Friday, June 13, 2014

Satanic Plan causing Chaos and Mayhem

Much has been said and written already about the situation in the Middle East, and much will be said and written in the coming weeks and months. Lest America be fooled again and dragged into the Jewish swamp that has no bottom, I offer a backgrounder that should be read with three current articles on the subject.

These are: One, “Who lost Iraq? The Iraqis did, with an assist from George W. Bush” by Fareed Zakaria, published in the Washington Post on June 12, 2014. Two, “Prime Minister Maliki Panics as Insurgents Gain” by the editors of the New York Times, published on June 13, 2014. Three, “The Big Burn – The Sunni-Shiite Conflict Explodes in Iraq” by David Brooks, published in the New York Times on June 13, 2014.

In Christian theology, it is held that being a fallen angel and not a God, Satan cannot create something … able only to work his mischief on what God has created, thus causing the chaos and mayhem which are his specialty. And this is certainly true of the Jewish leaders who could not come up with anything original anywhere they went but were able to take advantage of the existing local conditions to cause the chaos and mayhem that have served their various purposes since time immemorial.

Chaos and mayhem is what we have in the Middle East at this time, and have been for a while. They served the Jewish purpose for as long as they lasted but now seem poised to boomerang on the most cherished of the Jewish purposes; the ability of Israel to make American power work for it and for the Jews in that part of the world. Having successfully exploited the political condition in nineteenth century Britain, World Jewry – as it came to be called – was able to obtain the Balfour Declaration about securing a homeland for the Jews in a Palestine that was a British colony at the time.

The Jews of the world then began to exploit the condition in Palestine in which they smuggled scores of heavily armed European Jews who robbed the unarmed Palestinian peasants of their properties. This went on for several decades at a time when the British authorities could not protect the Palestinians due to their involvement in the First and Second World Wars. In fact, the Jewish operation in Palestine was backed by beastly Jewish terrorism conducted not only against the Palestinians but also against the British.

Meanwhile, the Jews foresaw the real possibility that the British dominance of the world was coming to an end, and that other powers will soon be wearing Britain's mantle. To prepare themselves for that day, they cultivated their relationships with both the Soviet Union which adhered to the ideology of Karl Marx the Jew, and with America which was mistakenly predicted by Karl Marx to be the first country to adopt his Communist philosophy. At the same time, the Jews looked at the condition in the Middle East as it had been concocted by the Anglo-French Sykes-Picot Agreement, and determined there was much they can exploit there.

And they put together a satanic plan that has worked fairly well for them till now. The core idea was to use American power and prestige to accentuate the divisions between the different ethnic and sectarian groups, a condition that was created by the artificiality of the Sykes-Picot arrangement. Once the trouble began in a country, America would side with the rebel groups battling the government no matter who they are or what they want. After a short while, America would call for a change of regime. If this does not happen by itself, send the military to shock and awe the country into the Stone Age.

Once you take over the country, you dismantle the existing institutions – especially the security apparatus – thus create the right conditions to form a failed state … but then what? Nothing because Satan is not smart enough to have an exit strategy or a plan B. He only knows how to cause chaos and mayhem, but knows not how to fix what he has caused.

You can see this scenario play itself as you read the New York Times editorial that is as good as a child lost in the wilderness. And you can see it in the David Brooks article that tells America to go back into Iraq and replay the tragedy all over again.