Wednesday, January 5, 2022

They treat adults like children and get results

Evil strangers who wish to make children do something naughty, entice the children by telling them that if they do what they say, something good will result. They will be happy and so will be mom and dad who will give them more candy to eat and more toys to play with.


The Jews began testing this idea on the politicos of North America by promising that if they were given money, money, money, they will design programs that will foster understanding between the various ethnic and religious groups. And so, like children, the North American politicos gave the Jews what they asked for, which was money today, money tomorrow and money the day after. But instead of getting harmony between the various groups, we got discord.


When the former President Barack Obama visited Egypt but not Israel, every Jewish pundit felt like a hundred megaton of jealousy were about to explode in their chests. To relieve the pain, they ran to their computer keyboards and promised that if the American President would visit Israel, peace will descend on the region and will reign from here to beyond eternity. The President went to Israel, but all we got were more skirmishes and more wars in the region.


And so it went day in and day out between the avaricious Jews and the North American politicos who, time after time after rime, were taken advantage of, incapable of realizing that they were treated like suckers, especially when it came to doling out Other People’s Money (OPM) … that which in this case, happened to be the hard earned money of taxpayers in Canada and the USA.


You can see how the Jews are resorting to that trick again, this time promising America to solve all of the Middle East’s problems with the stroke of a pen. You’ll see the details of that promise by reading the article that came under the title: “Solving Syria’s Crisis Starts with Sanctioning Iranian Oil,” and the subtitle: “Rather than rehabilitating the Assad regime through willful negligence in its sanctions policy, the administration should escalate economic pressure on the Assad regime’s Iranian enablers to regain a measure of leverage at the negotiating table.” The article was written by Andrew J. Tabler and Matthew Zweig, and published on January 3, 2021 in the National Interest.


Aside from echoing the usual hogwash about the need for America to sanction this Arab country or that Muslim country because their economies are “reeeeling” and close to “colaaaapsing,” the article of the two Jewish clowns promises America it can score big in the negotiation that is now ongoing in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 nations by doing a simple move.


Whereas the hogwash is spread throughout the article as you’ll see, the promise to score a big win, is contained in two sentences. The first sentence comes right at the start of the article. The second sentence comes right at the end. Splicing them back to back, they read as follows:


“Iran has been openly providing the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria and Hezbollah with millions of dollars worth of oil … the administration should escalate economic pressure on the Assad regime’s Iranian enablers to regain a measure of leverage at the negotiating table”.


Whereas this performance by the two writers indicates that the Jews are somewhat worried about Syria and Hezbollah, a bigger worry of theirs at this time, is Iran’s nuclear development. To understand what’s involved in this file, we study another article devoted exclusively to discussing this issue.


That article came under the title, “The Iranian Nuclear Issue: Beware of Plan B,” and the subtitle: “The world would be better off without an Iranian nuclear weapon, but there are other things that would make the world, and the United States, even worse off, including a new war. The article was written by Paul R. Pillar, and published on January 4, 2022 in the National Interest.


Beside what’s opined in the subtitle of the article, the important point that’s made by the writer, is contained in the first paragraph. Here is a condensed version of that paragraph:


“There is still ample reason to hope that the negotiations concerning the multilateral agreement that restricted Iran’s nuclear program, will succeed. The past six years leave no doubt about which of having or not having an agreement, is preferable. When the agreement was in effect, Iran abided by its limits and all paths to a nuclear weapon remained closed. In contrast, the years that followed the reneging on the agreement demonstrated that the ‘maximum pressure’ policy was a failure. Iran came far closer to building a nuclear weapon if it chooses to do so”.


Now we can see why Andrew Tabler and Matthew Zweig were so concerned about the good news coming out of Vienna, they called on the child-like mentality of the  politicos in Washington, and tried to lure them into attacking Syria and Iran in the hope that this will sabotage the talks in Vienna, and take the world back to the edge of a war between Iran and America.


Let us hope that the dumbos in the Washington Beltway will finally understand that their priority is not to inflate Israel by diminishing America, but to heed what Paul Pillar is advising, namely that “no foreign policy objective, beyond providing for the basic security of the American people in their homeland, is so important that it overrides everything else and should be pursued without weighing it against other interests and objectives”.


Let’s all say amen to that.