Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Weasel Lost, now the Running Dogs Bark

Imagine going to a flea market and walking between the stands looking for something interesting to buy. One of the vendors calls you and says he has something to sell that will knock your socks off when you get to see it. Full of anticipation, you stand there waiting for him to show you what he has that is appealing to such a high degree. But the guy takes his time – a very long time – giving you a lecture on astrophysics.

Eventually, you get tired of the sound of his voice, and ask him to show you what it is that he is selling. He stops talking, opens a bag, pulls from it a dozen ties and says he'll give you a good deal if you buy them all. You ask what the connection is between the ties and the lecture, and he says there is no connection. It's just that he studied astrophysics in college, and he wanted to impress you before making his pitch. You walk away cursing him for wasting you time.

Believe it or not, my friend, this is what the debate about bombing Iran into the Stone Age has been reduced to in America. And you have two characters to thank for this development. One is Robert P. George who is professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University. The other is Michael Stokes Paulsen who is university chair and professor of law at the University of St. Thomas. Together, they authored an article under the title: Authorize Force Now” and the subtitle: “Congress should deter Iran's nuclear ambitions by authorizing, now, the president to use military action.” It was published on February 26, 2014 in National Review Online.

What you see in the title and the subtitle is what they are selling. It is to start something now that will serve as a first step for a mission-creep that will culminate in embroiling America in yet another war against a Muslim country – which is an old Judeo-Israeli dream. The debate itself was conducted by the weasels of the Jewish lobby for a long time. They lost it so now, they got their running dogs to reopen it and tackle it from another angle; this time the legal angle.

The two authors are jurists and their legal argument sounds as solid as a lecture on astrophysics delivered by someone that studied the subject. The trouble is that their argument is no more related to the call for going after Iran than the lecture on astrophysics is related to a dozen ties on sale. In fact, the authors go on and on talking about the right of the President versus the right of the Congress as stated by the provisions of the Constitution but in the end, they say no more now than what was said before on the subject matter that is pertinent to the Iranian question.

And what was said before is that Iran must be coerced at the negotiating table, to which the two authors have added nothing that is new. They don't say why this is important, but the reason is apparent to everyone that has been observing the situation for a time now. It is that when a Muslim is coerced, the folks at the Jewish lobby get turned on. And being turned on is something they have not experienced for sometime now, and they worry they may be losing their manhood. They want America to help them regain confidence in themselves.

The pattern has always been that when the Jewish leaders call for something and see it done, they consider it the first step in a long journey for which there is no end because the Jewish way never sets a goal, an exit strategy or a plan B. And getting caught in a never ending war is what most people speculate will happen if America listened to them and complied with their demand. Simply stated, most people don't trust what the Jews are promising, and expect the worst.

The Jewish counter argument, however, is to the effect that the Iranians are the ones not to be trusted. They speculate that Iran is buying time while secretly building the bomb. When this is completed, the Iranians will do more mischief in the region and the world, say the Jews.

Which of the two is more trustworthy? Well, the record speaks for itself: The Iranians have delivered on every promise they made; the Jews have reneged on every promise they made then got running dogs to bark for them.