Tuesday, November 15, 2022

They seek to pull a con job pretending reunion

 When something is bound to happen, something does happen. It may not be what was intended to happen originally; it may even be the opposite of what was intended. In the latter case, we regard what happened as the backfired product of a planning that went wrong. In fact, this kind of reversals happen so frequently, they force asking the question: What is it that so distracts us, human beings?


The reality is that whereas the physical world is governed by laws that cannot be broken, thus are relied upon to predict what action will cause what reaction, the animate offshoot of that physical world—known as organism—seems to defy the causal relationships that should connect every reaction to the action that’s causing it, but fails to do so. However, while acknowledging the illogic reality of organic behavior, it must be noted, that the best psychologists and neuroscientists on the Planet — equipped with the best instruments yet invented for mapping the human brain — are making discoveries that promise to reveal the logic behind the illogic of organisms. But like the saying goes, the jury is still out on this one.


Until more progress is made, and we understand with precision the rules if not the laws that govern our erratic behavior, we are condemned to continue living in a sea of random acts generated by the quirky behavior of each of us. Despite all of these uncertainties, however, experience has taught human beings that they can rely on the rule which says: The bigger the stakes of the endeavor you start with, the bigger the success or failure you’ll end up with.


One of the biggest endeavors in human history, was started by a once desert-roaming tribal people who now call themselves Jews. They were so inspired—thousands of years ago, by the magnificence of the empires that surrounded their patch of desert—they developed a vision that included ownership not just of one such empire, but the vision of owning the entire Planet Earth and all its content.


These being the big stakes that the Jews bet on at the start of their endeavor, they spent thousands of years trying in vain to score at least one big success, but ended up scoring an unbroken series of failures that cost them immeasurable misery and incalculable lives. Their failures came in waves, with a new one just starting now, taking on the form of a worldwide display of what’s known as antisemitic behavior.


When you listen to the Jewish leaders as they seek to reassure the rank-and-file they are working on fixing the problem before it reaches the boiling point, you wonder if the solutions they are proposing are not the catalysts that cause the problem in the first place. In fact, having seen and studied such scenarios playout in the past, you have become convinced that the Jewish leaders are only trying to pull a con job on the Jewish rank-and-file as well as the non-Jewish public.


Here is what the Jewish leaders have done on numerous occasions, promising positive results, but delivering antisemitic acts that steadily increased in frequency and steadily intensified with the passage of time … all that according to the statistics collected by the Jews themselves and by the law enforcement agencies of the countries where such statistics are kept. In fact, what we have here, is a case of the result being the backfired product of a planning that went wrong … whether you consider the planning to have been done wrong deliberately, or done wrong by the insane who believe that to repeat a mistake is to make it yield a better result.


It will be a long time before the psychologists and neuroscientists of Earth, equipped as they are with instruments for mapping the human brain, will have made enough progress to resolve the riddle of these people, and tell us what percolates inside their skulls. But based on past observations, and the added experiences that were accumulated through time, here is what we should expect the Jewish leaders will do as they deal with the upcoming attempts at resolving the problem of rising antisemitism:


Whereas logic dictates that because the problem manifests itself throughout the non-Jewish public, the solution must involve that entire public, the Jewish leaders will nevertheless refuse to go along with that idea. They will argue they do not see merit in commentators—that can make a contribution toward the clarification and/or solution of the problem—making their views known in a public setting such as the electronic or print media, when these same people can just as well make their views known in private and behind closed doors to the rabbis and the leaders of other groups.


In fact, “private and behind closed doors,” is the most accurate definition you can use to describe the state of Jewish democracy. “Private and behind closed doors,” is where the Jewish leaders take the newly elected members of the American Congress to educate them on how to betray America and serve the interests of Israel. “Private and behind closed doors,” is where they wish to take the children of America where they plan to teach them how to grow up worshipping Jews as if they were as godly as Jesus himself. You get the idea.


As in the past, when antisemitism became acute, the Jewish leaders are once again using the catchy words: “We need to get together and resolve this problem.” What happened then – and is bound to happen again – was that Christian and Muslim leaders responded to the call. The Jews took them behind closed doors where they whispered precious nonsense into their ears, causing one or two to become emotional and shed crocodile tears. This is when the meetings were ended, at which point the Jews told the world that the get-together was a splendid success. And there will be no need to organize a public discussion on the subject.


If the world allows itself to be conned again with one more performance of this kind, it will have earned what’s coming to it. With talk of using nuclear weapons getting louder everyday, I shudder to think what might ensue.