Friday, May 7, 2021

True national security has always eluded them

 Why is it that the Jews never had true security for themselves at any time during the thousands of years they have been adhering to the ideology with which they are forever associated?


They never had true security because their understanding of what’s required to be secure, is based on that ideology, a faulty construct that’s based on superstitious beliefs and delusional judgements. The Jews begin with the notion that nothing is real until you believe it is. To make it the currency of the day and give it purchasing power, you make other people believe in your reality. This makes you leader of the group, and confers on you the rights and privileges of supreme master over them.


However, because anything that the Jews fabricate, will eventually be scrutinized, proven false and rejected, they find it necessary to constantly look for new gullible audiences, and they constantly think up new illusions to concoct for them. They are perpetually on the run trying to avoid those they deceived and fleeced previously, but they perpetually pretend to exude calm and profound wisdom.


This is what’s happening now with the Jews that have managed to rise to the position of influence in the American sphere of revolving-door politico-journalism. They get paid handsomely with taxpayer money to pretend pontificating on what they say will do much good for the American nation when in reality, they only do good for themselves and their pet project they call Israel.


One of these con artists goes by the name of Elliott Abrams. He just came out a position in the government that was defeated in the last election, and revolved himself into the journalistic side of the sphere. When in government, he made a mess of America’s position in Latin America where he was in charge of destabilizing Venezuela but left it a country as stable as the Rock of Gibraltar. He is now pontificating on matters that pertain to the stability of the Middle East, and the bet is that he’ll leave it as unstable as an Israeli government can ever get.


Elliott Abrams’s latest creation came in the form of an article written under the title: “Iran Compliance and the JCPOA Negotiations,” and the subtitle: “Are the negotiators ignoring Iran’s repeated violations and its stonewalling of the IAEA?” published on May 5, 2021 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Keep in mind that this article comes after a history that goes back to several years before 2015 when the Iran nuclear deal came into effect. In fact, it was during the negotiations leading up to the deal that the American Jews, the Israelis and their lackeys, began to attack it. They maintained the attacks even after the deal was signed, sealed and delivered. They failed to derail it during the Obama administration, but succeeded when the Trump administration came into office.


Rather than see this move for what it is, a point of inflection caused by America; one that gave the Iranians the right to respond the way they saw fit, Abrams attempted to create the false reality that despite what America did, Iran was obligated not to seek equal standing with the superpower, but should have accepted being at the inferior standing, and continued to respect the provisions of the deal. Thus, Abrams started the article by chiding, not the Americans for what they caused, but the Iranians for exercising the right to respond. Here are Abrams’s words of infamy:


“The negotiations between Iran and the US over a return to the deal have seen Iranian complaints about the American decision to leave the agreement. What they have not seen is American statements about Iran’s refusal to allow mandated inspections”.


Furthermore, knowing that the audience, which has been listening to him and to those opposed to the deal, have grown tired of their arguments, Abrams came up with a new approach to attract new audiences. Here is what he did:


“We know how countries behave when they do not seek nuclear weapons. They are open with the IAEA, and seek international assistance in getting rid of the previous programs (as South Africa and Libya did) or agree to programs that prohibit them from enriching uranium (as the UAE did)”.


With this, he hoped to attract the moderates who would appreciate the effort to curtail nuclear proliferation, expecting them to see profound wisdom in what he is saying. This opened the door for him to build a case against Iran the way that the Jews built one against Iraq; the false case that led to the invasion of that country, a military adventure that was termed America’s biggest mistake ever.


So, how did Abrams go about building a Case? He went about it by stacking one hearsay on top of another, and in some cases even relying on the hearsay of a secondhand hearsay. Here is how the sickly charade unfolded, told by Elliott Abrams himself:


“The following comes from a news story published in the UAE. Dutch intelligence says. The findings come after a German intelligence agency said Tehran was turning to Europe in its quest for weapons. Sweden also accused Iran of carrying out industrial espionage. Last month, Germany’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution named Iran as one of several countries trying to develop weapons of mass destruction. In Sweden, a report accused Iran of industrial espionage. A story in the Jerusalem Post added that according to the Dutch report…”


And so it goes on and on. Now my friend, you know why the Jews never achieved security for themselves. And you know why America, that was the most secure country in the world, became a most insecure country — in fact or in the imagination — after it started listening to the Jews.