Wednesday, October 1, 2014

We must do what his Father failed to do

John Podhoretz says: “President Obama and his administration are running off the rails.” He probably believes it for the simple reason that he does not know what it means to be on the rails or off them. He was never on them because his father never put him there, which makes it the responsibility of all of us to do what his father failed to do. Or at least show him how to get there and stay there.

His latest foray into the world of the grownups and the mature came under the title: “American incompetence in a world spinning out of control,” published in the New York Post on October 1, 2014. Well, the expectation is that this Podhoretz kid will grow up someday and learn that the world has not been spinning out of control in this era of ours anymore than it had in previous eras. And this makes it so that American competence or lack of it has no more bearing on what happens to the world than say, someone wearing black or brown shoes on a Wednesday. The thing is totally irrelevant anyway you look at it.

Still, to get to the conclusion that Obama and his administration are running off the rails, Podhoretz begins with the observation that “an intruder made his way across the White House lawn and through the building.” Guess what John, it happened here in Canada too where no visitors are even allowed to visit the Prime Minister's residence like they do the White House in America.

And do you know what else happened in Canada? Unlike America, the intruder was not stopped by a Secret Service officer on or off duty. He was scared off by the aging Prime Minister who used some kind of kitchen utensil and jabbed him in the ribs with it ... if I remember correctly. Now, tell me, John: Is this news chilling enough for you to represent “a kind of melodramatic movie scenario come true”?

If the answer is no you're not chilled yet, maybe the following will do it. A clown disguised as Usama Bin Laden made it into the royal palace in London, England not long after the 9/11 incident in America. Are you chilled yet? Well, how about this one: The Secret Service in Britain that failed to stop the clown one day, mistook one of the princes for an intruder another day and arrested him inside his own palace. Chilled yet?

Well, listen John, let me advise you that if you're not chilled by these stories but you are by what happened in Washington … there can be only one explanation. It is that you have been wired to see everything relating to the President of your country as inferior while seeing everything foreign as superior. The clinical description for this condition is that you have been brainwashed. The question is by whom? And why? You answer that; I won't.

Another thing that is planted in this kid's head, my friend, is a method of reasoning that has roots in only the Jewish ideology. Here it is expressed in his own words: “This seems to crystallize a more general feeling that stretches from Washington to the far reaches of the globe.” This is a fantasy to the effect that the American President has a magic wand he can wave and make happen anything, anywhere in the world. But Obama is not waving it in his view because he is incompetent. This is why the storm is gathering and why he feels the chill in his spine. The kid needs help – serious, intensive help.

After citing a number of instances at home which he says point to the incompetence of this President, he turns his attention to the international scene where apparently, the storm is gathering … enough of it to chill him. Quoting someone from another publication, he says this: “an airstrike from the coalition nearly hit a command-and-control facility with the moderate rebels that the administration says are America's 'boots on the ground.'”

Well, John Podhoretz is old enough to remember the many instances when “friendly fire” killed American and coalition troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. If a near hit on a friendly installation is going to chill him, it may be that he needs to earn a living in some other fashion. Panic, even by a journalist can be detrimental to the morale of everyone – and that's no way to participate in running a country.

All in all, this kid was not raised to serve his country. He was raised to serve an ideology that originated with the cavemen of biblical times; an ideology that was handed down through the generations to the current one. And the lesson to draw is that he and others like him must be straightened out before they take down the structure of the American superpower, thus endanger the world and everyone in it.

His father should have done this but didn't. We must do it ourselves.