Friday, May 9, 2014

Cut the umbilical Cord to save the Mother

While the destructive Jewish influence in America has many aspects, it is possible to pick out a number of faces and consider them icons of America's slow motion apocalypse. One of these faces is John R. Bolton who has been consistent at telling America she must sacrifice herself for the glory of Israel, and relentless at showing her how to do just that.

Every time that Bolton opens his mouth, he does so to explain what America must do to serve Israel; and every time he writes something, he does it to air the false message that what is good for Israel is good for America … also what threatens Israel threatens America and the world. His latest piece of writing came under the title: “Syria is a sideshow” and was published in the New York Post on May 5, 2014.

He is following in this article the formula he has adopted for a time now which is to begin by saying that the sky is falling. He blames the Obama administration for the troubles he sees festering in the Middle East, and attributes them to what he says the administration is doing and not doing. This said, he describes what is being done, and calls it the wrong thing for America to do. Thus, he recommends another course of action, which is to stand up to Iran, Israel's chosen enemy for the day. It is the same old wine in the same old bottle.

Having said that Syria was a sideshow, he explains how it got to be that, before he goes on to tackle the subject of Iran's threat. And this is how he explains Syria: “When Assad's opponents took to the streets, many in Washington believed he would fall quickly. When Assad cracked down, those same observers predicted his rapid defeat. When Assad fought back ruthlessly, they called for arming the rebels. When the rebels became dominated by terrorist groups, the observers went largely silent.” A chain of errors by people who knew not what they were talking about, according to John Bolton.

However, the one crucial point he does not mention in that explanation is that the situation in the Middle East has been the exclusive preoccupation of Jews for the past half century. This means it must be understood that anyone speaking on the related subjects is either Jewish or has been indoctrinated by them as to the talking points from which no deviation is tolerated. These people would be the sort you see parade on the Fox News channel – the type that worships or pretends to worship the Boltons of this world. And they happen to be the ones who committed the chain of errors he is now complaining about. Go figure.

He also neglects to mention the possibility that in the same way those advisers turned out to be wrong; his own advice could just as well turn out to be useless. Instead of doing that, he points out what he says were the reasons why everyone else failed, and he goes on to give his own advice on how to remedy the situation. But guess what; his remedy is not really a remedy, it is a bridge that takes him from the description of the current situation as he laid it out to where he wants to go. And this happens to be the warning that Iran is a threat to America and the world, therefore a country that must be opposed to the end.

Look how he does that over the next four paragraphs: “Obama and rebel supporters have consistently misunderstood what's actually going on … It was delusional from the start to think we had anything like common interest with Russia … Even more mystifying was Obama's unwillingness to acknowledge the underlying reality in Syria: Assad has long been effectively a satellite of Tehran.” So there you have it, the bridge is now complete, and he can talk about Iran – his intention all along.

He prepares the groundwork for telling what he wants to see Obama implement. He does so by first putting Obama on the defensive. Here is this part: “Obama either refused to see Tehran's dominance or feared to confront it.” And here is what he wants to see implemented: “an effective US Middle East policy must recognize that Syria is a strategic sideshow. The real threats come from … Iran through its pursuit of nuclear weapons … Instead of focusing on overthrowing Assad, we should be pursuing regime change in Iran.” It was a long journey but in the end, he got to where the formula told him he ought to be after all will have been said, and all will have been done.

Had it not been for the well documented history of the Jews panicking every time that a neighbor of Israel achieved progress in technology or economic development, this latest drive to have America destroy Iran would have come and gone with little fanfare and no public interest. But coming after a tall stack of interference to sabotage the progress of Israel's neighbors, the story took on a life of its own to become what it is today.

It all started with the Aswan hydroelectric station in Egypt six decades ago when the Jews pressured America to pressure the World Bank to do what it can to block the project. After that came the destruction of the Iraqi civilian nuclear power station, the repeated bombing of the infrastructures in Lebanon and Gaza, the bombing of an irradiation station in Syria and, of course, the current Jewish rage over Iran's progress in nuclear energy. It is a manifestation of the age old Jewish menace rearing its ugly head to remind the world what evil looks like.

And every time that Israel has committed a criminal act of that magnitude, it embroiled America into it as if the baby could drag the mother into the abyss by pulling on the umbilical cord. With money, weapons and diplomatic cover flowing from America to Israel as dispatched by the congress of imbeciles, Israel has obtained the means to commit crimes against humanity which are beginning to stick to America herself. The mother is now made to feel the effect of the abyss.

Bolton mentions Alexander Haig who said something about going to the source. This is what the world is doing now: going to the source where it holds America to account for her complicity in the crimes committed by her baby; the monstrosity that is Israel.

Cut the umbilical cord, America or perish with the monstrous baby that is pulling you into the abyss.