Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Same Old, Same Old is repeated yet again

 Until a few years ago, the Jewish leaders had “specialists” to fix every error that a non-Jew might commit when discussing Jewish subjects.


The job of a specialist was to spot non-Jews say things that do not match the Jewish view, accuse them of antisemitism, and take them behind closed doors where they brainwashed them, and made them see things the Jewish way.


These specialists had a field day every two years when new members were elected for the Federal and State Houses and Senates. They needed to be prepared for assuming the role of mouthpieces dedicated to promote the Jewish and Israeli causes at the expense of the American people, and for assuming the role of legislators dedicated to milking America and feeding the forever hungry Israel.


Done in private, that snow job was not allowed to leak to the public because the Jews feared that shining light on it would cause the public to revolt at the granting of Jews yet another exclusive privilege that allows them to shape to their fancy, not only the legislation that came out of the Congress and State Legislatures, but also shape the mentality of the legislators on their way into the various Congresses.


But then something changed. New members elected to Congress, refused to submit to that zoo-like training and conditioning of human beings and so, they took the case to the American public. This killed the practice immediately, depriving the Jewish leaders of a method by which to secure privileges for themselves and their followers like they used to before. When this happened, the Jews had to come up with another method by which to accomplish the same end, and maintain the semblance, if not the reality, that Jews are still considered to be chosen and above everyone else.


The irony is that the Jewish leaders had no choice but to come up with the opposite of what they had before. That is, instead of working on novices quietly behind closed doors, they now go to the veteran politicians, and urge them to do two things publicly. They have them speak the words they stuff in their mouths; words that line-up with the Jewish and Israeli causes, and they have them attack those whom the Jews designate as their enemies of the day.


You get a glimpse of that when you study the article that came under the title: “How America is helping Iran get a nuclear arsenal,” and the subtitle: “With the US State Department’s sanctions waiver, Iran will be shored up in power, receive the resources to ratchet up its aggressive activities abroad and be confident that it can finish developing nuclear weapons with impunity.” It was written by Melanie Phillips and published on February 10, 2022 in Jewish News Syndicate.


To make her point, which is decidedly an attack on the administration of the American President Joe Biden, Melanie Phillips began her discussion in the typically Jewish fashion. She mugged the Biden administration by throwing at it an accusation you would only hear in a place that no one ever heard before. And so you’ll have to start imagining such a place, so as to accommodate visions that will increasingly be created by the likes of Melanie Phillips.


Here, in her words, is what needs to be accommodated: “As Iran reportedly reaches the brink of obtaining enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon, the Biden administration is now astoundingly colluding with this lethal rogue state against the interests of Israel and America’s allies in the region.” Where might you hear something as juvenile and demonic as this? There is only one place where you might hear it. It would be in the courtyard of a high school, not here on Earth, but in Hell which is Satan’s domain. Ever heard of satanic juveniles? If you didn’t before, you did now.


Having done this, Melanie Phillips publicly quoted what other people said publicly, or quoted a third party who said something that would correspond with the points she is trying to make public. So, here is a compilation of what Phillips used, that was said publicly by others, to make a case to the effect that the Biden administration is “astoundingly colluding” with the “lethal rogue” state of Iran, against Israel:


“US officials estimated that Iran was on the verge of producing enough fuel for a nuclear bomb in just a matter of weeks and could have a device built in less than a year.Bottom of Form Omri Ceren, the national security adviser for Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted that the Biden administration is giving Iran a nuclear weapons arsenal. A hacktivist organization has revealed a document that asserts Iranian society is in a state of explosion because of the crippling sanctions imposed by the Trump administration. The Jerusalem Post reports that the US government news organization Radio Farda obtained a document from the whistleblower that has also secured confidential documents about the torture of Iranian prisoners. Harold Rhode [the Jew] wrote that when Iranians become convinced a stronger power will protect them against their current tyrannical rulers, they will try to overthrow their leaders”.


Having made her point based on a load of hearsays based on hearsays, Melanie Phillips felt secure enough to give the kind of “golden” advice that only Jews are capable of giving. Here is her advice to the Biden administration:


“Goodwill and confidence-building measures should be avoided at all costs. America must be prepared to help the Iranians liberate themselves from the tyranny under which they live. So, this is the moment that the United States should ratchet up the pressure on Tehran. The administration is stuffed with people who are the enemies of Israel. Robert Malley has a long track record of animus towards Israel. Meanwhile, as the US advertises to the world its terrible weakness, Russia and China are watching and making their plans”.


Now you know why the nearly 8 billion inhabitants of Planet Earth think of the Jews as obnoxious.