Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Romney Incites Murder By Self Defense

In a speech delivered in Israel, Mitt Romney endorsed Israel's demand that Iran stop its program of enriching uranium, period. This means the Iranians are told to destroy the centrifuges they now have – enough of them that they can enrich as much uranium to the 20% level as they will need to run a fleet of nuclear powered ships and one of submarines; a long sought after goal of theirs. Thus, what the Iranians are told to do by the wannabe president of the United States of America is abandon their advance in science and technology because it makes the Israelis feel jealous. Failing this, he says, he will support Israel if it decides to attack Iran.

This is crazy to begin with because it shows in a clear and concrete fashion the depravity of the form of governance that is practiced in America. It is bad enough when politicians use the money of the people to buy their votes, it is worse when they go abroad – especially to Israel – and give the Israelis what does not belong to America such as a chunk of Palestine and Jerusalem, then tell the other neighbors to refrain from mastering the advanced technologies because it renders the Israelis jealous. But crazier than this is the fact that Romney took the matter a step further than that. He called Israel's dream to attack Iran an act of self defense.

What is clear is that Mitt Romney still believes in the idea that was planted in the heads of the American elite nearly five decades ago by the Jewish propaganda machine. It was to the effect that America can do anything it wants in this world, and that everyone else must accept it whether it proves in the end to have been the right thing to do or the wrong thing.

The Jewish leaders justified this sort of ideas by advancing the argument that America was so superior and so far ahead of everyone else, no one had the right to rebuke it for its failures, or point to them because such would be an act of insolence aimed at chipping away at America's prestige. And a few Americans, especially of the younger generation, came around to believing in this line of reasoning; hence the start of the push to hammer into the head of the unbelievers the notion of America's exceptionalism – an expression that sounds nice to them whatever definition you may wish to give it.

The trouble is that the younger generation, and apparently Mitt Romney as well, never considered the possibility that what the American leaders say and do abroad affects the American people no less than what their leaders say and do at home. Thus, when these characters go abroad and tongue-lash someone or kick their asses, the American people learn the lesson that it is okay to be rude to someone or kick their asses.

Yes, they will try to tongue-lash and kick asses abroad if they can but since they cannot always do that, they end up tongue lashing each other and kicking asses at home. The net result is that the world's view of America transforms from admiring the decent superpower to fearing the rude superpower to scorning the has-been superpower.

And when an American leader -- who aspires to the highest office in the land -- goes abroad to say that attacking someone you do not like is self-defense, the young and immature in America seek to defend themselves by attacking those they do not like. And you end up getting the Columbine and Aurora effects.

Take it from me, the nations of the world will find a way to defend themselves against the likes of Israel and a Romney in the White House. But ask yourselves who will be there to defend the would be victims of the American mass murders and those of the “stand your ground” madness?

I shudder to think of an American future that is being shaped by Judeo-Israeli ideals.