Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bark Of A Wannabe Commander-in-Chief

On July 24, 2012, the eve of his departure to Israel and a couple of other places, Mitt Romney who is running to be president of the United States of America and commander-in-chief of its armed forces, gave a speech to the veterans of foreign wars at the annual convention held in Reno. The first thing that he said after the customary salutation and acknowledgments was that the veterans of foreign wars number more than two million. Wow! Two million? You don't have to be an American, and you don't have to be a veteran to be affected by the enormity of this number. Thus, you expect to hear the wannabe commander-in-chief say something about it; say whether or not he understands the needs of these people and whether or not he has plans for them.

But you hear nothing like that from this candidate even though on the day before, Barack Obama who is the sitting President, was at the same convention telling the same veterans how well he understands their problems, how deeply committed he was to solving them and what he has done already to alleviate their hurt as well as attend to their needs. Not surprisingly, the list he enumerated was no less massive than the number of veterans. It included the medical attention that many of these people need. The pension reforms that some are entitled to and deserve to have. The retraining for a gainful employment in the new economy that some of them desperately need. The hiring of veterans that the government has done, can still do and will do. And the encouragement that the Administration is doing to get the private sector to hire veterans.

None of this gave Mitt Romney a hint as to what was expected of him. Instead, he told the veterans they have “a special place in America's heart” without telling them how this will translate into maintaining the programs that were started by the sitting President, or telling them how he will improve on those that may need improvement. Ignoring all that, Romney told the veterans only this: “Our veterans are part of a proud tradition that stretches back to the battlefields of Lexington and Concord--” Which led him to say the following a little later on: “But we owe our veterans ... more than just an accounting of our successes. They deserve a fair and frank assessment of the whole picture – of where we are and where we want to be.”

That's it? you say to yourself. He came to tell the veterans: we love you with all our hearts, and here is what we want you to do in the future. Is that all he came to tell the veterans? Apparently yes, but he has a preamble to begin with. It is this: “the last few years have been a time of declining influence and missed opportunities.” What are these? you ask. And he says they are the bad economy, the inability to shape world events, the loss of confidence among allies and loss of respect among adversaries. But he hints this is small potato because: “most importantly, has the most severe security threat facing America and our friends, a nuclear-armed Iran, become more or less likely?”

He assures the audience: “These clear measures are the ultimate tests of American leadership.” He chides the sitting President for not living up to them and lists a litany of the latter's failures. Following that, he concludes: “The world is dangerous, destructive, chaotic. And the two men running to be your commander-in-chief must offer their answers.” Oh finally, you think to yourself, he is going to say something concrete. Here it comes: “Like a watchman in the night, we must remain at our post --” What? Like a watchman in the night? Hey Mitt, cut the platitudes and show us the meat. Where's the meat?

But there is no meat because all he has to offer are more platitudes which he interlaces with a series of anti-Obama diatribes. He keeps throwing the platitudes and the diatribes till he hits the subject of Iran, the nation he earlier characterized as being the most severe security threat facing America and its friends. And this is what he says on that subject: “the president faltered when the Iranian people were looking for support in their struggle against the ayatollahs.” He calls that moment a moral and strategic opportunity which the President should have seized to offer “unequivocal voice … affirming their right to be free.”

Well, those of us who are old enough to remember what happened during the Hungarian uprising in the Nineteen Fifties and a few more uprisings after that -- when the Americans and other Western European powers offered unequivocal voice affirming the right of the people in revolt to be free -- will never again want to hear the voice of a president or anyone else cheering someone and leading them to keep fighting past the point of exhaustion. This may be in the strategic interest of America in the short run but it is detrimental to it in the long run, and criminal in every sense of the word from the moral standpoint. It is criminal because it gives people a false hope and invites them to commit suicide which may embarrass the oppressors but also creates a reason for the cheerleaders to celebrate a cowardly victory. You sacrifice thousands of innocent lives for the opportunity to beat your breast like a gorilla?

Yet, we keep hearing voices that relentlessly call on the American president to do just that. And we keep reading the same message being hammered over and over in the print publications. So we ask: Who are the people responsible for this? And what do they really want? Well, these are the people who make-up the Jewish lobby in America. What they want is serve their numerous causes, foremost among which are the wealth, power and glory of Israel. Don't they already get what they want from America? Yes they do. But they have an insatiable hunger for something else; something they can never get enough of.

To see this in the starkest possible of ways, we turn our attention to a later moment on that day -- a few hours after Romney had finished giving his speech. It happened on the CNN show called “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer where two guests, one from the Obama campaign and one from the Romney campaign bickered about who will be better for Israel. The Obama representative said the President has armed Israel to the teeth, has financed it to the hilt, defended it in every forum around the world, provided for its protection against any possible attack and so on and so forth. Yes, said the man from the Romney campaign, the President did do all these things but he missed out on the most important thing. What's that? you ask. Obama did not speak out well enough about Israel, said the man.

What's this all about? you ask. What's going on here? Well, what is going on now is something that has been going on for thousands of years. These people believe they are the chosen children of God. That God used to appear to mortals in the old days but He no longer does so now. In His absence, they must be worshiped like He would have been. This is why they worked on a number of insane pastors, and convinced them to go on television and tell their flocks of emotionally worn out sheep to worship the Jew as a God.

But what good does that do to the agenda of the Jewish lobby? Well, my dear, here is the answer unfolding before your very eyes on the television screen. You see representatives of the two campaigns, each pledging to better serve the Jewish state. The fact is that when a notion is hammered into the head of the children of America that they can only say good things about the Jews and Israel, and never criticize them, the children grow up to become the natural slaves of the Jews and of Israelis without the need to place shackles around their necks or their ankles. They, on their own, will impose the state of slavery on themselves because they will see it as the natural thing to do.

Thus, for the Obama representative to boast that the President has armed Israel to the teeth, financed it to the hilt, defended it in every forum around the world, provided for its protection against any possible attack and the rest of it -- does not compare to the reality that the Wolf Blitzer Situation Room is more powerful that the Situation Room at the White House from where the nation of America was meant to be run. There is nothing that the President can do that Blitzer cannot undo if the first dares to act on something in a way that goes contrary to the interests of Israel or the Jewish causes. Get it through your heads, folks; it is not an accident or a joke that they chose to call that television show the Situation Room. They conceived this thing to allow them to run America and the world from it because they consider the elected President to be only a figurehead with the real power being in the kingdom of Israel while Wolf Blitzer in America acts as the executive viceroy.

Do you think Romney understands any of this? Of course he does, and he is willing to give them exactly what they want. Look what he said in his speech: “I will leave … on a trip … that will take me to … Israel … I think of this administration's shabby treatment of one of our finest friends. President Obama is fond of lecturing Israel's leaders.” The reference here is to the day when Netanyahu lectured the President in the White House and practically urinated on his rug to then go and get 29 standing ovations in the Congress for a job well done.

Well done? No there is better than that, says Romney: it may look like Netanyahu lectured Obama but because Obama did not, in response, kiss Netanyahu's ring, it is as if he lectured his guest. I shall strive to do better than that because Israel is not a leech sucking our blood; it is our finest friend. I shall arm Israel to the teeth, finance it to the hilt, defend it in every forum around the world, provide for its protection against any possible attack and more than that, I shall praise it and praise the Jews like the gods that they are.

Romney dispenses with a few more platitudes which include the promise to involve America in another hemorrhaging war in the Middle East such as going against Iran, for example. He then ends the speech with this bark: Believe in America.

And the people are asking: Whose America? That of King Netanyahu or his viceroy Wolf Blitzer?