Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Playing Solo against Your Opponent

The February 8, 2014 issue of the Pittsburgh Tribune has an article by John Bolton that opens new vistas for understanding how the Jewish influence in America is fundamentally altering the culture there. The article has the Title: “American Policy is pushing Ukraine into Vladimir Putin's sphere.”

The Jewish influence has many aspects to it, each of which has played, and is playing a separate role in reshaping the American culture. When bundled together, these aspects become the single most destructive force that the Jewish influence has come to represent. To be sure, the American culture was originally based on its British counterpart, and has continually been infused with the cultures of the many and varied races that have settled in America. What the newcomers do, however, is enrich the existing culture by melting the best of their characteristics into its pot, thus adding to it what it will absorb willingly without threatening to alter it entirely.

And when in Britain, the culture there became infected with what came to be known as the British disease, America was not influenced by that. On the contrary, it was the influence of the American President, Ronald Reagan on the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher that encouraged the later to formulate a cure for the eradication of the disease. It was said that she did it by taking her cue from Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers, and doing battle against the labor unions in her country.

She thus managed – according to the urban legend – to induce her countrymen into readopting the long forgotten Protestant ethic, and love working hard again ... which is what pulled Britain away from the certainty of an impending ruin. In the meantime, however, America continued to be adversely influenced by what can be called the Jewish disease, a condition that does not seem to have a cure.

To better understand the essence of that Jewish disease, imagine yourself watching a sports event where your team is playing against a foreign team. Sitting beside you is a Jewish friend who incessantly criticizes, insults and demeans the foreign players not because he claims they are cheating, but because they are doing what they are supposed to do which is to move the ball in the direction of the opposing camp, sending it into the net and scoring points for their team. This, according to the Jew, is what the foreigners do that is sinful.

And this is the moment when it dawns on you that the way to play a game in the Jewish culture is to play against a walking corpse. The opponent is not supposed to have a mind of his own to think with, plan with, strategize with or score with. Anything he does that helps him outplay your team and defeat it, is considered to be a sinful move if not a terrorist act that the world must condemn. And if you want to know why the Jew will play against someone else in the first place, it is because no one can play a game of two alone.

This is why an opponent that is brought to play against the Jew must first be educated to the reality that he will have to stay paralyzed and let the Jew play as if were playing solo. This, my friend, is the mentality that has seeped into the American culture, eradicating everything else and taking over the melting pot. Well, if you think this is far fetched to the extent that it cannot even be billed as a work of fiction, read the Bolton article and see for yourself. Here is how he sees the battle between East and West over the future of Ukraine: “Given Ukraine's size, strategic location and potential for Westernization, there is no doubt America should strongly and visibly oppose Putin's policies.”

But what are these policies? Here is one reference: “Russia's transparent effort to bring the country back under its hegemony.” Here is another: “The Kremlin has acted overtly and covertly to extend its influence.” And this is happening because: “Putin is playing old-fashioned power politics, declaring Moscow's sphere of influence.” But what did that translate into on the ground? It translated into this: “Putin openly endorsed incumbent Viktor Yanukovych for president in the 2010 Ukraine presidential election.”

What's wrong with that? What's wrong is that “independent-minded Ukrainians need NATO membership.” Why NATO? Because this would be “the sole realistic way to induce Moscow to scale back or cease its predatory conduct.” Did you say predatory? Where do you see predation? You want to know where? Well, I see Russian predation because: “In 2008 the Western Europeans blocked the path to NATO membership for Ukraine … inviting Moscow to take advantage of the vacuum. Shortly after his inauguration, Yanukovych did Russia's bidding by taking NATO membership off the table.”

And you say this makes of Putin and Russia predators? Yes, what else could they be? This is a game that is played in the international arena, and our opponent is not supposed to outplay us who are the good guys. He is only supposed to look like a walking corpse while our team gets into the business of swallowing Ukraine.

So then, what do you suggest should be done? I suggest that “the United States and whatever European allies it can rouse, must tell Moscow unambiguously to step back.”

Well, this is what Israel is doing in the Middle East. It wants America to make sure that everyone, especially the Palestinians, remain unarmed, and wants itself to be armed to the teeth. But do you believe that the same strategy can be imposed on the Russians? They will have to accept it or we'll call them terrorists.

How about you? Do you think you can be cured of your disease? What disease; I'm feeling fine.