Saturday, May 17, 2014

Skunks protesting their own foul Smell

The Wall Street Journal, its audio-visual affiliate; the Fox News Network – together with a bunch of other New York publications – all of which may be classified as being run by neocons, are getting louder in their whine about something they started, and is now boomeranging on them.

The neocons are the new conservatives – given this name because they once had a liberal bent but have turned coat to now look conservative. And no one turns coat more often than the Jews, something they do, not when they become convinced that the color of the coat no longer suits their stance, but when they deem it more profitable to display a new color. And they will stay with the new till such time they deem it more profitable to turn the coat back to its original side. The truth is that these people are of the forever-rotating turncoat variety, not of the type that adheres to a principle of any kind.

As liberals, they stank the North American Continent with the foul smell of an absolute sort of autocracy at which time they indoctrinated the public to what they called Jewish sensitivities. And this meant that (a) no one but the Jews could talk about the subjects they monopolized; one of them being the Holocaust; (b) no one could say something political about Israel except to praise that piece of dog poop in the Mediterranean; (c) no one could talk about Israel's enemies except to say something bad about them … and so on and so forth. They started a movement that came to be known as “political correctness”.

They made their autocratic rule stick by getting the feeble minds in the existing democratic apparatus take up their causes for them. To do this, they convinced the suckers in the relevant institutions that they had a glorious mission to accomplish. They added that everyone was welcome to become a part of the effort and share in the glory of the great accomplishments to be realized. They infiltrated the press and used it as a weapon to intimidate the legislators, blackmailing them into coming to their side. This done they went after the people occupying the strategic positions in the executive branch and blackmailed them into submission.

By the time the Jews had accomplish all this, their reputation as a people that never lose had spread everywhere in North America. They could now walk into any courtroom, tell the judge what they wanted, and the judge would give them twice what they asked for. As well, every televangelist with a hand in the pants of a woman that was not his wife, or had a hand in the pants of a man or those of a child – dropped to their knees not to pray to God but to genuflect in front of their Jewish masters, promising to tell their flocks that the Jews were their gods. They did that eventually on the air for their flocks to learn, and for the world to see and hear. This is how the Jews became the exclusive owners of North America in less than three generations. Now the Christian children of America grow up believing that to be successful in their own country they must position themselves to be an appendix to a Jew. Otherwise they might as well learn to live under a bridge, and eat from garbage cans.

What the Jewish organizations running the propaganda machine and hatching the conspiracies did not count on – given that it takes the IQ of at least a monkey to make this kind of judgment – was that ordinary people were going to say what's good for the Jew is good for me. In fact, the people wanted the things that the Jew was getting, and they went after them. Thus, to have started “political correctness” became the legacy of the Jews; one that is now the very thing that the Wall Street Journal, its audio-visual affiliate; the Fox News Network and a bunch of other New York publications – are whining about. It is the story of the skunk that complains about the stink he spread everywhere on this Continent.

You can see a sample of the moaning they do by reviewing the Daniel Henninger article which came under the title: “Bonfire of the Humanities” and the subtitle: “Christine Lagarde is the latest ritualistic burning of a college-commencement heretic.” It was published in the Wall Street Journal on May 14, 2014. After citing recent examples of people that were barred from giving commencement speeches at universities, Henninger explains the history of the phenomenon not as it happened but as he wishes it did.

He tells the story of a Leftist German philosopher he does not name, one that was supposed to have taught at Brandeis University. He accuses him of saying things like: many Conservative ideas are immoral and deserve to be suppressed. After that, the idea gathered unlimited energy, says Henninger, and spread to all campuses like wildfire. Well, my friend, this is a typical cheap trick employed by the Wall Street Journal to hide the truth. And the truth will be found on this website by those who will spend the time to go as far back as 2007 and search in the archives. It was the time I joined the ongoing struggle to eradicate the Jewish autocratic disease of political correctness from the face of this Continent.

The Jews were barring people like Desmond Tutu from speaking in America. They dissed at least one former President – Jimmy Carter – when he tried to speak his mind. They were barring universities from publishing books that did not praise the phony achievements of Israel. And they were barring the publication of books that did not badmouth or belittle the achievements of the Arab and Muslim countries. In short, their autocratic movement had borrowed the worst of Nazism, Fascism and Communism, rolled all into one, and made it the law of the land – some of which was coded into statutes, and some of which was adhered to by force of habit and by tradition.

Now look at the gall of Daniel Henninger – that said not one word when Norman Finklestein's application for tenure was mauled by the likes of Alan Dershowirz – who writes the following in his current article: “The ability of aggrieved professors to concoct ideas and words that violated political correctness got so loopy that the phrase itself became satirical – though not so funny to profs denied tenure. Offensive books were banned and history texts rewritten to conform.” Do you believe that as witnesses to history, Daniel Henninger and the Wall Street Journal as an organization have shown they harbor even a shred of integrity?

No. These people are the mutilators of history. Anything they say must be looked at with suspicion. Anything they write must be dealt with like toxic lies.