Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Jewish Shrink And The American Psycho

Following the Joe McCarthy episode of the mid Twentieth Century in the United States of America, the Jewish leaders reckoned that they will be better off stabbing the other Joe in the back, and turning away from his Stalinist order of world domination by Communist ideology. Instead, they embraced the “democratic” order of things wondering what the agenda will turn out to be but not worrying too much for now. And they did all this even though they had no idea then anymore than they do now what the word democracy stood for.

To the casual observer, things looked quiet for twenty years after that but this was a deception -- a veritable optical illusion. In fact, while nothing extraordinary appeared to take place to the naked eye, the trained eyes that could see below the surface of things saw the preparations that were made by the Jewish leaders to first dominate America then go from there and seek to dominate the whole world as per the grand old design of their ancient mentors.

Thus, while America continued to march confidently and optimistically toward a future it believed was its own, the Jewish leaders were quietly plotting to make sure that the country's potential in all fields of endeavor will be put not in the service of the real people of America but the service of Israel -- their pet project then as it is today – and the service of Jews everywhere in the world. In fact, those leaders have managed to accomplish so much for their causes that America's apparent confidence and optimism gradually transformed from a state of certainty to that of a serious question mark.

The future was beginning to cloud for America as the Jewish leaders went on to do what they were doing between the mid-Sixties of the Twentieth Century and the early part of the Twenty-First Century. They did it relentlessly and without respite during the good times when America was soaring like an eagle, and they did it during the bad times when America was suffering like a wounded bird. It is that the ball they had their eyes on was not America but Israel and only Israel.

To appreciate what happened in that period, we need to visualize a quintessential Jew interacting on the same stage with a quintessential American. The Jew will have to be well versed in psychiatry given that much of the Jewish activities were based on the playing of psychological games. As to the American, he will have to be above average in intelligence and academic achievement, and he will have to be spoiled enough by the good life he has led so far as to be utterly naïve when it comes to the hard realities of everyday living, let alone the sort of games that the Jewish leaders were playing.

Lucky for us, it happened that on July 12, 2012 the magazine National Review Online published two articles that do the job for us. The first was written by the former Jewish psychiatrist, Charles Krauthammer under the title: “The Islamist Ascendency” and the subtitle: “We are in the third stage of modern Arab political history.” The second article was written by the American Victor Davis Hanson under the title: “The World Is Changing Minute by Minute” and the subtitle: “Technological breakthroughs and unforeseen political upheavals are upending the conventional wisdom.”

This last word “wisdom” is a key word in both articles because it tells something about the state of mind of the two authors. Hanson used it to mock the pessimistic predictions that were made in the past. Krauthammer used it to express a wish that the Arab world will be westernized – whatever that means. Unlike some of the authors we encounter in the popular press these days, our two authors are intelligent and talented on many levels. Still, even though we do not detect a contradiction in what they are saying about the future of America and the West in their respective articles, we detect something which indicates that each of them is coming from a point of view far removed from the other. And this says that they must have held contradictory views at some point; views they kept inside and may never have expressed openly in the past.

Having described himself as being to the right of Attila the Hun, and having advocated the indiscriminate sending to Guantanamo Bay of all the people he dislikes, Krauthammer has demonstrated by what ruthless spirit he was motivated. And he made it clear he felt comfortable with that, a situation that lasted till the moment that things began to change. This is when he realized that going after a bunch of unruly Arab kids who love to play hide and seek with the self-proclaimed policeman of the world was not going to save the Jews from whatever existential threat he believed was menacing them. And so he mellowed -- perhaps thinking to himself that he had finally acquired the wisdom that escaped him when he was younger.

But Krauthammer the Hun (German) -- who says he is from a French descent more than he is a Kraut (German) despite the sound of his name – had always been the apocalyptic horseman who personally led the charge against the Arabs, describing them (in different ways and different words) as being more vile than any monster you can imagine. And this was the steady diet on which Victor Hanson and those of his generation were feeding as they grew up. Thus, while the creator of the distorted image of the Arabs now seems to denounce his own creation – at least temporarily and for the occasion -- Victor Hanson the disciple is keeping alive the old image of the Arabs while mocking the people (like himself) who used to be terrified by it. Go figure.

And so – surprise, surprise -- not to fear the Arabs anymore is what the disciple is urging at this time. In this sense, he too has mellowed but for a reason that is diametrically opposed to that of Krauthammer. In fact, while the latter sees wisdom in trying to win the Arabs to the side of the Jews and of Israel rather than further antagonize them, Hanson believes that America's old glory is destined to come back to where it belongs despite the Arabs and all the others enemies. You cannot help but see here a difference in the way that each of them tackles the same subject while standing on the same stage. As you will see, Krauthammer who used to practice psychiatry is choosing to take up and navigate a realistic road while Hanson, his moral disciple is choosing to fantasize about the road ahead.

What Krauthammer does is use recent events to argue: “That the Arab Spring is a misnomer. This is an Islamist ascendancy, likely to dominate Arab politics for a generation.” But while going from the introduction he started with earlier to come to this conclusion, he passes by a point in the middle where he equates moderation with being westernized. Even though this is not a very clear concept, it is a misstep that demolishes his argument and voids his presentation because no one has been more immoderate than the Westerners. To wit, he and countless other people like himself have long argued that the problem with the most violent and most despotic of the Arab rulers such as the Baathists of Iraq and of Syria, is that they learned the Western ways too well and have applied them faithfully. And this guy wants all the Arabs to be westernized? Go figure.

The old argument went on to say that those Arab leaders learned all there was to learn about the full spectrum of Western despotism -- ranging from Communism on the far Left to Fascism on the far Right -- and they behaved as badly as the characters they imitated. But Krauthammer now seems to repudiate this theory. Why so? Because it suits his new argument -- nothing more profound than this. It is an approach that is so predictable; you should expect him to change his mind again when the new stance will have become stale and no longer serving the purpose for which it was imagined.

Anyway, Krauthammer concludes that Islam – which has been touted as the answer to the Arabs' lack of progress – is no answer at all, and he predicts that if moderate Islam radicalizes “it too will fail and bring on yet another future Arab Spring where democracy might actually be the answer … and thus achieve by evolution an authentic Arab-Islamic democratic norm.” A very hopeful note on which to end a column for an Attila of the French Kraut variety. Who would have thought that Chuck will one day be so nice as to write such kind words about the Arabs?

We now look at the work of the disciple, Victor Hanson. He begins with this introductory sentence: “We are witnessing a seismic shift in global affairs.” He then goes on to list the pessimistic views – fed, as he says, by the old conventional wisdom -- which used to make America and Israel look weak and getting weaker, while making their enemies look strong and getting stronger. But he gleefully dismisses all of that with the following: “But none of that conventional wisdom now seems very wise – largely because of a number of technological breakthroughs and equally unforeseen political upheavals.”

This said, he explains the last part of his statement. He tells that “the euro zone is unraveling” while “the Arab Middle East is now in a free fall.” How sweet those unforeseen political upheavals! But there is more. There are the technological breakthroughs: “Horizontal drilling and fracking have made oil shale and tar sands rich sources of oil and natural gas, so much so that the United States may prove to posses the largest store of fossil-fuel reserves in the world.” And lest we forget Israel, he reminds us of this: “Even more surreal, tiny oil-poor Israel, thanks to vast new offshore finds, has been reinvented as a potential energy giant in the Middle East.”

Well, the one thing I am not going to do is debate a speculative fantasy with the speculator that created it. I know from experience this would be a thankless task. Rather, I have my own point of view concerning the three subjects he mentions, and they are as follows: First, the euro zone may unravel in the sense that some of the countries will get out of the arrangement but this will not be the end of Europe. In any case, even if this were to happen, how will that serve America's purpose? Please explain.

Second, globalization did not start with the high-tech boom; it started six or seven decades before that with the energy boom. And ever since that time, energy has been a global phenomenon and will remain so regardless as to where it will be dug out and where it will be used. This will be everywhere, in fact, because the whole world will eventually become industrialized. And the result is that no one nation will have such a clear advantage over everyone else, it could impose its will on the whole world. Not even the America in Hanson's fantasy world.

Third, many of the wars and skirmishes that happened in the Middle East came about because Israel tried to steal Arab water. When technological breakthroughs made it possible to desalinate sea water at a reasonable price, the Israelis found it cheaper to get water by this method than get it through wars. Likewise, an energy self-sufficient Israel will minimize the need for America to pimp for it or threaten the neighbors who refuse to conjugate with it economically, politically or otherwise.

The trouble, however, has always been that every time Israel tried to invite the big companies to come and drill in Israel, the Israelis did what they do best which is to tell an ounce of truth and back it with a ton of verbal manure. This always had the corrosive effect of jinxing the effort. Thus, if not for the sake of those of us who had it up to here with Israeli manure, I implore Hanson for the sake of the Israelis to keep quiet and not jinx the project yet again. Hold back on your dancing in the street till they get the gas out, Vic. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed, your mouth shut and just watch.

To those of us, old timers, who saw the growth of the Jewish influence in America and are aware of the devastating effect it has had on what used to be a superpower now reduced in the words of Victor Hanson to a pile of “pathologies – massive budget and trade deficits, mounting debt, strategic vulnerability … a litigious and indulgent America settled for a run-down LAX and creaking Amtrak relics,” it looks like history is trying to repeat itself. But the silver lining is that history may not succeed this time.

It is that like the old days, a number of Jewish leaders are still trying to suck the goodness out of America and still trying to divert it to Israel and to every group of Jews wherever they may be. Like the old days, the leaders do what they do relentlessly, and they do it without respite in good times and in bad times except that the times are so bad now, the American people will not be lulled into complacency anymore. It will be impossible to repeat history under the current conditions.

Sooner or later, the result of the Jewish activities will be that the leaders will have learned to mellow as did Krauthammer; but more than that, they will know they have to stay mellowed. Those who do not will be hammered by a population that is increasingly turning weary of the Jewish antics. What will make this happen is the fact that the American people are now able to decipher those antics more easily than ever before, and they do not like what they uncover.

As to the disciples who are so imbued with the Zionist philosophical manure they cannot shake it off, they will no longer represent the quintessential American and will wither away because America will have moved away from them.

If lucky, these people will quietly be retired to the pasture for the psychologically irretrievable where they will live a comfortable life surrounded by fantasies of their creation to entertain themselves.