Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Governing By Repeating The Failures Of History

It is said that the generals who fight the last war end up losing the current war. There is no reason to doubt the validity of this saying although someone could perhaps point to an exception or two. But if the saying is generally true, it can be said with confidence that the generals who are plagued with the habit of fighting old wars end up being perennial losers. They may win a battle here and a battle there at the start of every skirmish but they end up losing the wars in which they remain engaged to the end.

If this sounds familiar, it is because one such scenario has played itself out incessantly in the recent past, and continues to play itself as if the generals who play it were incapable of learning from history. Yes, they have the ability to look at old battles and accurately replicate the tactics they learn from them, but this is the point where their abilities wear-out, and they fail to see that the long run strategy in which they are engaged is a perilous one and bound to end with their defeat.

This has been the history of Israel during the past few decades; it has been the history of the Diaspora Jews for 2000 years in Europe, and has been the ancient history of the Jews in the Middle East. But this is the history that was never reported accurately by an independent observer. Instead, it was distorted and put in the form of a religious saga, and was written into a book they call the Old Testament. It turns out; this is a book of fake history that shows a people winning every war in which they engage under the command of a God that is a warmonger par excellence. Then what? you hasten to ask. Then nothing, comes the answer. Having won all those phony wars, these people end up being the marauding Jews that nobody wants to see in their neighborhood. The phony history has proved to be a bunch of boloney mixed with slices of kosher salami.

If you tried to figure this one out, my friend, but could not because you lacked the necessary information, you may relax now because someone has put on paper the procedure by which the Jewish generals carry out their duties before they hang themselves and hang their so-called people. Actually, two authors did this work. They are Simon Henderson and Gabriel Scheinmann who wrote the article “Risking the 'Finlandization' of the Persian Gulf” and had it published on March 19, 2013 in the Wall Street Journal.

You don't have to go too far to get a sense of what is involved here because you can see it right away in a subtitle that reads like this: “A nuclear-armed Iran may bring Soviet-style intimidation to the Middle East.” The first thing that strikes you is the word “may” because it says that even the writers have begun the endeavor with the sense that they are only speculating. But by the time you get sucked into the presentation, you find that they leave no room for the reader to doubt that what they say is the gospel truth. And so you ask: Who are they trying to impress? And the answer pops right out at the moment you start to read the bulk of the article.

Here is how that goes when put in a condensed form: “That will be the discussion when President Obama visits Israel. In Washington officials tend to discuss whether time remains to prevent an Iranian bomb. Many speak with certainty, but their most basic assumptions remain questionable.” They go on to cast doubt that anyone in Washington knows what they are doing. Look how the two authors put it: “Can even the most sophisticated intelligence services know the nuclear progress of a country half the size of Europe? The U.S. was caught off-guard by nearly every country that has gone nuclear.”

Now that the American intelligence services have been disposed of like a used handkerchief (an Iranian expression) by the Jewish writers, they offer their own speculation which they present as if it were the inevitable reality which comes with the certainty of a religious prophecy. This is very Jewish already but there is still more Jewishness in it. Not only do these people want to tell you they know the future, they also want to tell you what goes on in the hearts and minds of the people they like and those they do not like. This is the ultimate in Jewishness, and look how they go about doing it here: “Tehran wants to dominate the Middle East, playing for regional hegemony, energy resources and cultural supremacy.” Even their God could not be this certain when speculating about the motivation of others.

Undaunted, they go on to present the recent history of the region in a way that harmonizes with the theory they tailor-made for the moment. To add force to their argument, and to allow themselves to prepare for the conclusion they will be drawing, they do what failed generals always do which is to invoke history and draw parallels between the past and the present. They start this segment of their argument like so: “The Gulf region looks today like the Central and Eastern Europe in the late 1940s.” And they end it like so: “An Iranian bomb would engender a similar crisis in today's Middle East.” It could not be any clearer than that.

And so they draw the conclusion at which they were aiming from the start: “If the U.S. allows Iran to go nuclear, it risks the 'Finlandization' of the Persian Gulf.” That's it; no ifs or buts. And no sweat.

But this is the kind of presentation they kept making during the past dozen years that got America involved in two losing wars trying to carry water for Israel, for world Jewry and for the self-appointed Jewish leaders in America. The result has been that in the same way the marauding Jews were treated like lepers everywhere they went, so was America treated like the leper nation that no one wanted to see in their neighborhood.

Despite all this, many in the world shed a tear for what had become of the America they once loved and had a great deal of respect for. But things may be changing.

Listen to those who will do it to you again, America, and you will end up being seen by people around the world like the perennial loser which they see when looking at a Jew.

And no one will ever again shed a tear for you, America.