Monday, January 10, 2022

Look what Fanaticism has done to a Pundit

 In 1986 President Reagan knew that the United States was protected against a possible Soviet nuclear attack. When he went to Reykjavik in Iceland to have a summit meeting with the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, he had one thing on his mindto agree on the mutual limitation of those terrible weapons if possibleand had a few hours to finalize a deal that was negotiated previously by their staffs … or go home empty handed if there could not be a last minute ironing of the remaining issues.


As it turned out, the two leaders could not see eye to eye on the fine points that were left for them to resolve, by negotiators that worked on the deal for several months prior to that day. The leaders walked away from each other, and immediately returned to their respective capitals.


In the realm of theatrics, placing limits on nuclear weapons would be called “content” of the scene, whereas the walking away of the leaders, would be called the “form.” It is no secret that punditry in North America has deteriorated to such an extent that those who call themselves opinion makers, find that discussing the content of issues, taxes their brains too much thus avoid them. Instead, they point to the form, and discuss it as if it were the content. This is why you often read paragraphs like the following:


“After nearly a year of negotiations, Tehran hasn’t budged an inch. Mr. Biden should walk away from the talks just like President Ronald Reagan did in a 1986 summit with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. That won’t happen because Mr. Biden desires a renewed agreement more than he cares about Iran’s obtaining nuclear weapons”.


This was a quote from an article that came under the title: “Biden’s second year of foreign policy,” and the subtitle: “Neither American public nor our allies know what president is doing.” It was written by Jed Babbin, and published on January 6, 2022 in the Washington Times.


Aside from the reality that to give “form” the status and importance of “content,” attests to the pundit’s low understanding of the purpose for having debates, the analogy that’s attempted here, is so inaccurate, it is like confusing apples with oranges. That is, there is a big difference between a summit of leaders that have only hours to ratify or reject an agreement negotiated earlier by their staffs, and a conference of specialists who are not under the constraints of time, negotiating an agreement that cannot yet be accepted or rejected. From what or from whom does Jed Babbin visualize Joe Biden walk away?


Equipped with that kind of mentality, Jed Babbin expresses profound dismay at President Joe Biden’s foreign policy performance during his first year in office. Babin goes from there to express fear that Biden’s performance will not improve in the coming year. In short, Babbin foresees that the President will do badly handling the issues that pertain to China, Iran and Russia.


With regard to China, Jed Babbin says that Joe Biden has already muddled the issue when he reassured the world that America will defend Taiwan if attacked by mainland China, only to be contradicted by his advisers moments later. So, my friend, here is a pundit who sees advanced statesmanship when Israel practices ambiguity, but will not give his own president the benefit of the doubt when the latter seems to practice ambiguity to avoid revealing to China’s leaders what military preparations are done in America to be ready when the time will come.


As to the matter of Iran, Jed Babbin accuses Joe Biden of being obsessed with the idea of renewing the Iran nuclear deal that was negotiated by America and its allies with Iran during the Obama-Biden administration. What Babbin finds objectionable is that the US is now prepared to lift some sanctions if Iran would agree to return to compliance with the deal that was negotiated and finalized in 2015.


Babbin contends that this cannot and must not be done for two reasons. First, he says that Iran has gone too far already violating the deal in response to the reneging of it by the previous administration. Second, the Iranians have made demands early on, and are not budging one inch from them. It is for these reasons, says Babbin, that Biden should walk away from the Vienna negotiations, as discussed earlier.


As to Russia, Jed Babbin accuses Joe Biden of having no thought with regard to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to invade Ukraine. Having said this, Babbin engaged in a bizarre kind of polemics that give him away as being, not an impartial pundit interested in participating in a serious debate, but an individual that’s driven by ideological fanaticism, interested only in debasing his president. Look what he did. Referring to a video conference the two leaders had, Babin said the following:


“Mr. Biden conceded that the US would not deploy troops to Ukraine or place missiles there. He gave away something and got nothing in return. Hours later Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov accused the US and its allies of stoking war in eastern Ukraine, saying: We see the US and NATO nations provisioning Ukraine with weapons and sending military specialists. Russia apparently sees the Ukraine crisis like the United States regarded Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Use of the analogy to the Cuban Missile Crisis was no accident. It may be an invitation to serious negotiations. Is Mr. Putin seeking a back-channel negotiation with Mr. Biden? If that is what it was, it will fall on uncomprehending ears in the Biden White House. That is probably for the best because Mr. Biden would, in any such negotiation, give too much and get nothing in return”.


So, here is the story as told by Jed Babbin who did not understand what he was telling. It is clear that whereas Biden promised not to send American troops to fight Russia in Ukraine, he gave the Ukrainians  the kind of weapons that made Russia think twice about invading their country. This led the Russians to seek serious negotiations aimed at resolving the current crisis the way that the Cuban missile crisis was resolved peacefully in 1962.


Having said this much and failed to understand what he was talking about, Jed Babbin accused Joe Biden of not realizing he achieved peace and avoided a serious crisis. And so, Babbin predicted with absolute certainty that the White House will do badly negotiating an end to the crisis that has already been avoided.


If anything, this shows what the power of fanaticism can do when it takes possession of someone who pretends to be a pundit.