Monday, October 6, 2014

After the Flesh, now the Mind-eating Disease

The flesh-eating disease is one of the most dreaded diseases known to man because it remains dormant till it strikes; something it does without warning as if coming out of nowhere. It eats at the flesh of the patient while still alive, and does not stop till treated in a hospital setting – usually by amputating the affected limb. But if a more vital part of the body is affected, the chances are that the patient will die a horrible death.

There is now another disease that is the moral equivalent of the flesh-eating disease. It is the mind-eating disease which is a weapon that was developed according to a blueprint submitted by the age old Jewish ideology. It is designed to kill not the foes of the Jews, but designed to strip the “friends” of the Jews of their human qualities. When this happens, the friends turn into killers and do the work that is ordered by the Jews.

The Jewish mind-eating disease operates on many levels inside a human culture because it is the way it can keep the host nation in a state of high alert. This is important to the Jews because the response to a command instructing the servant nation to do a job depends on the nation's acceptance of its subordinate role. The more widespread is the acceptance among the subjects and the deeper the commitment to serve without hesitation, the better will be the job performance of the servant nation executing the task at hand.

At this point in time, America is the servant most submissive to the will of the Jewish masters, and the most eager to please them. When displayed in public and seen by a non-American observer, the symptoms of the disease cause normal people to bristle with shame for being of the same species. To see an American legislator chide another because he does not profess loudly enough to love Israel enormously, and would serve it slavishly, is as offensive to normal people as watching a human animal telling another: I gave the master my wife and children to rape, and he honored me by raping them. Why are you reluctant to do the same?

To see what else these people will do to please their masters, you may read the New York Times editorial that came under the title: “Reining in Egypt's Military Aid,” published on October 5, 2014. If you begin with the principle that a sound mind is an integrated mind … meaning that such mind has one set of internally produced laws it applies in all situations, you will have to view a mind as being diseased if it breaks this rule to judge all matters according to a double standard.

When reading the editorial of the New York Times, you will realize that the editors are discussing the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel that America has brokered. To reward them both and to encourage them not to break the treaty, America offered an economic package to each; an offer that is itself grotesquely unfair given that Israel with less than 10 percent the population of Egypt has been receiving almost four times as much. This means that on a per capita basis, Israel has been receiving something like 40 times as much as Egypt. But that is beside the point because we are talking about the editors of the New York Times and no one else.

What are they saying that indicates they have been affected by the Jewish mind-eating disease? Before considering that, the readers should know that the people of Egypt want to do away with this so-called program, and wish instead to forge a normal trade and commerce relationship with America such as they have with most other countries. Look now how the editors of the Times began their discussion: “Failing to make significant cuts to the program would be indefensible.” Did they give a reason for that?

Yes, they did. It is this: “The United States is battling extremists in Iraq and SyriaEgypt's authoritarianism could persuade a number of its citizens that violence is the only tool they have to fight back.” In other words, they say that America battling extremists is not the same as Egypt battling extremists because Egypt's action will persuade people that violence is a tool they can use to fight back, whereas America's action will turn the extremists into purring pussycats. Unless, of course, Egypt decides to join America in a coalition to battle the extremists at which time the world will be filled with extreme pussycats produced by the AmerEgypt alliance. Neat huh! Even a six-year-old would appreciate a story like this.

Now a burning question: From where did the editors of the Times get an idea like that? Now a mind boggling answer: They got it when America started fighting the Taliban of Afghanistan, and the Jews advised its W. President that the moral clarity of the Jewish ideology of ambiguity obligates him to call Hamas a terrorist organization. This will allow Israel to declare open season on the Palestinians under the pretext of fighting Hamas, an act that will not stiffen the resistance but will turn all Palestinians into meowing pussycats. Or at least, that was the promise.

And so, Israel has declared open season on the people of Palestine, slaughtering them by the thousands at regular intervals without the editors of the Times ever advising the American administration to reconsider its aid to Israel given that to neglect making significant cuts to the program would be indefensible.

And since that is what the editors said about Egypt which – unlike Israel does not engage in apartheid or genocide – the double standard shows its unmistakable colors. And this says that the Jewish mind-eating disease has been eating at the minds of the New York Times editors.

And if you ask for my opinion, I would say the disease ate the whole thing because there is no sign that something was left behind.