Sunday, January 2, 2022

Peeling off the layers of lies and distortions

This article is a response to the one written by Andrea Widburg under the title: “An AOC staffer is both antisemitic and ignorant,” and published on December 31, 2021 in the American Thinker.


The dispute between Widburg and the AOC staffer, is their affair and both are capable of defending their point of view. I am not getting involved in this fight; I’m only shedding light on the layers of lies and distortions which are the regular falsifications of the Jewish propaganda machine — repeated in the Widburg article.


Before we get into the history of what happened in that region of the world, let’s establish what’s normal, and separate it from what’s abnormal. And so, with regard to the migration of individuals, the most authoritative example I can give, is myself. When I thought I’d have better opportunities in Canada than in Egypt where I was born and lived for a while, I applied to migrate to Canada and was accepted. This is what’s normal.


Now, 58 years later, I cannot go back to Egypt and claim the right of ownership to something that used to be mine on account that I was there previously or that my ancestors were. If I argued this much, I would be trying to pull off the abnormal. And yet, this is what the European Jews are doing, having no proof that they have any connection to Palestine anymore than I have to Rome on account that I am of the Roman Catholic religious persuasion.


With regard to the right of nations, the norm since the end of World War II and the establishment of the United Nations, has been to freeze the borders where they are between the countries. Adjustments can be made only through negotiations between the concerned parties. But where colonialism persists, armed resistance aimed at ending this situation is tolerated. Thus, Syria could not take back Lebanon, Iraq could not take back Kuwait, France could not annex Algeria, Argentina could not take back the Falkland Islands, and Rhodesia became Zimbabwe — all with the blessings of the international community.


And yet, this is what Israel is doing, having changed the name of what used to be the West Bank of the Jordan River, to Judea and Samaria, annexing it piece by piece and getting away with the crime when Adolph Hitler could not get away with the smaller crime of annexing the Sudetenland.


With regard to the system called “apartheid,” the word itself defines what the system is about. It’s about keeping people who are perceived to be different, “apart” from each other. The differences can be the color of the skin, the religious affiliation, the ethnic lineage or whatever. 


To respond to those considerations while navigating the Jewish narrative, pundits such as Andrea Widburg tailor-made lies to pushback against the arguments raised against Israel’s conduct. When tackled alone, each lie opens the possibility of starting an endless bout of haggling that leads to nowhere. But when considered as a group, the lies prove to be a construct that’s shaped like layers of onion skins with the layers standing in contradiction to each other.


For example, one of the Jewish layers of lies, was to the effect that the European Jews who migrated to Palestine were peaceful people who did so legally. The lie goes on to tell of the Palestinians who massacred the helpless Jews instead of welcoming them. Whereas haggling over this lie can go on for ever, it can be cut short by pointing to the lie that’s carried by another layer of the onion. It is the one that says the Jews were so strong, they beat the Arab armies that came to push them back to where they had come from. At times, the number of attacking Arab armies were said to be three … then five … then seven … or maybe just three … Hell, choose the number that suits your mood.


Still, the crucial question remains unanswered: Were the Jews so weak, they got crushed by the Palestinian farmers? Or were they so strong they crushed all the Arab armies combined? Only a Jew could tell lies of this magnitude and show no shame.


The Jewish narrative does not end here. It conveniently goes on to tell — as did Andrea Widburg in her article — what was needed that suited the current situation. Here is what she wrote:


“Thanks to the 850,000 Jews welcomed into Israel after the Arab nations summarily expelled beginning in 1948 and continuing through the 1970s, Israel has a huge population of Jews who don't have a drop of European blood in them.  Genetically, they are true Middle Easterners, with their Jewish lineage going back well over 2,000 years”.


Widburg needed to say those things because the question at this time concerns the ethnic identity of Israelis aside from the reality that they are descendants of European converts to Judaism, therefore have no “biological” connection to Palestine. But invoking the big lie, put Widburg in contradiction to another claim; one that is frequently made by the Jews.


That claim concerns the question of how it happened that Jews from around the world ended in occupied Palestine. It is that the Jewish narrative was made to invent a lie that suits each case. The aim of the Jewish leaders being to establish a nation for the Jews, however artificial it may be, they wanted to bring Jews into Palestine from where they lived in large numbers. Given that those of Europe had a difficult time carrying on with life where they were, it was not necessary to entice them to go to Israel. Next there were Jews in large numbers in the Arab countries, the Soviet Union and Ethiopia.


Because the Soviet Union would not let the Jews leave the country without reimbursing the government for the free education and healthcare they received, the Jewish leaders organized protests to parade in front of the Soviet embassies in Western capitals. The protestors chanted a refrain that was supposedly used by Moses to implore the Pharaoh to “let my people go”. The Jewish lie now peddled by the like of Widburg, is to the effect that the Soviets would not let the Jews emigrate to Israel to please the Arabs who did not want Israel to grow and become a bigger threat to them.


When it came to Ethiopia, the story was that Jews were beginning to leave Israel in droves. Worried that they will become a minority between the River and the Sea, the Jewish leaders decided to compensate for the loss by bringing in the Ethiopian Jews. And so they did. But what do you think was the lie put out to hide the truth. Here it is in Widburg’s own words:


“That was the year that Ethiopian political instability was so extreme that Jews around the world feared for the safety of the tribe in Ethiopia, a tribe of Black Jews. Israel airlifted over 14,000 from Ethiopia to Israel”.


As to the Jews in the Arab countries, the Israelis tried to lure them to Israel by broadcasting, through regular and pirate radio stations, stories that tell how pleasant life was in Israel, and how lousy it will become in the Arab countries. When this did not work, the Jews recruited a number of traitors and paid them well to sabotage installations where they lived, the way that the Iranian traitors are operating now.


When this did not work as well as expected for Israel, the Jews began to blow up Western installations in the Arab countries, including the American embassy in Cairo. In this case, they made sure to frame Egyptian Jews for the crime so as to damage the good relation that existed between them and the Arab governments as well as the Arab populations. But what do you think was the lie put out to hide the truth? As noted earlier, here is the lie that Andrea Widburg has been peddling: Israel has welcomed the Jews that the Arab nations have summarily expelled between 1948 and the 1970s. The truth is that not a single Jew was retained in Egypt against their will, and no one was expelled.


As can be seen, the sick Jewish logic makes it so that the Arabs expelled the Jews who went to Israel that the Arabs did not want to see get big or strong, the reason why they push the Jews to go back to where they came from, which is the Arab countries from where they were expelled in the first place.


Poor Andrea Widburg, like any Jew, she could not resist shooting herself in the foot. And this has turned her article into a toilet paper fit only to be flushed down the tube.