Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Tricks to make Israel America's Priority

At the very moment when it is discovered that America has been neglecting her veterans, the Israelis are getting together with World Jewry and the American Jewish lobby to fleece what is left in the military budget of the superpower. They plan to hatch their plot by telling the congress of low life disgusting animals in DC that their priority must never be America's wounded children, but the ability of Israel's terrorists – posing as a defense force – to kill the children of their Arab neighbors.
The Israelis who, not long ago, were asking for something like 600 million dollars to develop a fictitious anti-rocket shield they once called the Iron Dome, have stopped vaunting this piece of garbage in favor of adopting the old trick of crying that Israel ran out of money to train its recruits, and will soon find itself in danger. So the question: How much money do they need to protect themselves? And guess what – it happens to be just by coincidence, the hefty sum of 600 million dollars.

But the truth about Israel is told in a recent report issued by the Taub Center in Israel which says that poverty in that wretched place has reached the 35 percent level. This is because the money coming into the joint from worldwide donations (and made to look like the GDP of a “viable” state) is no longer used to feed the population but used for two other purposes. First, the money is used to commit the criminal act of confiscating Palestinian land on which they build settlements to acquire more freakish Jews who can no longer make a living in America or elsewhere in the Western world. Second, super luxurious dwellings are built in what is called Israel proper to serve as cottages where the Jewish moguls who usually live in foreign lands go to spend their vacation time.

And when those freakish Jews reach Israel where they discover a situation different from what they were promised, they take matters in their own hands. They discover that the promise they were given to the effect that they will be looked after when they get there was – not about manna from the sky but a pie in the sky. And so they react in the typical criminal fashion of taking it on those who cannot defend themselves.

Their latest acts of criminal mischief made use of the occasion that the Pope will soon visit the Holy Land. They defaced the offices of the Vatican in East Jerusalem with hateful graffiti, proclaiming among other things: “Death to the Arabs and to all Christians.” And they staged mass riots during which time they attacked the Notre Dame Center – which is also a property of the Vatican – as well as mosques, Arab owned cars and their other properties both in Israel proper and in the occupied territories.

And while all of that is happening in the Middle East, the American veterans of wars that were planned for and executed by those who call themselves “children of Holocaust survivors” have come home with physical and mental wounds that cannot be cured by Jewish sorcery. They need money – large sums of money – that would bankrupt the Pentagon if it had to budget for it. The consequence is that something extraordinary must be done for these veterans, and you see a suggestion of that ... an opinion piece written by Betsy McCaughey who has had a checkered political past of her own.

While the Israelis are preparing for a big push in the congress of disgusting animals to appropriate 600 million dollars for them, the piece by McCaughley calls on that same congress to do the right thing, but she presents her ideas in a manner that rivals the congress in sheer disgust. The article has the title: “Give veterans the care they earned” and was published in the New York Post on May 13, 2014.

McCaughley suggests that congress pass a one-page bill that would add a “red/white/blue plan for vets only, with no premiums or deductibles for any vet who has been in combat.” This is the right thing to do but look how this lousy as congress creature starts her piece: “Leave it to President Obama to enact comprehensive health reform and overlook the plight of 8.5 million veterans.” Well, my dear lady, Obama brought them home alive. It is now in the congress that the next chapter of this melodrama will play itself out.

Look closely to what will develop, and you'll see a congress gridlocked as usual when it comes to doing something for Americans; and see those dogs bite each other's backs to be first at genuflecting in from of their Jewish master, overdoing one another at trying to send the largest sum of money to those who deface and attack Vatican properties in the Holy Land, and kill Arab and Christian babies in their mothers' arms.