Friday, March 29, 2013

A Mother Unfit To Raise Her Children

Liz Cheney wrote this lately: These days Washington careens from crisis to crisis ... The Obama White House and its allies are engaged in the kind of sky-is-falling melodrama normally reserved for the lives of teenage girls. (As the mother of teenage girls, I speak with authority on this.)

What the woman is saying conveys the notion that her teenage daughters careen from crisis to crisis in a sky-is-falling melodrama. If this is true, the girls need someone to raise them because this mother is not fit to look after them. But if she made the whole thing up to give herself a kind of authority on the subject, then she is showing signs she is not fit to remain on the loose, but ought to be locked up in a mental institution for the good of the society she says she wants to protect.

Liz Cheney wrote those infamous words in an article titled: “Republicans, Get over the 2012 Loss – and Start Fighting Back” and subtitled: “Those who counsel that the GOP should move left are wrongheaded or Democrats or both.” It was published in the Wall Street Journal on March 29, 2013. In it, she claims authority not only on being the mother of teenage daughters living a chaotic life, but authority on something else too. You won't believe this but she wants to say she is an authority on the late President Ronald Reagan.

She did so by quoting a passage from a speech Mr. Reagan gave in 1961 on the subject of freedom. She inserted the quote below the title and before beginning her presentation. This is a cheap trick often used by the people who know they cannot articulate the subject matter they are about to discuss, so they put the reader in the right frame of mind by siphoning the intellectual “energy” of someone else. Still, Cheney is trying to do even more than that because she also calls herself Chairman of “Keep America Safe,” an outfit that claims to deal with national security issues.

Putting aside her claim of authority on motherhood and Reagan, we look at what she is trying to articulate. She starts with this: “President Obama is the most radical man ever to occupy the Oval Office.” Okay, I'm with you but tell me why Ms. Cheney. And she tells why: “In one of his autobiographies, the president writes that he felt 'like a spy behind enemy lines.'” Is that it? That's what makes the man a radical? Yup. Let's now talk about something else. Something as important, she means to say.

Like what, Liz Cheney? Like this: “The president has launched a war on [the] Second Amendment ... a war on religious freedom ... a war on fossil fuels. He is working [on] ObamaCare. He wants to collect [more of] American paychecks ... to expand his governing machine. He believes in greater redistribution of a smaller pie. If you're unsure of what this America would look like, Google 'Cyprus' or 'Greece.'”

Cyprus or Greece? That's where democracy is supposed to have started – presumably the same democracy that America has been championing since independence; the one that she, Liz Cheney, is trying to defend through her outfit “Keep America Safe.” What happened to democracy, my dear lady? Something went wrong with it?

She does not answer this question directly but posits that: “The president has ... diminished American strength abroad ... He is working to ... disarm the United States. He advocates slashing our nuclear arsenal ... He has turned his back on America's allies.” This last part is euphemism to mean that Obama is not giving Israel what America can no longer afford to give itself. But guess what, Liz; Israel has two and only two friends in the region. They are Cyprus and Greece. And guess what; these two have only one friend in the region; Israel. With friends like these, who needs enemies! Wanna join them? If yes, Israel will take you there.

The woman goes on to write this: “Al Qaeda is resurgent across the Middle East ... its affiliates in Libya killed the U.S. ambassador and three other brave Americans ... Today, no one has been held to account. The clear message ... to America's enemies around the world is: Attack us with impunity. You will suffer no consequences.” She is saying what you often hear the clowns say when they go on the Fox News channel and speak on this subject.

What these people tell the Al Qaeda operatives is basically this: “Be scared you little punks because I have been trained to shoot. If you wear that exploding belt, and you come to blow yourself up in my presence, I am going to shoot you. So, be scared now.” They, like Liz Cheney, mean to reassure the American public that you can scare someone who is prepared to die for the cause. Mental cases. All of them; a bunch of mentals.

The fact remains that these people have no idea how to deal with a matter that was created by her father, Dick Cheney, the war criminal who endangered America more than anyone ever did in the history of the Republic. And he did it by wresting the power from the hand of the W, the moron president, and handing it to a bunch of emotionally rattled “children of Holocaust survivors” whose fixation has been and still is to do to the world what they believe the world has done to them.

This said, Liz Cheney gives the Republicans advice on how to fight back and save America from the Obama policies. In this sense, she sees herself as the embodiment of Ronald Reagan when, in reality, she would not be fit to walk his dog. In fact, despite the fact that he was a sociable person and a true gentleman, he would be offended to know that she quoted him in an effort to siphon energy from a speech he gave.

She ought to apologize to him publicly.