Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Romney Lampooning Of Israel

The wannabe president of the United States of America, Mitt Romney, gave a speech in occupied Jerusalem to please who knows whom. The speech started as a suck up address but then deteriorated to being a lampooning of Israel. Or was it? Having praised the Israelis for what they managed to do in creating a Jewish nation, and in maintaining it as Jewish despite the adversities, he talked about Iran whose leaders he described as being “the product of a radical theocracy.” In case someone did not see the irony in him standing on what he says is Jewish soil, and calling Iran a theocracy, he went on to demonstrate his point in a more emphatic way.

He started the argument this way: “Israel and America are in many respects reflections of one another.” To prove this view, he went on to show the similarities between the two regimes from the political, economic and cultural standpoints. One of the similarities he mentioned was the following: “We both believe that our rights are universal, granted … by our creator.” Obviously, the intent here was to have every astute observer mumble to himself or mumble aloud: “And what do you think the Iranians believe, Romney my boy?”

Another similarity that Romney mentioned was this: “We both believe in the rule of law, knowing that in its absence, willful men may incline to oppress the weak.” Obviously, the intent here was to have the astute observer ask if he meant (1) to undo every veto that America has cast against the Security Council resolutions condemning Israel; (2) force Israel to abide by the resolutions that have not been vetoed such as those which say he is standing on occupied Palestinian land; (3) recognize that Zionism is worse than racism because the racists reject their views when their assumptions are proven false whereas the Zionists are so certain of their supremacy, only a God could convince them they are wrong but He is not trying to do so.

Which leads us to the second part of that observation: “willful men may incline to oppress the weak.” Obviously, the intent here was to have the astute observer ask if he will tell the Israelis to leave the unarmed Palestinian people alone. Could it be that he concluded three generations of occupation make of what passes for a Jewish religion not really a religion but a demonic form of savagery? Does he see that this situation also diminishes America given the support that the superpower extends to Israel to continue the horror? In case Israel fails to respond favorably, will he as president of the United States cut off all relations with what he calls the Jewish state? Will he promise never to arm it again; never to give it another dollar or guaranty a loan it takes out? Will he? Will he do any or all of these things?

And there was this similarity in his speech: “We both believe in democracy.” Obviously the intent here was to have the astute observer ask if this meant the next time that Foxman of the anti-Defamation League decides to unleash his dogs of war and instruct them to go against the people who express their views in America or anywhere in the world, he will respond. Will he, as president, unleash the investigative powers of his office to go after Foxman and his abominable organization with the view of clipping their wings and rendering them as harmless as a defanged hyena?

And there was this similarity: “We both believe in free enterprise.” Obviously the intent here was to have the astute observer crack his belly wide open while laughing his head off. Or was it? To say something like this to the Israelis whose economy is the reverse of free enterprise is to call Karl Marx a Milton Friedman; or call Milton Friedman a Karl Marx. But even with a cracked belly and no head to cap it, an observer – whether astute or stupid – can see that Israel's economy is two thirds public and one third private which is the exact opposite of what free enterprise is all about. Thus, we must conclude one of two things: either Romney knows this and he is lampooning the Israeli economy, or he has no idea how a capitalist economy works and he intends to turn America into a Marxist state. In either case, his presidency will turn out to be a calamity. Is this guy for real?

Romney went on to say this: “As someone who has spent most of his life in business, I am particularly impressed with Israel's cutting edge technologies and thriving economy. We recognize yours as the 'start-up nation' – and the evidence is all around us.” If anything, this passage should tell Romney never again to have a Jew write a speech for him on a subject that pertains to the Middle East. They made other presidents sound like mouth-farting idiots. It is obvious that this part of the speech was written for him by his adviser Dan Senor who wrote a book about Israel and called it “Start-up Nation.” The book is a bad joke that did more than anything to tell the world Israel is a technological fake.

The truth is that it takes only a million dollars to list a company on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ). To create the semblance of having a thriving technological base, every Israeli who comes up with an idea for an application that does not surpass that of a North American high school student, is patented in Israel and used to start a company around it. A million dollars are loaned to the company so as to get it listed on the American NASDAQ -- money that is later withdrawn without notifying the Association, and used to list another company. And the charade keeps feeding on itself like a Ponzi scheme.

The listings are meant to have two effects. The first is to give the impression that Israel is advanced in technology, especially that a listing is always accompanied by a big write up and the sort of rubbish you see in the Senor book. The second effect is that it attracts the so-called angel investors who throw money at a project not expecting a return but simply to encourage the budding young entrepreneurs who may someday come up with the next Microsoft or Apple. But neither a Microsoft nor an Apple ever came out of that hellhole they call Israel. On the contrary, these people have proven to have the Midas touch in reverse because everything they touch is turned into a disaster.

And the scary part about the Romney speech is this: “What you have built here [is] a model for others.” If he truly believes this – should he become president and implement this model in the United States, it will be goodbye America. Might as well start rehearsing the song: You will become like Israel but remain somewhat below North Korea. Let us pray and then bury you alongside Karl Marx or maybe alongside one of the dear leaders.

Then in the Romney speech, came a bombshell that exploded like a fragmentary bomb made not of metal but of pig manure. Look at this passage: “Finally, we both believe in freedom of expression, because we are confident in our ideas and in the ability of men and women to think for themselves. We do not fear open debate.”

Assuming he thought that the astute observer had failed to catch the irony in his earlier observation about democracy, he could not make the same assumption about this bombshell because the truth about what happened had already come out. And what happened was that a meeting between Romney and the leader of the Israeli opposition, Yacimovich was canceled on orders from Netanyahu. You can't miss the irony here.

Which forces us to reject the notion that he was lampooning Israel, and adopt the notion that he has no idea what he is talking about. And this is something that leads us to exclaim the following:

Freedom of expression my ass! Confident in their ideas my ass! The ability to think for themselves my ass! Romney as president of the United States my ass!

Go back to making money destroying companies and laying people off. But do it in Israel and leave North America alone.

Things are good out here, we don't need someone messing it to please Netanyahu his bosom buddy.