Monday, March 25, 2013

The New York Tel Aviv Axis Of Theatrics

The story we saw play out before our eyes during the week just past was that of the American President, Barack Obama going to Israel, having a good time there, giving a speech that was viewed as the proverbial bottle of acid, and throwing that bottle in the face of the Arabs.

The President then went to the airport where, just before leaving Israel for Jordan, called the Prime Minister of Turkey on the telephone and arranged for him and for Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel to talk to each other and restore normal relations between the two countries. How romantic but also how misleading!

The truth is that we saw unfold a stage play whose script was written weeks before. Every move that was made and every word that was said were planned in advance to construct a narrative that was meant to send a false message to the Arab world. It was a message to the effect that Netanyahu was back in the saddle and that Israel was back in command of the White House and America.

The way to accomplish all this was to plant a story in Egypt's major newspaper Al Ahram; a story that would interpret the events as being a coup engineered by Mr. Obama to hurt Egypt. This will happen, they meant to say, because Turkey was now in a position to play the role of mediator between Hamas and Israel, a move that will sideline Egypt and render it irrelevant to the peace process.

But as usual, the Jews got too greedy playing the game, thus caused the fake narrative to blow up in their faces. As it turned out, the Turks agreed to talk to the Israelis not because Mr. Obama called from the airport on his way out, but because an apology from Netanyahu was the condition that the Turks had cited to resume normal relations with Israel. This is what they got and were told about it weeks before the call came from Mr. Obama. In fact, this was also the incentive that made the American President think of going to Israel at this time.

But the Jewish act of greed did not take its full dimension till the moment when these guys went beyond what they could safely handle without being exposed. They just could not let it be recorded in the history books that Netanyahu apologized to the Turks, and wanted to make the whole thing look like it was a mutual and reciprocal apology. To this end, they called on some obscure newspaper in Europe and asked it to conduct an interview with the Prime Minister of Turkey during which he would be asked questions in response to which he would say something that could possibly be interpreted as a Turkish apology for saying that Zionism was a crime against humanity akin to Fascism.

They did not get what they wanted from the Turkish Prime Minister but went ahead and called his uttering a mutual and reciprocal apology anyway. Not only that, but in revealing it to the world, they gave themselves the coup de grace. What they did was tell their closest echo repeaters that Turkey had apologized before the interview was published. This raised some eyebrows. But then, the interview was published, and the people failed to see in it a Turkish apology. They started to put two and two together, and came to the inevitable conclusion that the whole thing was a cheap Jewish piece concocted by the New York Tel Aviv axis of theatrics and disinformation.

But why would they do that? The most obvious answer is that they are Jews, and deception is their religion. The less obvious answer is that they wanted to send a false message to the Arabs, especially the Egyptians. Luckily, the Egyptians are aware of the trick they employ to get a story planted in Al Ahram. What they do is approach an Al Ahram correspondent in Europe or America, and they give him or her not a news item but a spin that sounds like an authentic news item.

Apparently, they tried this trick many times before, but Al Ahram never published the spin exactly as stated. The editors cleaned it as much as possible and published a little of it to make the Jews believe they had scored something.

The intent here was to encourage them to continue coming up with fake stories from which the Egyptians would determine what they were up to. It is a well known trick in counter espionage – which is what you must have under your belt when reading a Jewish publication.