Monday, June 7, 2021

When you can’t heal yourself, you see a healer

 When you feel you’re not at your highest level of performance, you first try to heal yourself, perhaps by consuming chicken soup or eating fruits containing a high concentration of vitamin C, or some such remedy that proved to work for you in the past.


But if despite all of this, what ails you persists, you conclude that your health troubles are deeper than your knowledge. What you do in this case, is seek a professional healer, commonly known as medical doctor, because he or she has the depth of knowledge and the experience to diagnose your ailment and prescribe a cure that has a good chance to heal you.


Whereas this is true for a medical ailment that is plaguing you, it is also true for a social ailment that may plague you or worse, plague your entire tribe. In such a case, there may exist self-corrective measures you can employ to bridge the gap between you and your tribe on the one hand, and the rest of society on the other. But if you try those measures, and they do not work, you must seek the help of those that have the knowledge and the experience to guide you out of the rut in which you find yourself.


No one is in need of such help more than the Jews. The proof is that they have been at odds with every society they tried to mix since the beginning of time. In fact, they failed to get along with any of the races they encountered, be that in antiquity, the Middle Ages or the modern era. What cements the proof of heir ailment even more solidly, is that they don’t see anything wrong with themselves, blaming their woes on a diseased human race that has never been able to cure itself of what they call antisemitism. This says they are a desperately sick bunch.


Humanity has tried to solve the Jewish problem in several ways, none of which has worked. First, the Church proposed, and the Christians tried to raise Jewish children as Christians, but that didn’t work because the Christians could not get their hands on all the Jewish children. Then someone tried a Final Solution, but that didn’t work either because he could not put his hands on all the Jews. Then the Brits gave the Jews a homeland in Palestine, hoping that those of Europe will go there, thus create a Jewish-free Europe. But this scheme didn’t work because not all the Jews fled Europe. And besides, those that got to the stolen land, created more problems for humanity than you could imagine.


While humanity was laboring to find a solution, the Jews found themselves animated by the very ailment that everybody was trying to find a cure for. What they were doing, in fact, was pit people against people to start a clash between them, and feed on the spoils generated by their clashes. It must be said, however, that the Jews were somewhat successful in getting some Europeans to play the Jewish game. But the big success did not come to the Jews until they grabbed the imagination of the Americans.


This is where –– like the boys in the novel “Lord of the Flies,” –– the Jews were given a free hand to govern themselves, so to speak. When at first, they seemed to do reasonably well, America’s politicians allowed them to gradually get their hands on the levers of power, thus govern America in their stead. Meanwhile the politicians busied themselves raising funds, and spending them on schemes designed to get reelected. That’s where the population began to sense there was something rotting at the helm of their ship of state. They rumbled for a while, and then openly revolted against a Congress that came to resemble a lawless whorehouse.


Judging by what goes on in the social media, a large number of ordinary citizens have put the Jews in their crosshairs, and the number is growing. Also, the Jews have finally realized that contrary to the early beliefs, they are not safe in America playing the games that got them in trouble elsewhere. They now know that such games are abhorred by the Americans as much as they were everywhere else. This means that the Jews are once again in the predicament where they languished for thousands of years everywhere else on the planet.


So you ask: What’s happening now? And the answer is this: Regrettably, nothing is happening that shows promise. In fact, at a time when the only way that the Jews could put an end to their misery, is to change their behavior, you find them push the governments to impose rules that will force society to accommodate Jewish foibles. But that –– as anyone can tell you –– ain’t gonna happen.


You can see an example of the Jewish demands in an article that came under the title: “The Holocaust education in New York needs,” written by a New York State Senator, Simcha Felder and published on June 4, 2021 in The New York Daily News. Here is a sample of what Felder says needs to be done:


“Turning the tide begins with public education. Educating the young is invaluable, but we cannot neglect the dangerous knowledge gaps that already exist in those charged with the responsibility to educate. The problem as I see it is that we are failing to impress upon young people history’s relevance to us today. Education must deliver information. Holocaust survivors have the ability to dispel doubt and error and speak truth to deception. There is an urgency to turn things around now”.


As can be seen, this is the same old medicine that kept making the problem worse instead of curing it. And that leaves only one option. It is for the Jews to listen to those that can help them.


They need to be guided out of the rut in which they find themselves whether they consent to it or they are forced into accepting it by a massive media campaign that will shame even the shameless into surrendering.