Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Proclaimed Desires of a Fantasist

If anyone out there still doubts that John Bolton is a traitor who wishes to see harm come to America more than do its enemies, they should read his latest article: “The coming crash of American diplomacy in the Middle East” which also has the subtitle: “Obama's policy failures on Iran, Syria and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute will have devastating effects.” It was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 18, 2014.

Up to now Bolton has been able to disguise his true feelings for America by making his dream to see the country fail, sound like a warning that failure is about to happen. But, unable to maintain the charade much longer, his true wishes are revealed in this article. He exposes himself as someone that is counting on the failure of the Obama administration, to force the changes he has been advocating in the nation's foreign policy.

Here is the first clue as to what lurks in his heart: “All three of Obama's maneuvers are based on errors and will certainly fail … Failing on one is bad; failing on all three will be devastating.” And here is what tells you this is not a warning but a wish: “Only another 9/11, another disaster, will produce the necessary awakening.” And that's what he is after; an awakening to reality the way that he sees it.

The three areas he is discussing in the article are Iran, Syria and Palestine. Where President Obama prefers to speak softly while carrying a big stick, Bolton has a penchant for the typical Jewish approach of barking at the opponent. Seeing that Obama is not barking, Bolton does something that is truly Jewish. He accuses the President of what he is not. He says this: “His [Obama's] is a world of rhetoric and talk, not of power.”

But the results are here for the whole world to see. There is a Syria that gave up its chemical weapons, and there is an Iran that is negotiating to curb it nuclear activities. As to Palestine, more progress has been made in the last few months on that front than was ever made before. Faced with all this, what can a John Bolton do to distort the reality of what is happening, and make it look different from what it is?

What he can do is change the rule of the game. In fact, the civilized rule that humanity has put down since the beginning of time is to seek peace and give everyone a reason to want to see it maintained. A small faction, however, has always lived by the sword and has never changed the habit. This faction happens to be the Jews whose approach Bolton chooses to follow. These are the people who bark when they want to achieve something that is difficult to achieve. As it happens, it is what Bolton is advocating as well. Here is how he put it: “Iran has not feared U.S. military strikes … and now it does not fear international sanctions.” It is clear that he wants to make fear of America – and not the quest for peace – the cornerstone of American foreign policy. That is the Jewish rule; it is also the Bolton rule of the game.

But that's not what he sees Obama do. He, therefore, speaks on behalf of those in the Middle East who ought to fear America but do not: “Neither Assad nor Al Qaeda see any prospect of U.S. intervention.” Worse, he sees Obama do the opposite of what he is supposed to do. He sees that “the main pressure is being applied in the Israeli-Palestinian matter against Israel, heretofore Washington's strongest regional ally.” And this is where you scream: strongest ally?

Knowing that any meaningful strength Israel has, is strength that America gave it, you look for something, anything at all that may be construed as indigenous Israeli strength. You find that the only strong something coming from there is the strong stink that periodically comes out the mouth of its officials; those that never cease to bark at America's Secretary of State insults which are comparable to those that Bolton unloads on his President. And this makes you want to repeat the age old stereotype: a Jew is a Jew is a Jew – he wants your blood and wants his pound of flesh too.

And this mentality expresses itself clearly and loudly when Bolton goes on to fantasize with a joy he cannot hide about what will happen in the near future: “The coming crash of U.S. diplomacy is not speculation … When all three Middle East negotiations fail, America's influence will fall further.” He goes on to explain that Obama made three errors. They are that he misreads America's adversaries. He doesn't know who his adversaries are. And he doesn't know who his friends are.

To buttress this view, he gives a number of examples as to how things worked out for America in the Middle East. One example concerns the case of Egypt where 90 million disgusted souls sent a third of the population down in the streets to tell their leaders – among other things – that they want Egypt to break relations with that sickest of sick regimes according to which a handful of Jews were able to take control of the instruments of governance and the media.

That was when politicians and journalists alike did nothing 24 hours a day but bark and bark and bark insults at Egypt and the Arab nations; and did nothing but spew and spew and spew venom at Egypt and the Arab nations. And they did all that at a time when aid in the form of food and fuel was coming out of Egypt and going to Israel – and had been for several decades.

Enough of that, said the people of Egypt, get us out of this relationship. And when the new leaders took steps to do just that, Bolton blamed it all on Obama. That is sick, very sick.