Friday, June 20, 2014

A fake Democracy Agenda started all this

In the world of opera you know you're coming near the end of the play when you see the fat lady prepare to sing. In the world of punditry, you know you're coming near the end of the current episode when you see the fat liars accuse the honest guys who come to clean up of feinting. This happens because throughout the play, the liars will have proposed one fake strategy after another to reach one fake goal or another ... but all the strategies fail, and not one goal is ever reached.
It all ends with the advent of the cleaners because the real aim of the liars would have been to implement an agenda they kept hidden from the public while feinting a lofty goal such as the rule of law and democracy when in reality the only rule they were seeking to implement was their peculiar brand of autocracy disguised as democracy. When nothing they called for ever worked, and when all things got messier by the day, the public called on the cleaners to come and clean up which they did, but the liars continue to stand in the way, accusing the cleaners of feinting a false strategy.

This is what is happening at this time in America with regard to the Iraq episode where the fat liars of the Wall Street Journal are accusing the Obama cleaners of maneuvering to do something that is insignificant in its own right while the liars push for the implementation of the same old agenda which is to involve America in a never ending war against the Arabs; against the Muslim world behind them or against the whole wide world behind the Muslims if it will come to that.

All of that is expressed in the editorial of the Wall Street journal that came under the title: “Obama's Iraq Feint” and the subtitle: “Public maneuvering to dump Maliki is likely to backfire.” It was published on June 20, 2014 in the Journal. Like it says in the subtitle, the pretense here is that they oppose the dumping of Maliki, but there is very little of this in their 850-word presentation. What you find instead is an articulation of their old agenda, encapsulated in this: “...the battlefield defeat of ISIS. We would support that goal if the Administration were serious about committing the resources and time to achieve it.” They made sure to mention the resources, which means heavy military involvement; and mention time because what they have in mind is perpetual war.

In pushing that same old agenda, they seize on President Obama's announcement to the effect that he has embarked on what they call an “exquisite policy calibration” about which they ask the question: “What does the President intend to accomplish – other than to offer the appearance of action and Strategy?” No, it is not the appearance of something; it is the reality of cleaning up the mess that was started when the so-called children of Holocaust survivors decided to unleash their hate on humanity by plotting for and igniting the war on the people of Iraq based on a big fat lie they fabricated with the help of their cohorts worldwide.

Having accused Obama and his team of cleaners of harboring intent they do not have, and having made the point they would support a heavy and perpetual military operation in the Middle East, they go on to build a case for that operation by invoking the same old fears – that America will face an existential threat if it did not adopt their war plan right away.

Gone are the fake arguments to the effect that what the Middle East needs is a democracy agenda as articulated by George W. Bush, and gone is the sickly contention to the effect that: “Zey know nossing about za damacracy of za Shamir,” all of which are now replaced with this: “The creation of an al-Qaedastan stretching across central Syria and Iraq and commanding sizable military and economic resources represents a direct threat to the U.S., irrespective of domestic Iraqi or regional considerations.”

In other words, the Jewish and Israeli masters who dragged America into the swamp of Jewish horror based on the idea of a fake democracy and the rule of law, turned out to be a ruse that committed America to a course of action they now say will represent a mortal danger if America did not continue on the same path that got it to this point in the first place.

These people never stop until they are put out of action violently. Someone should save them from themselves.