Monday, June 21, 2021

Listen ye: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

 You are insane by definition if you keep going into the frying pan or if you keep going into the fire, trying to achieve impossible to attain goals.


In any case, definition or not, you are doubly insane if you go out of the frying pan, into the fire. Sadly, that’s what America is preparing to do — not because it wants to, but because it is told to do so yet again. Shockingly, like a young maiden that’s wooed by a gang of pedophiles, America is listening with interest.


The grandest political rapist of all time was Winston Churchill who convinced America to spread itself thin across the globe in an effort to contain a Soviet Union that had neither the will nor the potential to break out of its territory at a time when its Warsaw Pact satellites were in a state of instability, and its own federated republics were getting restless.


After Churchill came the French who were taking a severe beating in their colony of Vietnam. Seeing their army go down the tube of defeat, they scared the Americans into believing that if Vietnam fell to the Communists, a domino effect will result and then, one after the other, the nations that make up the Indochinese bloc, will go communist one after the other, and threaten America itself.


Then came the Jews who told an America that began to stagger in Vietnam: No, no, no, the Communist domino effect will not happen in Southeast Asia. It will happen in the Middle East, which is why America must pivot from the East of the Asian continent to its West. That would bring it into the neighborhood of helpless Israel which needed the protection of mighty America so that it can protect helpless America from a Soviet Union that had begun the process of dissolving. Don’t ask me to explain this Jewish logic.


Then came all kinds of special interest groups such as the Cuba lobby, the Taiwan lobby, the Free Syria lobby, the hate-Iran lobby, the military-industrial complex … etcetera. And they all set-up shop in and around the Beltway of pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos, instructing America’s congressional fifth columnists how to sell their country for a fistful of Benjamins before retiring filthy rich, soaking in the sun on the decomposing body of the superpower they helped to kill.


America listened to the rubbish of all those advisors and did as it was told, not thinking for a moment that what it was doing to others will provoke them to someday do it to America. And that, in fact, is what happened in due course. Yet, instead of retrenching, America is now contemplating coming out the frying pan to jump into the fire. Which, you’ll agree, is an inexplicable display of double insanity.


Still, because times have changed, America was forced to modify the game it used to play with the use of its military power or the threat thereof. America now considers the military option as one of last resort, having developed other alternatives. Two such alternatives are reviewed in this discussion. One came under the title: “How America Can Support Iranians’ Election Boycott,” an article that was written by Mark Wallace and Jordan Steckler, and was published on June 15, 2021 in The National Interest. The other article came under the title: “The Difficult task of Exploiting Cracks in the Russia-China Relationship,” written by John Ruehl, and published on June 19, 2021 also in The National Interest.


Here, in condensed form, is what Mark Wallace and Jordan Steckler say America should do to give the diaspora Iranians what they want:


“The rise of Raisi’s political stock has to do with the regime’s need to sustain its grip on power. We are not powerless to stymie the Khamenei-Raisi alliance. Millions of Iranians in Iran and within the Iranian diaspora would like to see the weakened regime stripped of power. We must be ready to provide even greater pressure on a theocratic regime. Increasing economic pressure, diplomatic isolation, and attention to its direct responsibility for immeasurable suffering can change the forces that drive Iran’s nuclear program and underpin the totality of its malign behavior”.


As can be seen, the intent of the two Jewish writers, Mark Wallace and Jordan Steckler, is to disrupt the coherence that exists in the Iranian political system so as to render it degenerate and ineffective the way that other Jewish leaders dealt with the American system of governance. They rendered the system effective only when the US gives money to Israel and the other Jewish causes in America, such as paying to brainwash schoolchildren with scary stories about the Holocaust.


And here, in condensed form, is what John Ruehl says America can do to drive the wedge between Russia and China:


“Understanding why the Chinese-Russian relationship is strengthening is critical to revealing the cracks in it, and the potential to exploit them. Moscow and Beijing have put great effort into promoting their partnership. The two countries have described the current state of their relations as the best in history. Russian ambassador to China stated that Russia would inform the Chinese that Russia-China relations would not change no matter the attitude of the United States towards Russia. Xi declared that by strengthening their strategic cooperation, China and Russia can resist any attempt to suppress and divide the two countries. The United States will be willing to do more to woo Russia as a way of weaning it away from China’s embrace. This can only happen if Russia is offered terms that suit its own national interest, including freezing Ukraine’s EU and NATO membership, and easing sanctions on Russia”.


Here, John Ruehl the Jew, is suggesting that America should backstab its friends and would be friends to buy the goodwill of the Russian adversary by breaking up the relationship Russia has with America’s rival, Xi Jinping of China. This is not a love triangle; it is a love-hate triangle that’s motivated by no logic that can be explained … unless you think of it as Jewish logic.


But, as you can see, we’re back in the Elizabethan era of writing second rate drama, except that in this case, the drama is supposed to unfold in the real world.