Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The noose closing around the neck of recidivist

 When something happens that is later recognized to have been a bad thing, people usually say this thing should never have happened in the first place.


That is the strongest expression someone can make to convey the notion that what happened was so horrible, for it to have happened once, was once too many. And the implication, is that if the occurrence was to happen again, it will be considered hideous calamity beyond the human mind to grasp.


This being the natural and human way that we react to happenings of this magnitude, we wonder with trepidation if there might be an exception to the rule. That is, might there be circumstances under which the calamitous occurrence becomes acceptable the more it repeats itself? The answer is no, there is nothing natural or human for such repetition to be accepted. But you know what, my friend? There are those who wish to make such hideous calamities, the norm.


Searching the record, you will not find an instance when a recidivist complained about being caught, reprimanded or punished for committing the same crime over and over — and arguing that being reprimanded once was enough, even if his declared intent is to repeat the same crime over and over. No, you will not find one such case in the record, but believe it or not, there is one such crazy case playing out at this very moment.


It is the story of an entity that started its existence by relying on two terrorist organizations headed by leaders, each of whom eventually became Prime Minister of the thing they call Israel. The scheme from the start was to ethnic cleanse Palestine of its Palestinian population, and turn the place into a home for impostors from around the world who would claim to experience a genetic metamorphosis that turns their chromosomes from their current state (whatever it may be) to the Hebrew Semitic state. And they claim to instantly become more indigenous to Palestine than the Palestinians who lived there since the beginning of time.


This being a gang that has recruited unwary suckers into the movement for thousands of years, it has also gathered the experience to convince others that they can help it pull off its schemes, and be rewarded for what they have accomplished. In fact, this is how the leaders of the Judeo-Israeli crime syndicate have managed to morally lasso the political elites of superpower America, and make it so that every crime committed by the syndicate becomes a crime committed by America.


In fact, it happens every time, when a horrible crime is committed by Israel, that someone representing an institution in America, such as the State Department, the White House or the Congress, pops up in front of the television cameras, and proclaims that there is no daylight between America and Israel. This makes it official that the ethnic cleansing done in Palestine by the hordes of criminal impostors who came to settle in the stolen land, is approved and paid for by America’s elected elites, doing what they do behind the backs of the country’s struggling taxpayers.


You can see an example of that in the news item that came under the title: “State Department rejects Amnesty International’s ‘apartheid’ Israel report,” written by Joel Gehrke, and published on February 1, 2022 in the Washington Examiner. Look at the following passage, quoted from the Gehrke article:


“Like previous presidencies, President Joe Biden’s administration has rebuked the United Nations Human Rights Council’s [UNHRC] ‘disproportionate attention on Israel’”.


Focus on that word “disproportionate,” and ask: disproportionate to what? Is it disproportionate in the sense that the UN Security Council imposes punishment on Israel that’s harsher than what is imposed on other members for committing the same crime? No, it isn’t. In fact, thanks to the veto which America uses promiscuously to protect Israel, the Security Council has never rebuked or punished Israel.


The truth is that when the Jews complain about disproportionality, they mean disproportionate to the number of times that Israel is reprimanded by the UNHCR compared to the other members. That is, the Jews are saying if North Korea is rebuked once for committing one infraction and twice for committing two infractions, Israel can be rebuked only once no matter how many times it recidivates and commits hideous acts over and over and over again. According to Jewish logic, when Israel is reprimanded every time it commits a hideous act, it feels discriminated against, which should stir the pity of those who judge the poor little thing. And so, it cries its heart out in despair, and America comes rushing to the rescue and casts the veto of infamy.


All these issues were raised this time again because Amnesty International issued a report that tells the truth about the situation in occupied Palestine. The Jews of Israel and America see the report as a reprimand of Israel and so, they called on that entity’s enablers in the Congress of uselessness, to rise and defend the indefensible. Here is how that theatrics unfolded according to Joel Gehrke’s article:


“US diplomats and lawmakers faulted Amnesty International for overstating the case against Israel. ‘This accusation belies common sense … Amnesty International has joined a growing chorus of voices intent on denying Israel’s right to exist through slander and misinformation,’ said Senate Foreign Relations Chairman. ‘Since its founding, Israel has faced attacks … This report is full of mischaracterizations, false accusations, and biased language that have been hurled at Israel for decades,’ said Rep. Ted Deutch. But Amnesty International insisted the facts are clear. ‘Successive Israeli governments have considered Palestinians a demographic threat … Palestinians have been fragmented geographically and politically and experience different levels of discrimination depending on their status and where they live,’ Amnesty International argued”.


These are pedophiles and Jewish fanatics who will do anything they believe will get them rewarded. The value of what they say and do is not worth a scoop of fertilizer from the Jewish sewer. Ignore them.