Sunday, March 10, 2013

Replaying The Story Of Abraham And His Son

To borrow a phrase from the decade of the Nineteen Sixties, the editors of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) brought to the level of our consciousness something that was heretofore submerged deep into our subconscious minds. They did so in an article they titled: “The Not-Bluffing Bluff” and subtitled: “Iran gains more time to build nuclear weapons while the U.S. makes more concessions.” It was published in the Journal on March 9, 2013.

By coincidence, the editors of the New York Times (NYT) published an editorial the next day, March 10, 2013 that was not intended to be a response to the WSJ but could very well have been. It was titled: “Repeal the Military Force Law.” In it, the editors of the Times discuss a point of view that seems on the surface to be unrelated to the WSJ editorial but is, in fact, related to it at a deeper level.

Being in favor of seeing the United States embroiled in a war under a flimsy pretext, the WSJ editorial ends this way: “If Mr. Obama really weren't bluffing, we would be adding to our military … That we're doing the opposite tells Iran [we're] bluffing.” As to the editors of the NYT who do not favor seeing their country embroiled in “a war without end,” they end their editorial this way: “ Jeh Johnson … said in a speech … 'War must be regarded as a finite, extraordinary and unnatural state of affairs' … The right solution is for Congress to repeal the 2001 authorization … repeal it now.” These are two diametrically opposed positions.

The Wall Street Journal makes no secret of the fact that it is more Jewish than the Pope can be Catholic. If someone doubts this, the editors of the Journal chose the week in which North Korea threatened to engulf America in a nuclear holocaust to badmouth not North Korea but Iran whom Israel chose to be its enemy of the day. Thus, the clash we see between the points of view of the Journal and that of the Times is really a clash between what America wants for itself, and what the Jews want for America. It is also what the Jews will want for the world when they will have secured America's submission, and have taken control of the superpower.

All of that prompts us to ask the following questions: What is it that makes the Jewish leaders tick so incessantly? And what do they want in the final analysis if there will ever be a finality to what they seek?

The truth be told that what the Jews want from the relationships they forge with non-Jews is encapsulated in the story of God, Abraham and his son. It is the story of a father who was asked to prove his unconditional devotion to God by being ready to murder his own son because God has so ordered. Likewise, the Jews expect their “friends” to be so devoted to them, they would put the lives of their children in harm's way to please the Jews and serve their causes.

Of course, people would be smart enough to avoid getting into a relationship with a Jew if they knew at the start what will be expected of them at some point in the future. This is why young Jews are taught at an early age to hide their ultimate aim when approaching someone new with the view of forging a relationship with him or her. The youngsters then spend the rest of their lives training, rehearsing and implementing the art of attracting new people to their never ending causes. They start the process with every new catch by putting him or her at ease with a saying that goes something like this: We are so much alike, I am certain we'll see eye to eye on every subject.

How that relationship evolves will then depend on the individuals who will participate, the community where the interaction will take place, the culture that will weigh down on them, and the country where it will all unfold. But the one thing that will remain constant is that the end of every run will be a horror story, as indeed it has been throughout the centuries of Jewish history. The way that history has unfolded for these people everywhere they went has been an endless replay of the same old sordid story.

History for them has been a series of backlashes taking place each time that ordinary people were pushed to the limit of their endurance, and were made so very angry at being so badly deceived. In everyone of those instances, the people felt that they gave too much of themselves to please the Jews, but the Jews never stopped insisting on getting more, and still more after that. And what the Jews wanted more than anything was that their so-called friends renew their love for the Jews each and every day by proclaiming as loudly as they can their infinite hatred for those whom the Jews have designated their enemy of the day.

This was the mentality that signaled to ordinary people everywhere on the planet they had been feeding a monster who will feed on them and their children no matter how much they gave it; no matter how much they tried to appease it. And these were the moments when the backlashes were triggered, and the people decided that the time had come to use against the Jews the very weapons that the Jews had given them to attack the enemies of the day. That was the power to hate, the weapon that no one designs and no one puts together as effectively as do the Jews.

Hate is their stock in trade; hate is the sea in which they swim like fish. They produce this weapon so effectively, and they make it so deadly that even they cannot escape its aftermath once it has been activated. This is the fate that the Jews have met everywhere they went every time they exploited the people who took them in. They always came on the wings of hate and they always perished by the force of that hate.

America may not be there yet in its relationship with the Jews or with Israel – the most cherished cause of the Jews – but America is close to that point. It has gone beyond the saying: We are so much alike, I am certain we'll see eye to eye on everything; America is now hearing the chant: They are so different from us, neither you nor I will ever see eye to eye with them.

Moreover, the Jewish leaders have gone as far as to say: There is room in this world for only them or us but not for both of us. Better you and us without them, which means we must finish them off – something we can do if you'll sacrifice your children for the cause. You will put the kids in harm's way to fight the enemy of the day who has been my enemy for some time and has become yours too as of this moment.

Unfortunately for America, the Jews had tackled someone that was never easy to tackle, to chew on or to swallow. Yes, they got superpower America to fight on their behalf but the enemies they tried to beat up were the Arabs and the other Middle Eastern nations. These people proved to be more than the Jews could grind down even when the jaws they employed were those of America and a number of allies who became so disgusted with the Judeo-American misadventures, they dwindled down year after year to near zero ally.

Let us back off as well from these misadventures, say the American editors of the New York Times. Keep fighting to the last of your children, say the Jewish editors of the Wall Street Journal.

The tug of war has started between those two camps, and you know which side I take.