Saturday, May 15, 2021

When the loser realizes that he just lost

 Stunned by the discovery that the four human beings who make up the Congressional Squad, harbor human feelings for the people of Gaza, David Harsanyi’s mechanism for producing artificial rage went into overdrive and then blew a fuse.


It is that Harsanyi discovered how frustrated he was and so, to blow-off steam and relieve the pressure on his chest, he wrote: “The Squad Is Rooting for Hamas,” an article that was published on May 13, 2021 in National Review Online. Hamas, as you may know, is the political party that governs Gaza.


Unable to find new insults to throw at Hamas or at the members of the Squad, David Harsanyi repeated the latest Israeli creation. It is something that was invented by the Jewish propaganda machine, aimed at doing what the Jews love to do most: to blame the Palestinian victims for what the Jews are doing to victimize them. Here is how Harsanyi expressed this demonic thought:


“We don’t know how many Palestinian children have really died because Hamas lies and because around 30 percent of their Qassam rockets land on their people”.


What could have given the Jews the idea to come up with a lie of this magnitude? Well, there are two possibilities as to why the Jews felt it necessary to do so. The first is that Gaza is a crowded place where people almost live on top of each other. And so, when Israel sends its American-made warplanes to bomb the place, the parents rush the children to the beach where there are open spaces. But evil being evil, this is where Israel developed the habit of sending its naval units to bomb the children, and call it a tragic mistake … time after time after time. When Israel was criticized for mounting such operations, the Jews came up with the lie that it was the home-made rockets of the Palestinians that malfunctioned, and fell on their people, killing the children. This was a damned and naked lie.


The other possibility for telling a lie is that, feeling ashamed of the piece of trash they call the Iron Dome, the Israelis invented a subliminal approach to say to Hamas, “our rockets are better than your rockets.” It is that the Israelis have relentlessly been trying to embellish the image of what they bragged was an example of their inventive prowess, but the Iron Dome turned out to be no better than the kind of project school kids take-up and work on in places like Canada and Sri Lanka, for example. And by the way, that’s not the only manner by which the Jews have been trying to make the world believe that the Iron Dome was worth more than its weight in dog poop.


Another manner, employed by the Jews, to make the Iron Dome look like a respectable system, was the adoption by the mob of Jewish pundits of arguments replete with false statistics about its performance. Don’t buy any of what they publish. Just look at the footage they say shows the system in operation, and you’ll know they are insulting your intelligence. Here are some hints as to what you should look for: A rocket that is made to intercept an incoming missile and destroy it in flight, can be designed to do so in one of two ways. One way is to fire the rocket ballistically like a bullet that’s meant to intercept another bullet. This is too foolish an idea to even think can be done.


Another way to make an anti-missile defense system work, is to design it as a guided rocket whose pilot is a sensor connected to a guiding mechanism. When the sensor detects the target, it locks on it, pursues it, and when it comes close enough, explodes and takes the target down with it. Because the so-called Iron Dome is supposed to function at short distances, the chances are that when it fails to intercept, it would fall down on Israeli territory and explodes there, causing some damage. For this reason, it must be that the Iron Dome rockets were programmed to explode in the air if and when they failed to encounter a target or when they ran out of fuel.


And you know what, my friend? Every footage we’ve seen of the Iron Dome in operation, has failed to show a single successful intercept. Each time, the footage shows a rocket that did not meet a target, ran out of fuel and exploded in mid-air, or failed to explode and fell to the ground where it would have caused damage to Israeli property and perhaps lives too. It could also be that in missing its target while flying due south, a rocket fell on Gazan territory. But the chances that something like this happened, is minute.


The truth can only be that Palestinian rockets did not kill Palestinian children. But the evidence suggests that there is a good chance, Israeli rockets sent to kill Palestinian missiles in the air, failed to find their targets and fell to the ground where they killed Israelis down below, and maybe a few Palestinian children as well.


The situation in the Middle East is critical at this time. The occupation of Palestine and the siege of Gaza being an ongoing war crime, and a crime against humanity, expect to see the Jewish propaganda machine put out all kinds of lies on a daily basis.


The lies will have three simultaneous purposes. They will ask for money, money, money. They will show that Israel is doing well. And they will argue that the current events prove America must not pull out of Afghanistan or Syria, but must stay out of the Iran nuclear deal.


This is how the Jews take advantage of every tragedy they cause to make new demands, and expect the great big suckers of the world to fulfill them.