Monday, June 28, 2021

They sought it both ways and got neither

 Who might have thought that Jewish style accuracy in reporting would open the door to demonstrate the illegitimacy of the entity they call Israel? Thanks to Chloe Greenfield of the so-called Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting, this is what happened.


To argue her case, Chloe Greenfield wrote an article that misfired. It came under the title: “The push to ‘other’ the identities of Israeli Jews,” and the subtitle: “Anti-Semitic groups on college campuses level accusations that Israel is some kind of white, colonialist endeavor, neglecting the fact that the country is primarily composed of people of color.” It was published on June 23, 2021 in Jewish News Syndicate.


Greenfield’s point is that “Israel’s founding is a story of liberation, not of colonialism.” Well, liberation means conflict that leads to combat. Carried to extreme, this means terror carried out by armed groups against mainly unarmed civilians in an effort to steal their properties. Greenfield has skipped telling this part of the story, and went on to say the following:


“Jews and Arabs lived in what was the British Mandate of Palestine. This territory included what is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and not a country named ‘Palestine.’ No such country ever existed. With the impending expiry of the mandate, in November 1947 the UN General Assembly recommended partitioning the land into two states—one for Jews, encompassing areas of a Jewish majority, and one for Arabs in an Arab-majority area”.


Beside omitting the role that terrorism has played in her story, the above passage contains an irrelevance that’s born out of intellectual dishonesty of the kind that only Jews are capable of committing. The irrelevance is this: “No such country [Palestine] ever existed.” The intent here is to fashion a tailor-made rule on the spot; one that would serve the interests of Jews and only the Jews for this occasion.


The idea behind it all is this: Because it can be falsely alleged that no independent country in modern time was called Palestine, terrorists from Europe — organized under the names, Irgun and Hagenah — had the right to invade the territory which, Greenfield admits was called “Mandate of Palestine,” and rename it Israel against the will of the indigenous population that lived there since the beginning of time. What can be more intellectually crooked than this? What can be more Jewish than this?


And so, to inject a modicum of honesty in the debate, we factor into the discussion the historical reality that White European terrorism has played a decisive role in getting the situation in occupied Palestine to where it is today. To that end, we need to recall that since the beginning of recorded history, the number of Jews in any country has never exceeded the one or two percent level of the population. The same was true in Palestine where the majority of the population was Muslim and Christian.


It then occurred to someone named Ze’ev Jabotinsky that the world was in such a mess, it was ripe for a Jewish terrorist organization to go fight both the Brits who were in charge of the Mandate of Palestine, and the indigenous Palestinian farmers who never saw a gun or knew what it was used for. And so, Jabotinsky formed the Irgun terrorist organization because in his view, “Only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state.” His terror organization later splintered into several other groups, chief among them, the savage Hagenah.


But take note of this, my friend, take note of this: None of the terror groups were composed of Palestinian Jews, or any Arab, Asian or African Jews. They were mostly Yiddish-speaking White European Jews with a few who spoke unaccented European languages. Realizing that they were a small minority in Palestine, the Jewish terrorists implemented a two-pronged plan. One, they called on Jews everywhere in the world to come settle in Israel. Two, they killed or chased the Palestinian farmers out of their lands, forcing them to seek refuge in the neighboring Arab countries.


From the outset, the White European Jews established themselves as bosses in every field of government and public affairs. To this day, they are making it impossible for other Jews to occupy a position of authority, however small it may be.


When there came a time during which the debate concerning the human condition rested on the idea that the world was divided into two halves, one being the industrious North, and the other being the backward South, some commentators began to make the point that the division was pitting the White North against the Colored South. Amid the uproar, two self-identifying voices pierced through the noise, and made a claim that shall remain tattooed on their foreheads forever.


One voice was that of the Soviets that had invaded Afghanistan by invitation from the local government. The criticism of the Soviets in America was so intense, the Soviets asked the Americans to tone down that criticism if only because they were the White people of the North trying to tame and civilize the colored people of the South.


This happened at about the same time that the Palestinian resistance against the occupation was intensifying. In response, the Israelis adopted tactics that were criticized by the Europeans. When some American media began to echo the Europeans, America’s Jews reminded the politico-journalists of the Beltway that Israel was made of White European Jews who must not be criticized. In making that statement, the Jews ignored the existence of other groups in Israel the way that you would ignore how many pieces of furniture were present in a dance hall containing a hundred human guests.


So now that the glossy image of the industrious White has been replaced by the terror of White Supremacists, the forever shifty Jews — Chloe Greenfield among them — have changed their mind about who they are. No, no, no, says Chloe; we are not White, we are colored.


Just imagine Ivanka Trump wearing a black face, appropriating an African hairdo, and pretending she was never a White woman.


And what about Chloe Greenfield? Does she see herself as a white-skinned Jewish Palestinian from the no-name land of the Philistines? Or what exactly is she?


Pray tell in the name of accuracy in reporting.