Saturday, May 31, 2014

Europe's fault Line that is not Europe's fault

Much has been written about the election results to the European Parliament, and most of that had to do with Europe's apparent drift towards the extreme right of the political spectrum. The latest example is the article written by Matthew D'Ancona, who is based in England but whose piece “Europe's Dangerous New Fault Line” has appeared in the New York Times on May 31, 2014.

There is a fault line alright, and not just in Europe but in all of what has come to be called the “West.” This is basically Europe, North America and Australia – more specifically the fault line exists in the English language media outlets published in those places. What you find in those outlets is advice that is the exact opposite of what should be done and what should not be done.

To understand this, let us agree that there is a difference between countries such as America which is made of immigrants, and the countries of Europe where people have a more pronounced sense of ethnic identity. That is, the Americans will, in general, accept the “other” more readily than the Europeans. Despite that, every wave of new immigrants coming from any part of the world was discriminated against by the existing population in America, even by those of the same ethnicity but had been in the country for two generations or longer.

With time, however, the locals got used to the Irish, the Poles, the Italians, the Asians, the Latinos, the Russians, the Muslims and what have you … all except the Jews. Even at the height of the cold war when the news and entertainment industries were having a field day depicting the Russians as dangerous villains out to obliterate America using all sorts of horrific weapons, the animosity shown by the general public toward the Russians was almost non existent.

The same was true with the Asians whose mafia-like gangs were wreaking havoc in America, but whose antics never threatened the general population enough to shake it. And then came the events of 9/11, and you would think that the Muslims were treated so badly they wanted to leave America and go live somewhere else. But no, according to several studies – many conducted by Jewish organizations – the level of hatred toward the Jews in America has remained six or seven times higher than toward the Muslims.

Why is that? You get a hint as to the answer from the way that Matthew D'Ancona ends his article. He says this: “What separates statesmanship from the routine practice of politics is the courage to take the risks of plain speaking and decisive action when they have to be taken. Europe needs such statesmanship now.” He is asking the politicians to turn into statesmen by speaking plainly and by taking decisive action. Has such request been made before? Yes, it has been made all the time, in fact. Who made it? The Jews did. What did they want? They wanted that the various governments explain to their people all matters which are sensitive to the Jews such as the special treatment given to them and to Israel.

And when the politicians agree to this, the Jewish leaders scan the nation to pick the incidents, the places and the moments when they will want the politicians to “speak plainly and act decisively.” One such place and time would be the denial of the Holocaust … but worse than that, it would be the mere questioning of “the scale of the Holocaust,” as mentioned in the D'Ancona article. And if you think that the Holocaust is such a sensitive issue with the Jews such that anything related to it causes them to overreact, you would be wrong. The reality is that they overreact to everything no matter how small it is. They do so to quash the thing right away because, in their mind, anything that is done is done deliberately, and meant to lead to the extermination of the Jews. It always boils down to an existential matter to them.

Thus, having had the field all to themselves at a time when there was no “political correctness,” and they were free to call the Arabs “mad dogs,” “wounded animals” and “cockroaches deserving extermination by insecticide,” they did not tolerate an article I wrote in which I explained that Egypt was not as bad as portrayed; something I did without mentioning the Jews or Israel. And the punishment for that has been a lifelong blacklisting of everything I wrote, and the denial of any job I could have gotten that would have facilitated telling my story to the world. And this situation has lasted for close to half a century now with no end in sight.

People in Europe, America, the West and everywhere else in the world do not need to hear stories like mine to develop a deep visceral fear and loathing for the Jews. The human instinct allows them to sense what Judaism is all about, and the fear that is generated as to what the Jew is capable of doing to them, repels them away from these people whether they are Caucasian, Middle Eastern looking or Black skinned Jews.

This should lead us to conclude that in time, the Europeans will learn to live with immigration as did the Americans, but they will never accept the Jewish demands to be treated with special care anymore than the Americans do now. And the more that the Jews will ask for special treatment because they are singled out, the more they will be singled out for hate.