Sunday, June 20, 2021

Lies killed Journalism long ago. Truth is working to resuscitate it

 The Washington Post is flashing the moniker “Democracy dies in Darkness.” Jonathan S. Tobin who doesn’t like what the Washington Post and other journalistic outlets have morphed into, is countering with the claim that Journalism is dying in broad daylight. But the fact is that Jewish lies killed journalism long ago, and “truth” is now working to resuscitate it.


To make his point, Jonathan Tobin wrote an article under the title: “Journalism is dying in broad daylight,” and had it published on June 18, 2021 in The Jewish News Syndicate. The subtitle accompanying that title, is a long blurb that tells what prompted Tobin to write this article. It goes like this: “An open letter from journalists demanding bias against Israel shows how toxic leftist ideologies are conquering newsrooms and why faith in the press may already be a lost cause”.


Early on in the discussion, Tobin describes the five legs upon which stands his view as to where journalism is at today. Here are those legs:


One: Today, many news reporters have become opinion writers on the side, which would have been considered abandonment of professional responsibility by yesterday’s journalists, no matter their political point of view.


Here, Jonathan Tobin has recited a fundamental principle of journalism that was strictly adhered to in the past. In fact, when a non-Jew deviated the slightest from that norm, he would hear from his editor, also from a thousand hammer-wielding Jewish columnists who would repeatedly mug him till he apologized and “corrected” his non-mistake so as to correspond with the Jewish propaganda line.


Two: Instead of a coherent view of a complex war against Zionism and an effort to destroy the one Jewish state, many in the press served up easy-to-understand stories about underdogs and bad guys.


As if to blow up his first point, and reveal the stark hypocrisy that makes-up the Jewish argument, Tobin is here revealing that what’s expected from journalists in any ordinary discussion, does not apply when the discussion involves Jewish or Israeli matters. As can be seen with absolute clarity, speaking for the Jews, Tobin wants it so that a simple news item, such as saying: “I saw an Israeli soldier shoot a Palestinian child dead,” to be woven into “a coherent view of a complex war against Zionism and the effort to destroy the one Jewish state.” If this is not opinion mixed with news, what is?


Three: That stand reinforces the myths demonizing or delegitimizing Israelis and Jews while robbing the Palestinians of any agency about their fate was a consequence of lazy journalism and a lack of detailed knowledge about the subject.


Here, Jonathan Tobin laments that the faithful telling of the facts about Israeli activities in occupied Palestine without putting them in a context that corresponds with Jewish propaganda, leads to the demonization or delegitimization of Israelis and Jews. He attributes this state of affairs to the “lazy journalism and lack of detailed knowledge about the subject,” of those whom he says, should be neutral journalists and not advocates. But if they are not going to advocate, why do they need detailed knowledge of what’s behind what they see and simply report without prejudice?


Four: Example of the New York Times’s act of incitement against Israel in which it highlighted the pictures of children killed by Israel, illustrates anti-Israel bias. A new mindset has discarded objectivity in the belief that journalists must advocate for a particular point of view.


To reinforce the previous point, Tobin cites the example of the New York Times on whose front page, pictures of Palestinian children killed by Israel, were highlighted. He cries out that such act, incites against Israel, and goes on to explain that it is caused by a “mindset that discarded objectivity in the belief that journalists must advocate for a particular point of view.” So, here it is, speaking in the name of Jews, Tobin wants Journalism to sanitize the real situations before publishing them, because reality incites the audience against Israel. Therefore, according to Tobin, journalism must lie by omission to protect Israel from the consequences of its crimes.


Five: Taken out of the context of history, the Palestinians’ repeated rejections of peace and an independent state in 2000, 2001 and 2008—what you get is a caricature of reality that ignores anything beyond images of Palestinian victims.


When you’ve gone as far as Jonathan Tobin has—dressing up a mythical narrative—and when you have the narrative stand on a pile of mutilated history, you must find someone on whom to blame it all. You need to do so because if you don’t, the Jews of America and the Israelis will be the ones to take the blame. Well, being the Jew that his is, Tobin found the perfect group on whom to blame Israel’s horrors: He pointed the finger at the Palestinian victims themselves. How so very Jewish!


One of the reasons for writing his article, and a major one at that, is that Jonathan Tobin, like many of his ilk, was shaken by, “an open letter signed by more than 500 journalists in which they call for a change in the way that Israel is covered … They believe that all stories about Israelis and Palestinians should be told from the point of view of the latter,” says Jonathan Tobin.


Well then, given that the point of view of the Palestinians consists only of the facts that Journalists see on the ground when they visit Gaza and the West Bank, and given that the point of view of Jews consists of blending a mutilated history with contorted logic, we must agree with Tobin’s conclusion which he expressed at the end of the article. It is that the half century of Jewish efforts to kill American Journalism and replace it with Talmudic-style mythologies, is a lost cause.


May it so remain to eternity.