Monday, February 14, 2022

He tried to sidetrack from the accusation; he confirmed it

 Imagine yourself working for the Human Rights Commission of your state or province. Imagine you get persistent complaints from the workers of a company, indicating that the employer mistreats them in all sorts of ways, most importantly when it comes to paying what he owes them for hours worked on overtime.


One day, the case of one employee sounds so outrageous, you decide to pay a visit to the employer, and see what he has to say about accusations that are getting louder and more frequent about his treatment of the workers. Peter whose case sounds the most outrageous, goes with you, and the three of you sit in the employer’s office to discuss the matter.


Peter pulls a list out of his pocket in which he has catalogued the number of times that he worked overtime in the shop and did not get paid; the number of times that he worked on fixing the employer’s house and did not get paid; and the number of times that he ran errands for the employer’s wife and did not get paid. And so, you ask the employer if this is true, and if yes, what would be his defense?


Instead of responding to your questions, the employer pulls a notebook out of the drawer, and says it is a statement that was prepared by his accountant to answer any question you might have on this subject. You say the accountant is not here to answer the questions in person, and you cannot have a conversation with a notebook. Because he owns the company, he must answer your questions now or he’ll have to answer them in court.


The employer is shaken. Pretending to be clumsy at navigating his way through the notebook looking for answers, he evades every question you ask. He says nothing about Peter’s case, and keeps making references, not to the shopfloor from where the problems emanate, but to the office employees who just got a raise, he says; one that matches the rise in the cost of living.


You get an idea what kind of person that man is; don’t you my friend? So, I ask you now to forget that he is an employer, and view him instead as being a master propaganda mouthpiece for the Israeli causes. You don’t work for a government Human Right Commission either. Instead you work for an International (NGO) Human Rights Organization.


If you cannot figure out how a propagandist for Israel who is equipped with the mentality of the employer you just visited in your imagination will behave, relax because you won’t have to imagine anymore. It is that there is a real “notebook,” written in black and white, that you can read and judge for yourself what kind of characters the Palestinians are forced to live with at gun point day after day after day all their lives.


That notebook is actually an article that came under the title: “Countering the False Apartheid Narrative,” and the subtitle: “Israel Arabs have made dramatic advances.” It was written by Robert Cherry, and published on February 13, 2022 in National Review Online.


From the title and subtitle alone, you already begin to sense that the propagandist is digging a credibility hole where he’ll probably end up burying himself as he proceeds with the discussion. Look at the title. It says that the writer is not countering just a recent accusation, but countering the entire apartheid narrative from beginning to end. And then, he blows that argument to smithereens when in the subtitle, he admits that the Arabs made advances lately, which means that the narrative could not have been describing a situation from beginning to end consistently. Because of the contradiction between the two sayings, you wonder when the apartheid ended for the Arabs, allowing them to advance.


But you know what, my friend? Even if we consider that to be an honest oversight, the rest of the article shows it to be a load of Jewish bullshit anyway. Do you know why? Because in a manner akin to the employer who spoke about the office workers when he was supposed to be speaking about the shopfloor workers, Robert Cherry is talking about the advances that were allegedly made by the Israeli Arabs, including the Bedouins inside the1967 borders, when he was supposed to be talking about the Palestinians living under occupation for several generations in the West Bank, and those living under a naval and air blockade in the Gaza Strip.


Despite that blunder, Robert Cherry proceeded to make points and cite statics that mean nothing to the issues raised by Amnesty International when it reminded the world that Israel is still practicing apartheid, the most horrible crime ever committed on this planet. Had the man stopped here, he would have been dismissed as the Jew who felt duty-bound to make a contribution to the raging debate, and is now expected to go hide somewhere for the rest of his life.


But that’s not what Robert Cherry did. Like the idiot who lives in a glass house, he thought it helpful to his cause to throw rocks at those who live in normal houses. These may not be perfect houses, but they can withstand attacks by an idiot any time. Here is what Cherry did that will soon boomerang on him:


“Contrast these improvements with the actions of Palestinians. According to a report, Hamas practiced ill-treatment with impunity. Women and girls were inadequately protected against sexual and other gender-based violence. The Palestinian Centre for Development and Media Freedoms recorded 97 incidents of attacks against journalists”.


And here comes the boomerang: Every jurisdiction has its embarrassing moments, and they try to fix them. It is certain that Israel has such moments too because despite their claim to be above it all, the Jews are not nearer to the Almighty than the rest of us.


For this reason, we do not need another Golda Meir (the pimping madam of Israel) to remind us that Israel is full of young and attractive Eastern European girls who practice prostitution, and are eager to serve and enchant tourists to Israel.


We already know what that culture is capable of when we see what the Epsteins and the Weinsteins are doing to America’s women that happen to be young and attractive, and trying to forge a career for themselves based on merit.