate, told Netanyahu to accept the Arab Initiative or else. It happened again when Joe Biden told Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire proposal because it is what America, the big donor to Israel, wants.


Having played the role of corrupt cop protecting Israel for nearly half a century, it is refreshing to see America come out the pocket of the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate. This is a mutating organization that was recognized as pure evil since the beginning of time by all of mankind everywhere on the planet. To this day, it gave out not a single sign that things will ever change.


The syndicate has ruled America for two generations during which time it brought the world several times to within a hair from a planetary holocaust that would have made every holocaust before it, look like a friendly wrestling game between two friends.


America is now coming out the Jewish pocket to enjoy the rise of a new day. It must never again go into that pocket.