Friday, February 18, 2022

The venomous stinging swarm ran out of venom

 There was a garden in the City on the Hill that wasn’t the Garden of Eden, but a garden where fruits and flowers grew in lush abundance, said John Winthrop.


People from everywhere came to savor the good life in the City on the Hill. Then one day, weed grew in the garden of the City on the Hill. In time, the garden began to look like a messy patch of neglected boondock, and the City began to slide to the bottom of the hill where it garnered the look of a slum like those in the less developed Third World.


The calamity first happened when a swarm descended on the city, causing it to deteriorate. The swarm pretended to be better than the bees at pollinating the flowers and make them bloom into bigger fruits. But this was a deception because the swarm was like grasshoppers that came to devour the fruits already there and the flowers that were ready to develop.


If you think this is an analogy representing a real situation, you are correct. But it is not an all out fictitious story because John Winthrop did really exist, and he did utter the phrase, “City on the Hill.” He was referring to America, the place of great potential that fulfilled the promise it made to all newcomers. It did so till overwhelmed by the malign swarm that came to devour the garden and all that’s in it under the false pretense of helping it to grow bigger and better fruits.


Two reflections on the malign swarm came in the form of articles with different titles. What they have in common is that both intend to cause the political leaders to steal from their own people and give to the swarm that bribes and blackmails them simultaneously.


One article came under the title: “Congress overdue to help fund Israel’s Iron Dome,” and the subtitle: “Terrorist rocket attacks may not be front-page news, but they haven’t stopped.” It was written by Blaise Misztal, and published on February 15, 2022 in The Washington Times.


The other article came under the title: “US needs to deliver on its promise to fund Israel’s Iron Dome,” and the subtitle: “Failure to do so will undermine ‘ironclad’ partnership with Jewish state.” It was written by the triple swarm of Richard Natonski, Jonathan Ruhe and Andrew Ghalili, and was published on February 16, 2022 also in the Washington Times.

Those of a certain age who read the Blaise Misztal article will remember the tricky theatrics that were deployed during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s by the Jews of Israel and America. Their task was to impress upon the unethical hordes of political animals from America, that Israel was doing more good than evil in occupying Palestine and exploiting its indigenous population.


The corniest of the tricks was to invite to Israel brainless politicos from America where they assisted in shoveling dirt to simulate the planting of a tree in what the Jews made the Americans believe that the Land of Milk and Honey was really a desert that contained neither milk nor honey. This was the truth, said the lying Jews, till the Jewish tailors, musicians and jewelers from Eastern Europe, stuck their golden fingers into the sand, and made the miracle happen, causing the desert to bloom with lush vegetation.


During the decades that have elapsed between then and now, the Jews of America and Israel developed a whole new arsenal of tricky theatrics by which to impress upon the brainless politicos of modern times, that shoveling taxpayer money from America to Israel will do more good than evil in that the money will be used to import losers from around the world, and have them take up residence in properties that were ethnically cleansed of their indigenous Palestinians. These were properties that were razed with the use of American-made tanks and F-35s, and were rebuilt to hide the crime. One of the tricky theatrics now used by the Jews sounds like this:


“The Iron Dome has played a role in protecting Israel from the rocket attacks launched by Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization”.


As can be seen, in the same way that the old theatrics aimed to convince the American politicos that the Land of Milk and Honey was a desert, the new theatrics aim to convince the American politicos that Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin ran — not two Jewish terrorist organizations — but one terrorist organization headquartered in Gaza, operating under the assumed name of Hamas. After all, it was Israel that organized, equipped and financed Hamas with instruction to terrorize Fatah, the Palestinian group of freedom fighters headed by Yasser Arafat … till Hamas decided to turncoat, change allegiance and oppose Israel instead.


As to the troika of Natonski, Ruhe and Ghalili article, it relies on a different kind of tricks to deceive the American politicos, and make them believe that sending money to Israel under the false pretense of replenishing a life-saving non-existent system named Iron Dome, will do more good than evil. Here is what the troika did:


To hide the reality that it was the Jews who brought terrorism to the Middle East, and hide the reality that they continue to be masters of the gruesome art, the troika that’s an important part of the Jewish propaganda machine, has used the guilt-by-association trick as well as the blackmail to attribute to the Palestinians the evil that belongs to Jews, and attribute to Jews the good that belongs to the Palestinians. Look at the following passage, and judge for yourself:


“Restocking Iron Dome is a priority for the US and should be funded promptly. The system shields Palestinians and Israelis from rockets fired by Iran-backed terrorist groups. As detailed in a report by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America [home of the troika] the protection afforded by Iron Dome saves Palestinian and Israeli lives by precluding Israel’s need to conduct ground operations”.


As can be seen, the troika is associating the Palestinian freedom fighters with the exemplary nation of Iran, which the Jews accuse of the terrorism they see in themselves. In addition, the troika is blackmailing America with the threat that in the absence of money to replenish a system that does not exist, Israel will mount ground operations that have always resulted in the Israeli army being crushed like bugs under Palestinian boots.


The poor things; they are beginning to look like a swarm emptied of the venom that used to make it the feared buzzword on the Hill.