Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Lesson they never learn

The editors of National Review Online (NRO) say: “the world’s organized hostility to Israel would be funny if…” Well, the funny thing is that these editors believe the world can organize around one issue. Maybe they could tell us when such thing began to happen, and how to maintain it if that's possible. Furthermore, the word funny used in this context means that it is ridiculous of the editors to hold such belief.

Another thing that is ridiculous in what the editors are saying is the implication that Israel is so above reproach, it is correct in everything it does, while all of humanity is at fault for not appreciating this absolute truth. And you can see how the editors endeavor to articulate those points in the piece they wrote under the title: “A Wicked Act,” published on June 24, 2014 in NRO.

Those who have some understanding of history know that the people who think of themselves in such terms prove to be wrong every time. And the consequences are such that these people end up paying a heavy price for their folly. In fact, this principle is so unbreakable, no amount of spin can violate it and yet, spinning the readers is what the editors try to do in the piece they wrote.

The spin is based on three legs: the dictatorship and terror of others, and the democracy of Israel. Well, slowly but surely, the world began to understand that the countries which take in immigrants can only have a system that looks like a democracy, or no one will come settle in them. Thus, voting is adopted in those countries to give them the aura of being democracies, but what happens after that varies from country to country. In Israel, for example, the newcomers have the right to vote but not the indigenous population. And what they vote on concerns the question of how to deal with the indigenous people they maintain under occupation, so as to convince the world their system is not apartheid but an acceptable form of democracy.

All that aside, people everywhere on the planet judge a nation not by its adherence to one system or another but by the culture which makes its people tick. And the trait considered to be a heavyweight in the passing of judgment on someone, is what they think of themselves. In this regard, the thing that most people in the world find revolting is the tendency of someone to think of themselves as being different and above everyone else. This being the trait that identifies the Jews as a group, and that group being what Israel is made of, Israel has become a pariah in the eyes of the world.

This being the case, the belief of the Israelis and their supporters that Israel is correct one hundred percent, and that the world is at fault one hundred percent, adds to the sense of hostility that the world feels towards Israel. Thus, the organizers of the hostile sentiment are not the world – as implied by the editors of NRO – but the Israelis themselves and those who support them unconditionally. And the more that these people labor to embellish the image of Israel, the more they accentuate the very things that revolt the world about Israel.

And one of those things is the relationship that Israel maintains not only with the indigenous population of Palestine but also the neighboring Arab states. Long before the world had recognized the nature of the Jewish-Israeli character, the neighbors had sensed the nature of those who were parachuted in their midst. It was, therefore, inevitable that they be the first to develop resentment if not hostility towards the invaders. The response of the Israelis was not to express humility, and to seek accommodation with the Palestinians and the neighboring Arab states, but to call on the foreign powers to come and “humiliate” everyone in the region so that the Jews may “defend” themselves and avoid annihilation.

Furthermore, being fixated on the notion that the best defense is an offense, the Israelis never stopped carrying out offensive acts against the people of Palestine whose lands and properties they looted, and against the Arab neighbors whose water and other resources they coveted. They began by launching terror attacks against the British forces in Palestine, and they never stopped terrorizing the local population as well as the surrounding states, reaching as far away as Iraq. And now that they cannot reach Iran, they put in motion the machinery they spent half a century building inside America to get that country to do the work for them in Iran.

They did manage to mobilize America under George W. Bush to do that same sort of work in Iraq but they are having a hard time duplicating the success with regard to Iran. And the world that was convinced at the time that Israel and America represented the worst danger to the world is today convinced that Israel remains the number one terrorist state. And the more that the Jewish propaganda machine tries to label others as being terrorists, the more that the world becomes convinced that the Jews are required by religious dogma to be a terrorist bunch dedicated to the implementation of a terrorist agenda called Armageddon.

And this is why institution by institution from every corner of the world is coming around to joining the act that stands out as a banner to democracy. They vote with their pocketbook to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel so as to send a message to the people and the leaders over there that they must change.

But true democracy being anathema to the Jewish character, these people and those leaders are fighting it by faulting the whole world which, by definition, puts them above the world.

Here we go again because it is the lesson they never learn.