Tuesday, October 26, 2021

A killer cook in the sausage kitchen of Congress

As shocking as that is, it happens at times that a doctor or a nurse would go crazy but show no sign that might betray them, and silently kill the patients they are supposed to care for and heal.


Can something like this be happening in other institutions, and we don’t know about it? Could it be that crazy directors get appointed to the board of companies where they poison the smooth operations of the enterprise by continually inventing superfluous arguments, and demanding changes that might sound reasonable on the surface but in reality, are meant to harm the institution?


Worse, can something like this happen to the legislative assembly of a so-called democracy? Can it happen that a group of people get elected based on an agenda that sounds attractive to the electorate but in reality, the group aims to implement a hidden agenda? It would be an agenda that will disrupt the business of the nation they are supposed to serve faithfully.


More specifically, is it happening now that the Congress of the United States of America contains elected and appointed individuals whose hidden agendas motivate them to continually come up with specious arguments? Can it be that these individuals also use the parliamentary procedures to advance their hidden agendas even when it becomes unmistakably clear that they are damaging the interests of a United States they swore to serve faithfully?


The answer to that question is, yes it can happen. And there are two recent articles that show how this is done. One article came under the title: “Don’t give Taiwan a US defense guarantee,” written by Daniel DePetris, and published on October 18, 2021 in The Washington Examiner. The other article came under the title: “America’s terrible post-Cold War foreign policy,” and the subtitle: “Starting with the Iraq War, the ‘swamp’ controls our international politics.” It was written by Henry Cooper and Dan Callington, and published on October 25, 2021 in the Washington Times.


Right there, in their first paragraph, Henry Cooper and Dan Gallington tell the readers what it is they’ll be talking about in the rest of the article. It is this: “Despite spending trillions of mostly borrowed dollars, the US has not done well in the post-Cold War environment, as reflected by our diminished worldwide standing and influence.” But why is that? Unfortunately, in answering this question, the two writers gave an explanation that missed the bull’s eye by a yard or two.


What Henry Cooper and Dan Gallington did, is make a big deal about a little nobody from Iraq named Ahmed Chalabi. Appearing out of nowhere, he was found to run an obscure organization named the Iraqi National Congress. Our esteemed writers introduced him to the readers like this:


“We wasted trillions on invading Iraq, following a colossal intelligence failure that concluded Iraq was producing a nuclear capability. Several who were close to the G.W. Bush Administration have indicated Mr. Bush was actively considering going into Iraq before 9/11 — most likely because of influence from the late Ahmed Chalabi and his organization”.


No. This is a lie and both Cooper and Gallington know it. They know it because Chalabi alone could not have done as much as he did without help from some kind of deep state that was embedded in the American system of governance. In addition, the full truth has been out for decades, and the writers even hinted at it in their article. Here is how they let out the hint:


“A report by the Senate concluded that false information from the Iraqi National Congress was used to support intelligence assessments on Iraq and was widely distributed in intelligence products. However, broad support for Mr. Chalabi also came from Congress and Bill Clinton who helped persuade Congress to pass the Iraq Liberation Act. In fact, one could not have had any senior national security policy job in Washington during this period without having seen Mr. Chalabi at work - on our congress, the NSC, the State and Defense Departments, and especially the intelligence community. Mr. Chalabi was prolific, well-funded and effective. However, some of our allies thought that he was likely an Iranian agent”.


The full truth is that Dick Cheney who was an Israeli asset in the White House, had turned the office of Vice President to which he appointed himself, into a war room for Israel’s agents to use as they willed. Priority number one for Israel at the time being the destruction of Iraq, the Israeli-American lobbying syndicate recruited Chalabi and made him its point-man. The syndicate placed him where it needed him to be at any given time, and had him spew what it programmed him to regurgitate. This is how the entire American government was turned into a Jewish machine dedicated to the destruction of Iraq even at the risk of America being destroyed with it.


This brings us to the Daniel DePetris article. It compels us to pose the question: Is America about to repeat that sordid history with the Taiwan situation? Here is how DePetris described the situation:


“Is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan on the near horizon? The question is legitimate. US special operations forces are in Taiwan, training its forces. This rotational deployment has lasted for more than a year. The cacophony of activity around Taiwan is raising the temperature in Washington, too. Rep. Elaine Luria is advocating for a preemptive authorization for the use of military force to defend Taiwan. It’s well past time for policymakers to sit down and ask a simple question. Namely, is the US really prepared to go to war with China in order to defend Taiwan? More importantly, should it?”


And so, we must ask the questions: Is Representative Elaine Luria the Ahmed Chalabi of Taiwan? Is she in the Congress to complete the work that he started? Are they both the killer cooks in the kitchen of the American government?


May America’s leaders get wise enough to know what their public already knows, and start repealing the Jewish-crafted laws that keep turning America into a poodle sitting comfortably in the lap of the Tel-Aviv/ New-York Syndicate.