Monday, February 28, 2022

The conspiracy theorist who stuck her neck out

Irina Tsukerman says she is a human rights lawyer and a geopolitical and security analyst. She says she is also the CEO of Scarab Rising, a media and security consultancy. If that’s not enough to impress you, she says she is also the editor-in-chief of The Washington Outsider.


The problem with Irina Tsukerman is that she is also dumb. She proved it on February 22, 2022 when she wrote a slanderous article in which she ascribed dark motives to President Joe Biden based of the speech he gave to announce that Russia had invaded Ukraine.


What Irina Tsukerman did in her article, was make predictions, all of which turned out to be wrong as proven a few days later. You can verify all of that yourself when you read the article she wrote under the title: “Biden’s cynical ploy to return to Iran deal because of Ukraine,” published on February 22, 2022 in The New York Post.


What Tsukerman should have done before sending the article for publication, was leave it for an hour or two and then read it pretending that it was written by someone else. She should have tried to analyze both the article and the person that wrote it. If she has any level of intelligence, she would have realized to her horror that she was morbidly obsessed with the subject of Iran.


With a judgment that’s clouded by her obsession, she sat down to listen to President Biden’s speech while fantasizing that by some miraculous turn of the events, the President will say something like this: Anything the Russians can do, we Americans can do more intensely. Let them destroy Ukraine in two or three days, and we’ll destroy Iran in a day or less.


But this is not what the woman heard, which is why she got filled with uncontrolled fury as evidenced by the article she wrote. What she revealed at the start of her article, is that she cannot divorce herself from the idea that Jews are a breed apart. Had she been able to think of Jews as ordinary human beings, she would have loved the speech, and would have gone on to do something better than write a dumb article. Here, in condensed form, is how she prefaced that ill-advised article:


“Biden’s speech announcing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and declaring a set of sanctions against Russia’s elites is a typical statement attacking a ruthless hegemonic dictator. But it misses the forest for the trees, enabling the strategies of Russia and Iran. The key point missing is that Russia does not accept Ukraine as a state. Dmitry Medvedev’s rhetoric describing Ukraine as a colony with a puppet regime, shows that Putin’s plans go far beyond annexation of swaths of territory. He has been trying to avoid a major conflagration, getting to the end result by removing the legitimate government. He’s selling his actions as reclamation of Russian territory; therefore, any sanctions will be viewed as illegitimate efforts to prevent Russia from securing its own territory”.


Believing that monopoly is the exclusive right of the Jews, Irina Tsukerman could not stomach the idea of what she calls the “missing key point” being borrowed by Russia, which is what Russia apparently did to build a case on it. But what is that key point, anyway? It is that Russia does not accept Ukraine as a state. This is a trick that started as a Jewish invention, and has served Israel well.


Here is what it’s all about: The Jews invented the idea that since Palestine was under British occupation, it was not a sovereign country, and this condition gave the armed marauding Jews the right to steal the country from its Palestinian owners. When Russia pulled that same trick on Ukraine, it infringed on the exclusive right of the Jews to monopolize the trick they invented … a reason to inflame them.


In addition to infringing on that Jewish right, Tsukerman sees something else that’s equally as upsetting in what Russia did. In the same way that Israel began annexing Palestinian lands with a first step that opened the door to a creeping annexation, she foresees that Putin will go beyond the annexation of swaths of territory. She foresees that Putin’s plans will allow him to endlessly make new demands.


Having spewed what makes her the paranoid character that she is, Irina Tsukerman finally came to what she says brings her to Biden’s other foreign policy failure, the Iran deal.


Well, my friend, if you ever wondered what happens to a paranoid that gets afflicted with a dose of delusion, read the last four paragraphs of Irina Tsukerman’s article. Together, they make up 136 words. But for the sake of brevity, here is a condensed version of them:


The Ukraine invasion directly benefits the Islamic Republic. That’s why we are hearing that a deal with Iran is close to being signed. Biden has alluded to securing cheap Iranian oil as an answer to high gas prices in the United States. He is cynically using Russia’s destabilization of the global energy market to argue for the return to appeasement for the ayatollahs. Ukraine was sacrificed in exchange for a lucrative energy deal and Iran’s cooperation in Vienna”.


So now you know what it takes to be a sheer lunatic in America: You must be a human rights lawyer, a geopolitical and security analyst, the CEO of a media and security consultancy, and the editor-in-chief of a pamphlet. Anyone interested?