Saturday, February 22, 2014

Vanishing Graffiti Walls of the Exceptional

On February 20, 2014, the New York Daily News published: “Obama is weak, clueless and indecisive on Ukraine” by John Bolton who is more the child of a holocaust memorial than he is a child of the human race. The next day, February 21, 2014, the New York Times published: “Don't let up on Iran” by Michael Kassen and Lee Rosenberg who are big honchos of AIPAC, the bottomless sinkhole in which America keeps sinking with little hope of being rescued. The next day, February 22, 2014, the Wall Street Journal published: “America's Global Retreat” by Niall Ferguson, the naturalized American of British origin who desperately tries to stay out of the box, and always finds himself caught in a sand trap.

These are three articles published in three different newspapers over three days, having more than one thing in common. And the best way to tell what these are is to tell the story as to how they pulled out old memories, and how they helped form the ideas that coalesced into forming the presentation that follows.

When Marshall McLuhan was still alive something big happened and he took to it like the opposite poles of two magnets take to each other. It was discovered that inside the great pyramids of Giza were scratchings on the walls that meant something. They were the graffiti made by the workers who participated in the building of the pyramids nearly five thousand years ago.

I cannot tell with certainty how much McLuhan contributed to the conception of the “Pyramid Power” craze that developed at the same time – or even if there was a direct connection between the discovery of the graffiti and the craze. What I can tell, however, is that McLuhan got immersed in the craze fully and wholeheartedly once it got going. And what came out of the discussions that took place then, was an understanding of a human need which, up to that time was thought to belong only to the pharaohs. It was the fact that everyone, including the simple and ordinary workers, felt the need to participate in a project as massive as the building of the pyramids to secure immortality for themselves. The graffiti they left on the wall allowed them to do just that.

I now invite you, dear reader, to get into the time machine of the imagination, and go to the caves where early human beings left an impression of their hands on the wall, and you will understand that this was an expression of their quest for immortality. Gallop forward in time from era to era, and you will realize that each era had a massive project that secured immortality for its greats, but also provided a wall on which the ordinary people left their graffiti to say to posterity: I was here too, and I participated in the realization of this great project.

It has always been easier for a powerful nation to initiate the massive projects that secured immortality for its greats and the not so great. Thus, after the rise and fall of the many empires that came and went since the Egyptians, you find that Great Britain was producing most of the immortals till about the early decades of the twentieth century when America inherited the mantle. Despite the fact that the natural heir to greatness was Germany, it happened that greatness came to America because of the confluence of circumstances, some of which were random and some were planned.

The most important random event that made America possible was the discovery of its landmass by mariners who were looking for a shorter route to India. Many smaller events followed, making it convenient for the crucial inventions that happened in Europe – such as the internal combustion engine and the wireless – to find a more fertile and more hospitable home in America on which to develop and to grow. This rendered America the force that denied Germany the greatness it was about to secure for itself in the heart Europe. Added to that randomness were the deliberate events that the British fabricated, such as Winston Churchill who pushed America to initiate the Cold War. This allowed Britain to use America as a cash cow and a workhorse to help extend the life of Britain if not as the number one power in the world; at least as a co-occupier of that position.

And while Britain was able to make America do the dirty work for it by influencing it from the outside, a group of people describing themselves as being of the newly invented Jewish ethnicity, were able to infiltrate the American centers of political power and culture from where they blocked any and every criticism to themselves while securing their right to attack and destroy anyone who may be tempted to stand in their way. The result has been that they effectively used American democracy to kill American democracy, a move they made with the aim of using American power to spread throughout the world a brand of Jewish autocracy they mislabeled democracy; a trick they lately admitted was meant to allow them taking control of the world.

The Brits first saw the Jews as rivals and tried to fight them but gave up the open struggle when convinced that they will not defeat their rivals, so they shifted gear to do something else. They adopted the very British thing of pretending to collaborate with the Jews; a ruse that everyone, including the Jews, know is an attempt to identify the Jewish weaknesses. When this is done, they plan to pounce on the Jews and neutralize them – all of which is a plan that the Jews themselves are preparing to unleash on the Brits. And this makes the whole sordid scene look like two scorpions circling each other looking for the right moment to sting the other and finish it off.

In the midst of this soap opera of the human condition, new walls constantly appear and disappear on which the great, the semi-great and the ordinary try to leave their graffiti to say to posterity that they were here participating in this project, and have earned the right to secure immortality for themselves. And while this is going on, you have a group of people trying to upgrade their own position by restoring to America the luster it once had; a luster that kept fading each time that the Jews managed to score a success. And that's because the game they play is a zero-sum game where Jewish gains are balanced by American losses.

To counteract that reality and pull the wool over the eyes of an American public that began to turn anxious, the Jews reached into their magic hat and pulled from it a trick they told the Americans was a surefire winner. They told them that if enough of them ran around saying that America was exceptional, America will become exceptional again, and no one will catch up with it. Well, ordinary Americans did not buy this crap but those who make a living running off the mouth on radio or television bought the crap and made use of it. They are the ones who now run around chanting: America is exceptional and so am I.

And the walls became so tired of that shenanigan; you could not talk to them anymore, let alone write graffiti on them to keep for posterity. And they preferred to fade themselves out of existence than carry something as meaningless as that.

It is not clear what Bolton, Kassen and Rosenberg the Jews; as well as Ferguson the Brit will do now to scratch their names on the vanishing wall of immortality, even if America manages by some miracle to escape being swallowed by the bottomless sinkhole of AIPAC.