Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Agenda Of The Emissaries From Hell

Reports have it that during the month of June in the year 2012, House Representative of the American Congress Michelle Bachmann and four of her colleagues wrote a letter to the inspector general at the State Department calling on him to investigate an American born female Muslim employee who happens to hold a high position at the State Department. They made this call on the basis of the woman's origin and her family connections and not on the basis of anything she did or said which goes contrary to American ideals. Almost immediately after the news was made public, the individuals who knew the woman well such as Senator John McCain came to her defense on the floor of the House of Representatives, repudiating Michelle Bachmann and her four sidekicks – collectively referred to as the quintet.

Had this case gone the way that such cases normally go in a country that is supposed to be as civilized as America, the matter would have ended here. Alas, it did not because there was a powerful reason behind the hysteria that followed – there was the Jewish lobby supervising it. The lobby stirred up the hysteria by directly organizing it in some cases, and by indirectly inspiring its development in other cases. Two articles published on July 21, 2012 demonstrate how this has worked. The first article was written by Andrew C. McCarthy, appearing in National Review Online under the title: “Questions about Huma Abedin” and the subtitle: “A State Department adviser has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.” The second article was written by Nonie Darwish, appearing in American Thinker under the title: “Egyptian Reformists Alarmed By Hillary and Obama.”

McCarthy's article is a long one. It begins with an attack on Senator John McCain who, only a year ago, had expressed fear about the Egyptian political party known as the Muslim Brotherhood, but is now defending the woman accused of being related to people who may have dealt with members of that political party. Given that no accusation was leveled against the American born Muslim woman, the normal civilized way to handle a case like this would be to call on witnesses to come and testify as to the character of the woman especially that she has been working for the American Government since the year 1996 -- a good sixteen years now.

You would think that Andrew McCarthy who is a lawyer would know this. And you would have expected that when the quintet asked the inspector general to look into the matter and report to the Congress, McCarthy would have advised them to hold their horses. In fact, had he been truthful to his profession and respectful of it, he would have taken the position that since McCain testified on the floor of the Congress as to the impeccable character of the woman; an opinion that was echoed by countless other witnesses, the legal requirements for this case had been fulfilled. And he would have advised that any action beyond this point will be viewed as an illegal abuse of the investigative powers of the Congress; a move aimed at persecuting an American citizen to satisfy the hate motives of a handful of demented people.

But this is not what Andrew McCarthy did. Instead, he wrote the following: “For … merely asking the State Department's inspector general to look into it and report to the Congress – which is part of the IG's duties under the statute that created his position – McCain & Co. (i.e., his fans in the left-wing media and his admirers in the Republican establishment) are screaming 'smear' and 'McCarthyism.'” As can be seen, he started a legal argument but finished it by trying to score political points thus demonstrating both ignorance of the spirit of the law and the contempt which he has for his profession.

As if this were not enough, he goes on to do something that is truly astounding. First, he says that during the tenure of that woman as top adviser to the State Department, there has been a policy shift which the House members have the right to investigate. What? What do you, bird brains, believe an adviser is hired to do? Simply advise that the status quo be maintained by refraining from initiating a policy shift of any kind? Why not hire a robot that does not think, or a computer that displays all possible situations that would maintain the status quo, or hire a bird with an IQ that surpasses the collective IQ of the quintet – an easy thing to do? No wonder the Congress of the United States is so paralyzed and so paralyzing of the nation's business.

Second, McCarthy writes the following: “When I was a prosecutor, the Justice Department would not have let me take a case that involved friends of my family … it's that government is supposed to avoid the appearance of impropriety – legitimacy hinges on the public's belief that actions are taken on merit, not burdened by palpable conflicts of interest.” A little later on, he reminds his readers that “the Left wanted to keep Samuel Alito off the Supreme Court because, 40 years ago, he was a member of 'Concerned Alumni of Princeton.'” It is clear now that this man does not grasp the fact that politics and the law are not managed or executed in the same way. You don't hire an adviser on foreign affairs under the criteria by which you assign a case to a prosecutor, or the criteria by which you hire a Justice for the Supreme Court. Besides, Alito was hired despite his perceived shortcomings. Why is this guy McCarthy still a member of the bar?

Having clobbered his domestic enemies and placed his friends on a pedestal, he now turns his attention to international affairs where he sees enemies who have the will and the ability to affect America's interests if dealt with normally and in accordance with international standards. Thus, he lets it be known by the tone he adopts throughout the article that these people must be viewed as mortal enemies, dealt with and treated accordingly. That is, they must be attacked and fought against till they are completely destroyed. He also reveals that his fear stems from the belief that they want to impose Sharia law on the world, including the United States.

To get a perspective as to how this fear has developed, we need to remember that there was a time when people like him were told Sharia law was bad for America because it advocates a system of financing that is so destructive, it has the potential to take down the world financial system. Then, in the year 2008, the American financial institution Lehman Brothers collapsed followed by other institutions, all of which were done-in by the heavy burden of borrowing, something that Sharia financing seeks to avoid where and when possible. Shortly after the collapse of the American system, the Arab and Muslim countries came to the rescue by contributing mightily to the effort that redressed it.

And the American people saw – as did the whole world – that the once maligned Arabs and Muslims were the people who helped restore America's system back to health, thus giving the country a second chance. They did so because they are good people who may also have a system of financing with good features in it that should never be dismissed offhand. In the end, it was such developments that ended the attacks of the professional haters on Sharia financing. What happened after that, however, is that these same people started to look for reasons by which to keep the hate going.

To get a sense of what that is, I leave the McCarthy article for a moment to look at the Nonie Darwish article. She is of Egyptian origin and a convert from Islam to Christianity. The story she tells as to why she converted is that she felt bad because her father was an intelligence officer operating in Gaza for the Egyptian government. She said this much at a time when the Palestinians and the Israelis were battling each other in Gaza – and this made her a convenient tool in the hands of the Jewish propaganda machine. Notice that even though she was born a Muslim and grew up as such, she never said she was circumcised and never complained about it. This contrasts sharply with the way that the subject of female circumcision is handled these days by Jewish propaganda machine which is using the subject to keep maligning the Arabs and the Muslims.

So then, what is Nonie Darwish writing about now? Here is how she begins her article: “I am witnessing an unprecedented alarm from Egyptian reformists who represent the almost half of the Egyptians who reject the Muslim Brotherhood as a moderate political group.” The reference here is to the last election where the party of the Brotherhood received 51.5% of the popular vote leaving 48.5% to everyone else, almost half of that to the more fundamentalist Muslim party. Thus, what she calls reformists can claim at best to represent only a quarter of the electorate and not half as she reports. And these are the people who lost the election. No wonder they are not happy with the result which is only human.

Where you, as a reader, become alarmed is where you see her insolent listing of the Jewish talking points in a mishmash that would embarrass a preteen pupil. Here is an example of that baby talk edited for brevity and for clarity: “many reformists believe that Hillary and Obama have empowered the Brotherhood when Obama gave his famous speech in Cairo.” You see, my dear friend, female circumcision is not what bothers this woman; it is the speech that Obama gave in Cairo while refusing to “balance” things out by, for example, giving a speech -- guess where – in the Knesset which happens to be in occupied Jerusalem. To pull off a coup of this magnitude would be the single most important act that will realize the Judeo-Israeli dream of legitimizing the occupation.

Here is another blow to the brains of the readers: “The Arabic internet is full of accusations concerning American conspiracies to support the brotherhood, which of course mention Huma Abedin … and Dalia Mugahid.” Let me tell you something as bluntly as I can, my friend: This is a flushing right out of Foxman's toilet. I have been reading the Arabic internet and the mainstream publications for years, and I never encountered either of these two names. Of course, when you tell a lie of this magnitude this brazenly, you do it for a purpose – and the purpose here is to dangle the specter of Sharia Law in a way that scares people. This is what she tries to do on behalf of the Jewish propaganda machine; a point I shall tackle a little later on.

Another Jewish talking point is something she calls rumors. Here is that passage: “Islamists in every part of the US government including homeland security; mentioned not as a negative by Arabs but as a wonderful accomplishment after 9/11, and proof to many Muslims that terror works like magic on Americans.” The fact is that the people over there are too busy putting their lives together to worry about what goes on in America. On the other hand, the people over here are never left alone to look after themselves without the Jewish owned and operated media interrupting them to say: forget what you're doing and stand in a “bipartisan” way in awe of the Jew and in worship of him so as to better fulfill your never-ending obligations to Israel.

Nonie Darwish goes on to reprint a letter she says was given to Secretary of State Clinton by an Egyptian reformist in which he claims to represent the non-Islamist sons and daughters of Egypt and the 15 million Copts. Well, reading the letter is tiresome to begin with, and when you see the author double the number of Copts from less than 8 million to 15 million without displaying a hint of shame, you stop reading the thing because nonsense that is also of poor quality is never a good thing on which to waste your time.

We now return to the McCarthy article. Talking about Huma Abedin's mother, he says the following: “[she] led the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC) [which] defends such practices as female genital mutilation.” Notice that female circumcision became female genital mutilation, something that the women in sub-Saharan Africa called for in part because of the work that was done by such organizations as the IICWC.

My first encounter with this subject happened sometime in the late Eighties of the Twentieth Century or thereabout. I was in the company of men, some of whom were lawyers. The name of a woman lawyer came up during the conversation, and one of the men asked me if I knew her. I said I did not, and he said I should get to know her. I asked why and he said she wrote a book about Egypt. He gave me the title which roughly translates from the French into English as: “From the St Lawrence to the Nile.” I thought it was a novel, and so I went to a bookstore and asked for it. They did not have it because it was out of print, but they said they will call me as soon as they locate a used copy. A few days later they called me to say they had a copy, and I went to get it.

It was a small work that pretended to be a novel but that was, in reality, an essay or a manifesto whose motives were difficult for me to discern at the time. Constructed around a thin plot line, the main thrust of the story is to make the point that Egypt is plagued by female circumcision; with all the negative propaganda that comes with this style of writing. Well, I never met the author of the book but I managed to gather enough information about her to know why she wrote that manifesto. She -- like a few other French speaking lawyers (mostly females) -- got into trouble with the legal establishment of Quebec which, to be truthful, is paternalistic, tribal and corrupt. The French lawyers who get into trouble with it run to the English speaking lawyers and ask for protection. As it happens these lawyers are mostly Jewish, and they demand a payment for extending their protection. That woman's payment was the writing of a book to stir up the hate against Egypt.

I then did some research on circumcision (both male and female) and discovered that the practice was started by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The royals liked sex so much, they wanted the sexual act to last as long as possible. By some fluke, they discovered that this can be achieved when the man and the woman are circumcised, and so they circumcised themselves, something that the commoners were not allowed to do. But the Jews who wanted to go out in the world and be pharaohs over humanity, picked up the tradition and modified it somewhat. Unlike Egypt where even a woman could be queen, the Jews were so paternalistic and so authoritarian, the men were treated like royals while the women were discouraged from seeking circumcision.

Right now, the debate is raging around the world concerning both the male and female circumcisions. There are the pros and the cons on both sides of the argument. Where in the underdeveloped places that still perform the operation outside the hospital, circumcision is regarded as genital mutilation. Where in the developed places, the operation is performed in a hospital, circumcision is regarded as less risky than say, abortion. All of these people are having their internal debates, and what they are saying to those in America who always have an ignorant advice to give on every subject they cannot differentiate from their assholes is this: Go practice your politics of the genitals somewhere else, and keep your noses away from the clitoris of our little girls. You have enough trouble with your own child molesters; don't you (bleep) come here and mess up the lives of our children.

Rather than heed this admonition, the Jewish propaganda machine -- using mouthpieces like Andrew McCarthy and other bird brains -- are falsely telling their audiences that circumcision is part of Sharia law when, in fact, it is not. But they go on to scare people by saying that circumcision will be imposed on everyone if Muslim Americans are not barred from holding high positions in the government, something that used to be done to Jews which now, the Jews want to see done to their enemy of the day because it would satisfy their weird sense of balance.

And so, we ask the question: What is really motivating this woman Michelle Bachmann for doing what she is doing? The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that she spent time in a kibbutz which reminds us of something that happened when Golda Meir – called the mother of Israel -- was in charge of things in that place. Then as now, the Jewish leaders in America were trying to paint Israel as the perfect place where nothing wrong is ever done; where nothing bad ever happens. The trouble was that neither CNN nor Fox News existed at the time, thus the journalists of America were free to report what they saw and not what they were told to say they saw.

These journalists reported that Israel was full of prostitutes who were young and attractive and mostly from Eastern Europe. A day or two later, Golda Meir popped in front of the cameras to tell the world that Israel was going through a financial crisis. Those who love Israel could help by coming to the country as tourists, she said. And she added that Israel was full of young and pretty girls who would be eager to enchant them. Many people around the world viewed this episode as the mother of Israel seeking to sell her daughters for money the way that Joseph was sold by his brothers to a bunch of desert marauders for a handful of silver pieces only to be freed in Egypt, and hired to work in a palace where he did very well for himself.

Shortly after that came another horror story out of Israel. First, adult men went to America and told about life in the Kibbutz where sex is truly a communal affair. It is a place where mothers have sex with their sons, where fathers have sex with their daughters and where every child is taught to masturbate at an early age. In short, the kibbutz turned out to be the incubator of sex deviation where young and attractive foreign girls were encouraged to go and see for themselves how wonderful life is in Israel. And the kibbutz was also the place that supplied the streets of Israel with young and attractive prostitutes.

To this day no one knows what role Michelle Bachmann played in the hellhole they call the kibbutz of the Jewish state. But when all is said and done, she will never hide the fact that she tried to masturbate her intellect to the White House only to end up masturbating her way to oblivion.

Whatever happened to her when she was young, she is now a disgusting creature and shall so remain for ever and ever.