Friday, November 18, 2022

Win big battles armed with truth and patience

 If you ever wondered why America’s messaging to the world (known as propaganda) has constantly been a dismal failure, you now have the explanation as to why this has been the case. The explanation came in the form of an article written under the title: “In the global meme wars, it’s time to side with the elves against the trolls,” authored by Thomas Kent, and published in the Washington Post on November 16, 2022.


It is important to know that beside teaching at the college level, Thomas Kent introduces himself as consultant on combating disinformation. In fact, he is a senior fellow of the Jamestown Foundation and former president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.


Unlike Thomas Kent, I do not have credentials that were attested to or bestowed on me by others. But I have a lifetime of hands-on experience on how to survive a ferocious meme war such as the one that was unleashed on me. I was made to endure its crushing pressure in silence and total secrecy because the perpetrators feared that if their war on me was made public, they and their collaborators will be the ones to perish instead of me whom they had cancelled and made invisible as they tried to erase every trace of my existence on the face of the Earth.


The chief perpetrator was none other than the worldwide crime syndicate known as World Jewry. It recruited the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and commanded them to punish and silence me for daring to write a letter to the editor of a large Toronto newspaper in 1968. It was a harmless letter in which I proclaimed that Egypt was a civilized country, but this proved too much for the Jews to stomach at the time. It turned out that in the view of the crime syndicate, my proclamation was conveying such a threat to Jews, to Canada and to the world, it was necessary to mobilize and put to work against me the mightiest of the Anglosphere security apparatuses.


Heads of these institutions were made to swear they’ll abide by the Jewish-enforced omerta. They were instructed to squeeze the screws so tight on me, I would lose my mind and commit a horrible act they can point to and say they always knew I was capable of committing such act, which is why they persistently persecuted me for the duration of my entire adult life. But I confounded them by staying sane, law abiding and very much interested to study the ways of the evil that animates them. My overriding motivation had been to stay alive so that I may tell future generations about their morbid wickedness and how to defeat it.


But how did I pull it off?


I did it by following the dictates of my instinct. It happened that in some instances, those dictates ran contrary to what Thomas Kent is now advising in his article. In fact, he began by suggesting there was a need for smart policies to counter disinformation, but then talked about policies that failed without describing them or telling why they failed. Here is how he did that:


“In recent years, the US government’s efforts to confront disinformation have often fallen short. The recent exposure of a covert social media campaign promoting US interests abroad has demonstrated the shortcomings of government operations done with little skill”.


So then, how did he propose doing things that can yield the desired result?


He is proposing several approaches, some of which are correct in my view; others not so much. Here is a good approach that relies on learning about the best practices of others and duplicating them. Here is how Thomas Kent expressed that thought:


“The conflict brought some valuable lessons for those who wish to fight back. Perhaps the most notable successes have come from nongovernment activists — campaigners in threatened countries — who have been mounting their own response to [foreign] propaganda … Perhaps it’s time we learned something from Eastern Europe’s online nongovernment activists — many of them volunteers. They possess authenticity and expertise that outside governments cannot match”.


Whereas it is a good thing to learn from others, I would not advise developing the tendency to form online mobs because they will sooner or later coalesce into a groupthink that will generate much heat, thunderous noise, faint light, a bewildering confusion and not much else. Those in the business of doing or countering propaganda must never forget that in the long run, a mob always defeats itself.


But how might unwanted mobs develop to begin with under the Thomas Kent approach? Good question. To answer it, here are the words he uttered which betray his inner thoughts on the subject:


“Some Eastern Europeans have told me their work has fallen off because they cannot afford even one full-time person to monitor disinformation and recruit and organize volunteers. A grant as small as $50,000 that continues year after year can make a difference. Activists also need professionals to design information campaigns and target them to critical audiences”.


I had none of that going for me during my lonely journey through hell and yet, I did more than survive the combined might of the World Jewry and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In addition, while defending myself the best I could, I took on the warmongers of this world and ripped them at every turn without suffering as much as a scratch at their hands.


I achieved everything I aimed to establish because I let truth speak for itself. Yes, there were instances when truth took time before it revealed itself, but these were the moments when patience proved to be my friend and ally.


Embrace it like I did, and never let go of it.