Monday, October 20, 2014

New Euphemism to sustain a perpetual War

As if to atone for the decades of complicity that the New York Times has dedicated to the destruction of millions of lives among innocent Palestinians and other Arabs – all butchered by the world original and so far only plague known as the Judaist ideology – and doing it using American weapons, American financing and American encouragement, the Gray Lady has at long last decided to tell it like it is.

No, the editors did not write an editorial in which they do the mea culpa; they spoke instead in the form that editors use at times to express themselves with clarity. It is to juxtapose a number of writings done by others which (viewed together) tell a story that has a greater value than the sum of its parts. In this case, the editors of the Times published on the same day an article by Tomis Kapitan, and another article by Israel's minister of intelligence, Yuval Steinitz. Together, they expose the Jewish creation of a new euphemism by which the Jews hope to sustain the perpetual war they launched against a human race they despise so very much.

The Tomis Kapitan article has the title: “The Reign of 'Terror'”; that of Yuval Steinitz has the title: “Don't make a Bad Deal With Iran” both of which were published in the New York Times on October 20, 2014. In this work, Kapitan shows conclusively how the creation of a single euphemism such as the word “terrorist” makes it possible for an actual terrorist to commit acts of terror against innocent victims he labels terrorists, by convincing others to join his crusade and fight the terrorists that are not, using acts of terror that are real to the victims but not to the duped participants who believe they are doing God's work.

Tomis Kapitan does not come out and says openly that the Jews are the real terrorists, the Americans are the ones that were duped, or that the Palestinians are the victims. But the narrative which describes the events he uses as examples to make his point, speaks for itself. Thus, even though the writer's comments and conclusions are meant to paint a general sort of picture, the resulting canvas identifies who is who in the story being told.

He ends his article by mentioning the idea of doublethink that George Orwell made use of in his novel 1984. Kapitan says this about it: “in sanctioning the use of modern weaponry to achieve this end, we are effectively advocating the very thing we condemn, and this is closer to doublethink than we should ever be.”

Perhaps stirred up by the sense of the mea culpa, the editors of the New York Times use their newly discovered wisdom to juxtapose the Steinitz article with that of Kapitan. In his work, Steinitz uses a newly minted euphemism to do to the innocents in Iran what the use of the word “terror” did to the Palestinians. The new euphemism is this: “No deal with Iran is better than a bad deal.” Its purpose is to preclude any possibility of ending the perpetual war now raging, and go from there to implement the long term Jewish agenda.

In fact, this is the notion that comes in the title of the article he wrote. He wrote it, yes, but where was he when he wrote it? He was in occupied Jerusalem. That flagrant, huh? Yes, occupation being the culmination of a string of terrorist acts, the Jewish doublethink apparent in the description of Iran as having an “infamous track record of [terror], abusing human rights, calling of [someone else's] destruction, and lying unabashedly about its nuclear program,” is astounding, and out there for the whole world to see.

Steinitz ends his article with this plea: “The Islamic Republic of Iran remains the world foremost threat. We must guarantee that it never obtains nuclear weapons.” The good thing is that the world knows how to treat every utterance that comes out of occupied Jerusalem. Turn the thing around and rephrase it like this, for example: “The presumed Jewish State remains the world's oldest, foremost and only threat. Humanity must guarantee that the Jews never, ever again take control of a country the way they took control of America.

This being the sensible thing to do to find a humane Ultimate Solution to the Jewish problem rather than be presented with the same old Final Solution, it is up to the editors of the New York Times – who contributed so much to the making of the current situation – to reverse themselves and openly advocate the destruction of the apartheid regime in Israel, and the ending of occupation in Palestine.

Let the juxtaposition of these two articles not be the only New York Times act dedicated to the cleaning of the Jewish horror show that the publication has done so much to help create.