Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Never has a vice President betrayed so gravely

Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz Cheney wrote an article under the title: “The Collapsing Obama Doctrine” and the subtitle: “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” It was published on June 18, 2014 in the Wall Street Journal.

The trouble is that at no time do they attempt to define the Obama Doctrine, and the resulting effect is that they have produced an article of meandering rant which says nothing useful. They begin the meander by repeating the use of a trick everyone of their ilk has been using lately. It is to remind everyone that president Obama said the tide of war is receding, and fault him for that because they see shooting somewhere in the world, and this makes it so that the tide of war is not receding, according to them.

And right now, they say, the shooting is done by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) who are black-clad jihadists taking territory “once secured by American blood.” They add this is proof that “America's enemies are not decimated [but] emboldened and on the march.” And this raises the question: From whom was territory secured for which American blood was shed? ISIS was not there when Cheney and his entourage made of the “Children of Holocaust survivors” put young Americans in harm's way for no reason except that it was the wish of World Jewry, Israel and the American Jewish lobby … the demonic trio that sucked America dry.

That performance attracted al-Qaeda and now ISIS. But how did Cheney and other non-Jewish Americans got suckered by arguments put out by the trio of demons? They got suckered because the trio said that Israel was going to protect America. But all that Israel did was create the sort of problems that put America itself into trouble each and every time. The trio then called on America to go rescue Israel; and when America did, it set off dynamics in the region that put America in situations with no solutions. And this is where we're at now.

And guess what. It is only now that Jewish and non-Jewish Americans as well as Jews everywhere else in the world are beginning to recognize that Israel's actions in the region are the direct causes that put America in danger. Even Dick and Liz Cheney have wakened up to this reality. In their words: “The safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the United States.” And after chiding Obama for not hopping hysterically the way that Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove used to hop when a child of Holocaust survivors told them to hop – the father and daughter team write the following: “He [Obama] seems unaware of the fact that a resurgent al Qaeda presents a danger to America.” Well, at least they say a “resurgent al Qaeda” which means they recognize that al Qaeda was there, then wasn't there when Obama noticed it wasn't, then was there again.

Not knowing what they are doing, the two authors try to reinforce that view by reaching way beyond what they can grasp. Thus, they go on to say: “al Qaeda in Iraq had been largely defeated … Mr. Obama had only to negotiate an agreement to leave behind some residual American forces.” They do not say that the agreement was rejected by the Iraqis because they were holding the stronger hand, and they wanted a better deal for themselves. But now that they have a weak hand, they have asked the Americans to come and help.

Thus, now is the time that Obama will negotiate a good deal for America. It means that the president who did not hop hysterically when the Jews said hop, has placed America in the strongest possible position by staying cool and thoughtful. This is contrary to the suggestion made by the father and daughter team of imbeciles to the effect that “we are watching American defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.” These two would not know their jaws from holes in their anatomies. They are a disgrace like no father and daughter have ever been.

And while they could not define the Obama Doctrine they purported to discuss, they have defined their own doctrine by what they say they want to see happen in the world. Here is one of their wishes: “Despite clear evidence of the dire need for American leadership around the world...” What this means is that Cheney and Cheney wish to see America take possession of the world, and hand it over to the likes of Paul Wolfowitz – the poster child of Holocaust survivors – to rule over like he ruled over America during the W. Bush years.

Not on your life, Dick. Not on your life, Liz. The world will not stand for it.