Monday, December 18, 2023

Open letter to ministers of the Trudeau cabinet

I am writing to you because you have been made accomplices in the slow-motion but persistent crime of murdering a human being by the savage affliction of a relentless persecution.


You can stay on the path where your boss, Justin Trudeau put you, or you can redeem yourselves by stepping back and advising him that you’ll resign your posts unless he steps back from the path of criminality, and lift that burden off your shoulders.


Because the persecution concerns me, and because it lasted 55 years (20,000 days) during which time I revealed its details to the Canadian elites, including the various Members of Parliament, I shall not waste my time or yours rehashing those details.


All the more so because wasting time going over the details has provided the puppet masters manipulating Justin Trudeau with the various excuses by which they sent the case back to square one every time it came close to resolution. No more of this. We need a resolution of the case, and we need it now.


Now that I’ve written to you, you’ll be subjected to the pressure that was repeatedly applied on others and had them drag the case unresolved for an indefinite period of time. But what kind of pressure is that? It is the Jewish pressure that always came in two prepackaged arguments:


One argument will have you believe that hurting non-Jews, however much, to serve any of the Jewish causes, will not result in nefarious consequences. The other argument will have you believe that hurting a Jew, however little, to serve any of the non-Jewish causes, will result in the nefarious consequence of leading humanity to trigger the Final Solution of the Jews.


The Jews got away with this kind of arguments, and managed to persuade others of them throughout time and all around the world, because they thought and argued at the tactical level while dismissing the strategic dimensions and their consequences.


Thus, when the Jews advised President Bush that nothing will happen if he destroyed Iraq even if proven that the country was not hiding weapons of mass destruction, the Jews were proven correct in the short run. But the heavy cost that began to show itself, and the price that America had to pay in the long run, are still being felt in the amount of misery that was created by America’s war on the country, and the number of refugees that were sent to Europe in the aftermath of America’s moment of folly.


In a similar fashion, the Jews promised successive Canadian governments from Pierre Elliot Trudeau to Justin Trudeau that nothing will happen if they ignore my pleas to end their persecution of me. The various Prime Ministers listened to the Jews, and the consequences that did not manifest themselves at the time, are beginning to manifest themselves now.


Thus, you will soon come under the two-pronged Jewish pressure to the effect that nothing will happen if you’ll continue hurting me to serve the Jewish causes. The argument will go on to warn that ending the persecution of me will result in the nefarious consequence of leading humanity to trigger the Final Solution of the Jews. Don’t believe any of these bogus arguments.


In fact, these have been the bankrupt Jewish arguments which brought them to a point where antisemitism has exploded even in America — like it was predicted will happen sooner or later. It finally happened at this time because the Jews and their cohorts were thinking in the tactical short term while ignoring the strategic long term.